The 8 Dating Myths
Let's face it, dating sucks. It sucks to be
rejected by hot and busty babes, and it sucks to be
alone. It sucks to be so nervous around a woman
that you babble incoherently and it is even worse
to act like a stud and have her slap you in front
of your buddies. To make matters worse,
masturbation can get awfully unsatisfying after a
while, even with the best porn flick or sex toy. So
what is the solution? Get out date, deal with the
inevitable rejections, have fun, and learn about
the machinery in your own head that leads to
trouble and failure with women.
When it comes to dating, most men are
intimidated by myths, misconceptions, and their
denial of their power as men. But understanding the
myths and the solutions will leave you free to
flirt and date women, and more importantly to
create the sex life you have always wanted.
We¹ve listed a few dating myths below that
will begin to shed light on your most common dating
troubles. So wake up, smell the coffee, pay
attention, and you just may learn something.
Because even if you act like a know-it-all we know
the truth: You don¹t. You have bought into
some of these myths and they have caused you
trouble somewhere down the road.
Myth #1 You have to be a rock star,
millionaire, or athlete to get hot
dates. Guys love to believe that they
don't have what it takes to get laid. And most men
use their lack of success as an excuse for not
dating and pursuing the women they really want.
These men blame the system, society, social issues,
and economic realities for their lack of sex-not
the man in the mirror. But while being in a
position of power or being a rock star will
obviously get you a large pool of women to draw
from, you too can get hot sex if you heed our
Here is the good news and the bad news. The good
news: There are hot and sexy women available to you
tonight. Most women are looking for a man like
you-a normal guy with normal desires and a normal
job. The bad news: They want you have to work to
get them. And it won't happen by you staying home
and complaining about it. Dating means flirting
with women and initiating conversations with
But you do have what it takes to get women once
you understand what the game is. Once again it
comes down to pursuing women. Just doing it. Here
is the secret: Many models complain that they
cannot get a date. Many claim that men are too
scared to approach them because of their beauty. Be
in the small cadre of studs that flirts with the
women they are attracted to and you¹ll be
miles ahead of the pack.
Myth #2 Just be nice and sensitive enough and
you'll get a woman. This is another horrible
myth promoted by what we like to call "SNAGS"
(Sensitive New Age Guys). The belief that being
nice will get you laid is one of the worst ideas
promoted over the past 20 years. Women want to be
seduced and romanced. Do you really think they are
looking for "nice" guys?
Most men think they if they like a woman, and
she says that you are "sweet," "interesting," or "a
wonderful friend," that you are moving the
relationship towards romance and sex. This is dead
wrong. Women will either put you into the category
of "friend" or "lover," but not both. When you are
"nice" only a woman will likely put you into the
category of friend, but not lover. If you
don¹t believe this, just look around at all
the jerks who have sex with hot women. Women
certainly are not having sex with these guys
because they are intellectually stimulating. No,
these women are hot and heavy because these men are
exciting, romantic, fun, and even a bit
The solution? Don't give up being interesting
and nice (that too would be a fatal error), just
bring out other parts of your personality. Bring
out the romantic and let that guide you into
sweeping a woman off her feet. Put yourself in her
position and figure out what would turn her on and
excite her. If you find yourself spending time
discussing "fascinating" topics, but not romantic
ones, change the subject back to her beauty.
Memorize poetry and whisper passages into her
Myth # 3 Be a woman's therapist and you'll
get sex. Along the same lines as being a nice
guy, we¹ve seen this myth played out time and
time again by desperate fools trying to score. The
ploy usually works this way: A horny guy is a
friend with a woman he wants to date. He thinks
that if she opens up to him emotionally then it
will likely lead to sex. He thinks that if he can
solve her emotional problems she will want to date
him. But, to his surprise, things pan out
differently. Suddenly she starts to discuss every
problem in her life with him. The guy thinks this
is good and listens more and more and more to her
complaints. In fact, he thinks that the more he
listens to her, the better the chances are of her
going to bed with him. She starts crying on his
shoulder more frequently and he starts taking her
out for ice cream, expensive dinners, and even loan
her money when she becomes too depressed to work.
Now it turns ugly. She begins telling him about her
problems with other men. Our novice therapist stays
in the role of advice-giver. Eventually she stars
dating the jerks and coming to him for advice.
