Dating Basics
After a few weeks of studying the hottest "get laid
quick" books, and armed with a few splashes of
pheromone-scented sex cologne Steve was ready to
pick up a woman. He approached the first
hot-looking woman in the packed dance club. She
seemed like a willing target and was gorgeous.
Within a few seconds of eyeing her, Steve whipped
out a "proven to work every time" pick up line. His
first attempt was; "Your father must have been a
criminal because he stole all the stars in the
skies and put them in your eyes." The sexy babe
responded with a cold blank stare. Steve shrugged
off the rejection and approached the next
attractive woman who caught his eye. This time
Steve tried a slightly different approach. He said,
You've been voted the most beautiful girl in
this room and the grand prize is a night with me!"
The woman became angry and slapped Steve and then
told him to leave her alone.
Are you tired of face slaps, expensive and
overrated call girls, lonely nights with your right
hand, and phone sex bills that induce your next
heart attack? Picking up women in a bar or
bookstore can be accomplished with pick-up lines,
persistence, flirting skills, common sense, and a
lot of practice. Unless you are a millionaire, a
rock star, a professional athlete, or just damn
lucky, you probably need help. Lots of it.
The art of seduction begins with an ability to
create romantic conversations, the freedom to
flirt, confidence, and a command of language.
Shakespeare was lucky enough to have all four.
Casanova and Don Juan were able to capture scads of
woman¹s hearts and bodies by the power of
their words, body language, romantic skills, and
their sheer animal magnetism.
While honing your skills with women you might be
tempted as Steve was to use pickup lines to meet
women. In our research we¹ve noticed that
pickup lines rarely work. Michael Cunningham, a
psychology professor at the University of
Louisville, spent several years studying the
success rate of various ways to approach women. In
the 1980's he sent graduate students out to bars to
do "field research" and collect data. His research
showed that the most successful line in approaching
the opposite sex was, "I feel a little embarrassed
about this, but I'd like to meet you." The
runner-up line was,"What do you think of the band?"
Running a close third was simply saying, "hi."
The next issue for you to examine is how quickly
you must move with a woman and how far you need to
push things. We¹ve found that when meeting a
woman for the first time you generally find
yourself in one of three situations: you have days
or weeks to seduce the woman, you have a few hours
to seduce the woman, or you only have a few minutes
to seduce the woman. With each situation you need
to create a different game plan. And you also need
to take different amounts of risk. It takes more
guts to ask a woman out after only knowing her for
two minutes than it is to ask out a woman
you¹ve known for months. These varying degrees
of risk are important for you to access when
constructing your overall dating plan. Here is an
overview of the three situations:
Situation one: You have days or weeks to seduce
the woman: In these situations you have time to
seduce the woman. A few examples include a
waitress, grocery store check-out girl, cashier, or
a woman who works out at your gym. In these
situations you know where they work or you have
some "excuse": to run into them time and time
again. You can then strategize to "bump into them"
again, and keep building the seduction over
Situation two: You only have a few hours to
seduce the woman:
A few examples include meeting a woman at a
party, meeting a woman at a bar, talking to a woman
on a train ride, or any other situation where time
is not on your side. These situations require you
to work quickly to win her over. The master seducer
will use the lack of time to move through the
stages of seduction rapidly.
Situation three: You only have a few minutes to
seduce the woman: In these situations the woman
will be gone unless you say something and make your
move. You need to move quickly or the opportunity
will be gone.. A few examples are meeting a woman
in a line, talking to a woman at a nearby table at
a coffee shop, or talking to a woman in a store.
These situations require you to quickly develop
rapport and trust. In situations where there is
very little time you need to take a larger risk and
have the guts to ask for her phone number, her
email address, or set up a date right then and
Aside from understanding how to talk to women,
you must also understand the various stages of
creating rapport with a woman. Here is a brief
outline of the stages you will likely go through on
the way to having sex. At each stage it is
important to keep focused on the outcome so that
you can keep moving to the next stage. Here is an
overview of the stages of rapport. Study these and
apply them in any dating situation with a woman. By
having a clear understanding of these stages you
can easily determine which stage you are at and how
to move to the next stage.
Stage one: Breaking the ice, small talk and
getting to know each other.
Stage two: Establishing trust and building
Stage three: Develop romantic/sensual feelings.
Having her consider you a potential lover.
Stage four: Some form of physical touch,
kissing, or handholding.
Stage five: Either set up the next date or
intense sexual connection
With the information on the different stages of
dating as well as the three different situations
you can now start to construct a more thorough
approach to dating. But to really succeed you must
also remember that dating is a numbers game. Being
persistent is the most important thing you can do.
Date and approach as many women as possible. It is
your job to break down your own shyness and your
resistance to being successful with women. The
master seducer is persistent and stays on course to
his goal. If you take on this attitude and act
accordingly, you will be successful.
© 2008, Mastery
Technologies, Inc.
Other Relationship Issues,
* * *
We must try to trust one another. Stay and
cooperate. - Jomo Kenyatta

Louis and David Copeland are the authors of
to Succeed with
Women, The Sex
Lover's Book of Lists, and The Mastery
Program audio course. Send them those seduction
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