Tears on the tip of his foreskin
Dear Paul,
My boyfriend and I were having a LONG (2 hour)
night of passion and the next morning he informed
me that he had small tears on the tip of his
foreskin. He enjoys it when I contract my vaginal
muscles as he thrusts...could this be the cause? I
Don't want to hurt him, do you have any suggestions
on how to prevent this? He doesn't seem to have any
problems fully retracting his foreskin.
All Night Long in Atlanta,
Dear All Night,
I wish I could say that I'd had your boyfriend's
problem and could totally relate... But two hours
of intercourse is like an intercontinental flight
compared to my own puddle jumper.
Since I had no choice in the matter of losing my
own foreskin, I referred your question to Tim
Hammond at noharmm.org, an internet site for an
organization that is opposed to circumcision. I
also sent it to a couple of other sources, but
Tim's answer was the only one that seemed helpful.
Please be aware that neither of us are physicians,
and if the tearing you describe keeps happening,
your boyfriend should consult a foreskin-friendly
Here's what Tim had to say:
"The gentleman's problem with tearing of the
foreskin is likely due to insufficient lubrication
- or could very well be caused by his partner's
contraction techniques when he thrusts inward.
Insufficient lubrication can also cause tears on a
circumcised penis."
No matter how wet you might be getting
naturally, why not experiment with different kinds
of store-bought lubrication? Be sure to use
water-based lubes, and if the lube starts to dry
out, add a couple of drops of water or saliva
instead of adding more lube. You can keep a squirt
gun by the bed for this very purpose--the kind that
squirts water as opposed to the kind that nature
provided us guys with between our legs--and shoot a
little water down there every so often to help keep
the store-bought lube hydrated. (Be sure to empty
your gun every couple of days, along with his, so
it won't start growing moss inside.)
As for brands to recommend, I'd suggest starting
with something cheap and basic, like KY, and if
that doesn't work, there are a lot of "personal
lubricants" on the market, each more spendy than
the next.
I also wonder if wearing a condom might not
help, and if your partner does, be sure that he
uses store-bought lube. You'd be amazed at how much
a few drops of lube can help any couple who is
using a condom, no matter how wet the woman
This also brings up the question of whether a
guy who is not circumcised should retract his
foreskin before putting on a condom. The condom
makers tell you yes, but I recently received a note
from a uncut reader who said he prefers not to
retract his foreskin when putting on a condom.
Otherwise, the condom material interferes with his
foreskin's attempt to retract on the "out" part of
the old "in-out".
I'm always happy to hear from our uncircumcised
readers on this. You can reach me at www.goofyfootpress.com
click on the cover of the Guide
To Getting It On! and work your way to the
Naked Truth.
©2007 by Paul
Related Issues: Talking
With Kids About Tough Issues, Relationship,
Books: Relationship,
* * *
In America, sex is an obsession, in other parts of
the world it is a fact. - Marlene Dietrich

Joannides is the author of the Guide
To Getting It On!--the Universe's Coolest and Most
Informative Book On Sex.
You can contact him at www.goofyfootpress.com
by clicking on the cover of the Guide that
appears on his web site. All columns are the
property of Paul Joannides and Goofy Foot

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