7 Little Known Secrets For Making Money and
Saving the World on SCRIBD
When a friend first told me about
Scribd I didnt quite get it.
Although I use the internet, mostly for research,
reading, and e-mail, Im not very savvy about
networking and new technologies. But
when he told me you could easily upload just about
anythingbooks, e-books, articles, research
studiesto Scribd and sell them in the Scribd
store, he got my attention.
Im a writer, researcher, and
psychotherapist and have been helping men and the
women who love them for more than 40 years. I am
founder of www.MenAlive.com, where I share
information about male menopause, irritable male
syndrome, male-type depression, and how to have
successful relationships of all kinds. Ive
written 8 books including international
best-sellers Male Menopause and The Irritable Male
Making money as a writer isnt easy. Every
time I write a book, Im sure that it will
sell a million copies. But the odds are against me.
According to industry statistics there were 1.25
million books published last year. Of that number
850,000 sold fewer than 99 copies for the year.
Only 1.2% of the total new titles sold over 1
million copies (Think Stephen King, Dean Koontz,
John Grisham).
I do sell more than 99 copies a year and you can
find me in most bookstores including Amazon. But
when I sell something on Amazon, I may make 8% of
the $20 cover price. And I have to give 15% of that
to my agent. And I have to wait 6 months until I
get my next royalty check. But, listen to this.
Selling on Scribd, I make 80% of everything I sell
and I get paid immediately.
You cant believe how excited I was when I
got my first e-mail from Scribd telling me that
someone had purchased one of my e-booklets. I had
uploaded it, just a few hours previously.
The e-mail said, Your document Six
Simple Ways to Cure Depression: What Men and Women
Need to Know has been purchased for $1.99.
The total earnings to date for this document is
$1.34. Now $1.34 may not seem like much, but
it was my first sale and I was proud. Selling
something youve written, hours after
youve written it, is like nothing else
Ive ever experienced. Ive gotten many
more notices like this one and each one is a source
of excitement and joy.
But wait, theres more. Not only do I get
quick cash from selling e-books and articles in the
Scribd store, but I also get a chance to try out
new ideas and see what people find most
interesting. I wrote a two page summary of some
research I was doing on relationship addictions. I
titled it: Is It Love or Love Addiction? Within a
week after posting, it has been read by over 1,000
people. My power point summary of a study I
conducted on depression, Male vs. Female
Depression: Why Men Act Out and Women Act In has
gotten 642 reads in the last week.
Within two months after I joined I have
developed a following of more than 2,000 people.
Each time I post a new article or make a comment,
they receive my post. Its a great way to
reach people who want to know more about the things
Im writing about. Its also a great way
for me to learn about other peoples work that
relates to my own.
Here are the 7 Steps I followed. Im still
learning as I go, but wanted you to have the
benefit of my experiences so far.
Learn about Scribd.
Like learning most things, I started with a
Google search. The first link I checked was
http://www.scribd.com/about where I got a quick
summary from the Scribd site.
Scribd (It rhymes with "ad libbed.") began with
a simple observation that the desire for
self-expression through the written word is as old
as humanity itself. But even with the proliferation
of blogs and other self-publishing tools, there was
no easy way for average people to publish to a
readership of millions. Scribd founders Jared
Friedman and Trip Adler felt that everyone should
be able to share what they know.
Today, Scribd is the largest social publishing
company in the world the website where more
than 60 million people each month discover and
share original writings and documents.
Scribds vision is to liberate the written
word to turn everyone into a publisher and
create the best possible reading experience on the
web and mobile platforms.
With Scribds iPaper document reader,
anyone can easily upload and immediately share
their original works on Scribd.com or any other
website. iPaper transforms "print" files like PDF,
Word or PowerPoint into web document with
all the fonts, layout and artwork that makes your
document unique.
Your work can be shared with Scribd's community
of passionate readers, and because your document is
indexed for search engine optimization, your
screenplay, novel or even sheet music and recipes
can be discovered by the world. At Scribd, we built
a technology thats broken barriers to
traditional publishing and in the process also
built one of the largest readerships in the
Look around and sign up.
Go to www.Scribd.com and check it out. You're
free to browse Scribd and read as many documents as
you like without an account, but if you want to
download an e-book or leave a comment, you'll need
to sign up and log in. But no worries - sign up is
absolutely free! All you need is a valid email
Create a public profile.
This is how people will learn about who you are,
how to reach you, and what your interests are.
Upload a good picture. Write a biography that
highlights your work. Provide website information.
And describe your personal interests. As you get
more involved with Scribd, your profile page
aggregates information about you, your activity,
and your documents. Here your readers can see and
reply to your comments, favorites, and recent
I check out my profile page every day (
www.scribd.com/JedDiamondPhD ). I can see at a
glance what things Ive recently posted and
how many people have read the articles and e-books
Ive uploaded. Today I see that my last
article, Love Addictions for Women Only (and the
Men Who Truly Want to Understand), has been read by
99 people since it was posted 4 days ago.
Upload helpful information to share with
When I looked at all the files I had stored on
my computer I found had some pretty interesting and
helpful information. I had research studies,
e-books, articles, blog posts, power point
presentations. I found that uploading was amazingly
easy. Every page on Scrib has a tab that says,
Upload. When you click on the tab, it
asks if you want to upload to share or
upload to sell. Ive done both. I
want people to have information that will be
helpful. If I can give it away thats great.
