Menstuff® presents writings by Judith Wright, author of There Must Be More Than This: Finding more life, love, and meaning by overcoming your soft addictions
Make a One Decision Not Just a New
Years Resolution Get MORE out of the upcoming year!
Soft Addictions Block New Years Resolutions
The problem with all New Years resolutions is that we expect ourselves, in one fell swoop, to break the habitual cycles we have developed over months, weeks and years. The behaviors we return to again and again like procrastinating, overeating, and watching hours of TV every day cant just be wiped out cold turkey. More than just a bad habit, these behaviors are actually Soft Addictions that are robbing us of the time, money, energy and meaning we deserve.
New Years Resolutions Alone Dont Work
The average New Years resolution lasts just three weeks, and for many of us, thats a stretch. Its not that we dont want to take these behaviors out of our lives, its just that were going about it the wrong way. Trying to make a quick fix every January 1st isnt going to solve the problem. To really make a change in your life to find the MORE in life you are looking for takes more than a New Years resolution. It takes a commitment to achieving the vision you see for your life.
Whats the Difference?
We make New Years resolutions to deal with the surface problems in our lives we want to lose weight, be more organized, make more money and we think that fixing this problem will make us happy. However, even if we do achieve the surface goals, the deeper problems are still looming. Many of us have lost weight or got the right job or guy but have still been unhappy.
Make a One Decision
This year, I challenge you to make more than a resolution, make a One Decision. The One Decision is your commitment to living a life of MORE. We all face the decision between living deep, meaningful lives or surface, unconscious ones. To make lasting change in our lives, we need to commit to one way of living versus another. This is not just a decision. It is the One Decision that determines the quality and direction of our life.
If youre like most people, you probably dont realize that the decision is yours to make. We often go through life thinking, This is just the way it is. It seems the best we can do is get by. We numb ourselves to the pain and just cope or get by. By making a One Decision, you choose to pursue the greater MORE in life, more connection, meaning, fulfillment, and satisfaction. And along the way you find more time, money, and energy.
A One Decision does not mean you will never have Soft Addictions. That isnt the point. But the next time you find yourself mindlessly snacking or procrastinating by gossiping for hours on end, you can recall your one decision and give yourself the opportunity to shift or make a different choice.
A One Decision Example
The expression of a One Decision is personal and unique. But here is an example of how one person expressed her decision.
I have decided. I have made the One Decision. I have decided to live an exceptional life a conscious life, to fulfill my spiritual hungers to live deeply to open myself to all life has to offer and greet it. I have decided to be open to my feelings, to let them wash across my face. A life worth living is one where all experiences are worthy of being experienced. I need not numb myself. I invite it. I choose life!
Making Your One Decision
Here are several steps you can do to make your One Decision.
1. Reflect on your reasons: Find a quiet spot to reflect on why you want to make a One Decision. Why do you want more in life? What soft addictions or failed resolutions are getting in your way? Do you have yearnings you want to fulfill? What excites you?
2. Identify your desires: What do you want ore of in lifemore life, love, meaning, feelings, intimacy, connection, satisfaction, money, energy, passion? What would make your life a well-lived life? Proclaim what you want more of by writing it down.
3. Claim your commitment: Write down your personal commitment. Compose a paragraph expression your One Decision. Use the previous two questions as raw material.
Be inspired with this quote from Jack London:
I would rather be ashes than dust! I would rather that my spark should burn out in a brilliant flame than it should be stifled by dry rot. I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow than a sleepy and permanent planet. The proper function of man is to live, not to exist. I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them. I shall use my time --Jack London
A One Decision is not meant to replace resolutions or the commitment to overcome Soft Addictions, but it is a critical step towards success in achieving resolutions and releasing Soft Addictions. Make this year count. As you start to think about your resolutions, give yourself the gift of a One Decision.
Judith Wright is the national best-selling author. Called one of the most sought after self-help gurus by the San Francisco Chronicle, Judith has appeared on The Today Show, Good Morning American, over 250 radio programs, and in over 30 national magazines and newspapers.
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