If I decide to put a price and sell it, thats
fine as well.
Its easy to search your computer and
upload the files you want. You can even upload
multiple files at once. Once uploaded you can write
a description and pick tag words so
that it is easy to find. If youre selling
your document, you write in the retail price as
well as the sale price (and Scribd automatically
calculates how much a person will save and posts
that on the books sales page). If youre not
sure what price to set, Scribd will suggest a price
based on what others are charging.
Enjoy your Scribd home.
The old saying, theres no place like home,
is true. Your home page is your window
to the world of Scribd. From here I can manage my
documents. I can see how many new people have
subscribed to the Jed Diamond, Ph.D community (So
far 38 new people have joined). It also tells me
that as of today 2,038 people have subscribed.
I learned that there have been 8100 reads of my
various documents since I joined Scribd. This has
been in less than two months. It still amazes me
that so many people read what I have written so
quickly. Since I have a modest desire to help
people and save the world, I feel good when I see
that number go up each day.
I posted a chapter from my new book, As
Civilization Sinks: Making the Transition to a
Better World and in quick order 200 people had read
it. Introducing people to my new material helps me
get information out quickly and also builds an
advance readership. My other book project, Mr.
Mean: Saving Yourself and Rescuing Your
Relationship from the Irritable Male Syndrome is
also generating interest and comments on
I can also check my stats from my
home page. For those of us who like immediate
reinforcement (and who doesnt) clicking on
stats tells me how many people have viewed my
documents each day. Yesterday it was 385. Today it
is 772. Each day it varies, but generally it keeps
going up as more people hear about my work and
share their interest with others.
Make connections with others in the Scribd
community and other social networks.
One of the most interesting and useful aspects
of Scrib is the ease at which we can connect with
others in the community. Clicking on the
Community link takes me to a host of
interesting people and organizations. Some of the
most popular are MIT Press, The World Bank, World
Economic Forum, Harvard Press, Lonely Planet,
Berrett-Kohler, and Simon & Schuster. But there
are also regular people like you and me who have
something to say and want to use Scribd to reach
out to the world.
You can learn about who they are, what
theyre doing, what resources they have
available on Scribd. You can subscribe to their
feed and learn about their latest ideas and the
things they think are important. Its a great
way to expand your focus and see where your work
connects with what others are doing.
There are also hundreds of groups you can join
where like-minded people share resources, ask
questions, post comments, and learn about new and
interesting subjects. Groups are small
micro-communities dedicated to documents and
discussions around a particular topic, user,
publication, or event. Any user can create a group,
and there's no limit to the number of groups users
can create. I created a group for people interested
in Male Menopause and Irritable Male Syndrome. I
joined groups on Mens Health, Psychology,
E-Medical Books and Articles, Health & Fitness,
Personal Development, and Developing Small
Ever wished you could publish a document online
and have it automatically shared across all your
social networks? With Scribds new social
networking integration, you can publish to Scribd,
Twitter, and (soon) Facebook with a single click.
Its a great way to get your ideas out the
those who want to know them. You can automatically
sync your Scribd and Twitter profile settings.
Choose whether to tweet every time you publish a
document, every time you scribble, or both.
Explore the wide world of Scribd
Some people like to stay within the bounds of
what they know. Others like to explore new worlds.
If youre an explorer like me you want to see
what else is going on outside the bounds of our own
experience. Who knows I might get an idea for my
next book or entrepreneurial enterprise. Today,
Scribd is featuring the following: Basic Handbook
of Human Rights, Dan Browns The Lost Symbol,
Blacksmithing Basics, and Religions View
I can also search the following categories:
Books, Brochures & Catalogues, Business &
Law, Creative Writing, How-to-Guides and Manuals,
Illustrations & Maps,
Magazines & Newspapers, Presentations &
Slide Shows, Puzzles & Games, Recipes &
Menus, Research, Resumes & CVs, School Work,
Sheet Music & Lyrics, Spreadsheets, and the
Scribd store.
Put these steps together and you have a plan for
success. If you have something useful to share with
the world (and yes, I believe everyone does), this
is the place for you. The community draws 50
million people a month and this is growing every
day. Come join the fun.
©2010 Jed
See Books,
+ Suicide
* * *
Wealth can't buy health, but health can buy
wealth. - Henry David Thoreau

Jed Diamond
is the internationally best-selling author of nine
books including Male
Irritable Male Syndrome: Managing. The 4 Key Causes
of Depression and
Aggression. and
Mean: Saving Your Relationship from the Irritable
Male Syndrome. His
upcoming book, Tapping Power: A Mans Guide to
Eliminating Pain, Stress, Anger, Depression and
Other Ills Using the Revolutionary Tools of Energy
Psychology will be available next year. For over 38
years he has been a leader in the field of men's
health. He is a member of the International
Scientific Board of the World Congress on
Mens Health and has been on the Board of
Advisors of the Mens Health Network since its
founding in 1992. His work has been featured in
major newspapers throughout the United States
including the New York Times, Boston Globe, Wall
Street Journal, The Los Angeles Times, and USA
Today. He has been featured on more than 1,000
radio and T.V. programs including The View with
Barbara Walters, Good Morning America, Inside
Edition, CBS, NBC, and Fox News, To Tell the Truth,
Extra, Leeza, Geraldo, and Joan Rivers. He also did
a nationally televised special on Male Menopause
for PBS. He looks forward to your feedback.
You can visit his website at www.menalive.com

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