Never is a therapist to a woman. The most
important thing in dealing with a woman is to make
your romantic interests known right away so she
thinks of you as a potential lover, not a friend.
When you are become a confidant to a woman she
begins to associate you with her negative emotions
and negative experiences, putting you further out
of the running for being her lover. If you are in
this position with any woman right now, stop being
the therapist today. You are wasting your time and
avoiding being out in the world pursuing other
women. Get out now while you still have a
Myth #4 There are a limited number of
available women. This is the type of myth
promoted by whiners. They search for lame reasons
why they can¹t meet women when in fact, there
is no evidence anywhere to back up their claim.
Does the high percentage of divorce and affairs
justify this myth? No. Does the high number of
singles (82 million in the United States) prove
that this is indeed a fact? No. Does the large
number of personals ads reflect this to be true?
No. That is why it is called a myth and simply
unfounded. Enough said.
Myth #5 You¹re not attractive enough to
get women. In their quieter moments, many
men believe that there is something fundamentally
wrong with them. They truly think some part of them
is indelibly flawed and women will reject them for
it. To this we say: YOU ARE WRONG! After studying
this topic in an exhaustive fashion, we have
noticed that neither the size of a man's belly or
even the size of his IQ has any bearing on his
ability to get women. We've seen fat men with
models, short men with sexy 21 year olds, and guys
so ugly that they looked like they were beaten with
a bag of quarters, cuddling with hot and sexy
babes. We recently spotted an obese 45-year old guy
flirting with every hot woman in a crowded bar.
They stared into his eyes, fascinated and turned on
by his confidence and wit. He made no apologies for
his size or ugliness and several women went for
You can be a nerd with a pen protector and get
tons of sex if you have the necessary confidence.
No matter what you look like women will want you if
you demonstrate confidence.
Myth #6 Getting women is too time consuming
or difficult. Guys complain to me all the time
that getting women as complex as learning brain
surgery. But it need not be. There are simple
skills you can learn and actions you can take today
that will have you meeting women like never
For instance, the easiest places to meet women
are in bookstores, coffee shops, health clubs, and
in restaurants. The trick is to go to these places
at the same time on a regular basis and then make
friends with the regulars. Another trick is to list
out organizations or groups you are part of in
which there are women participants and then go to
at least two evening meeting per week. If you want
to stay home then you must play with personals ads
the Internet.
Remember, learning any new skill takes time. But
once you understand how and where to meet women, it
will take less and less. After that it is all
maintenance. We've had students who worked two full
time jobs at once and still have time to date
Myth 7. Women know what they want, and they
will tell you. Have you ever noticed that women
will talk about the kind of man that they want, and
end up with someone completely different? It
happens all of the time. What women say they want
and what they actually respond to are often totally
different. Women can¹t tell you what they want
in a man, they can only tell you what they think
they want in a man. There is a big difference.
The bottom line is that women love men who are
generative and creative. If they have to tell you
how to get them, what to be like, and how to behave
every step of the way, they aren't going to be
turned on by you. They also aren't attracted to
supplicants, begging for the easy keys to melt
their heart. It¹s your independent nature that
gets them going, not your dependency on being told
how to act.
Besides, some of the traits that women complain
about most in men have in them the seeds of what
women find most attractive about men. In the film
The Full Monty, for example, a bunch of out-of-work
male steelworkers decide that they will make money
by putting on a strip show for all the local women.
Th plan has trouble written all over it-none of
these guys are particularly great-looking. But it
speaks to a trait that women find both aggravating
and attractive: Men are troublemakers.
We take on silly projects, push them to their
limits, and even sometimes make them work. This
quality is part of the creativity that women desire
so much in men. So if you count on women to tell
you what they want and how to behave in order to
get them, you short circuit this wild nature that
women love so much. Don¹t fall into that
Myth #8 Dating is supposed to be
fair. This one myth gets men in more
trouble than almost any of the others. If you are a
man who whines about how dating isn't fair, you
must stop that right now. We hear it all the time:
"Why can't a woman ask me out for once?" "If women
really believed in equality, they'd kiss me first!"
"I'm tired of doing all the pursuit with women.
It's their turn now." Blah, blah. blah. If it makes
you feel better, you are right: It is unfair that
you have to do all the pursuing, and that you have
to take all the emotional risks by making all the
"first moves."
We've even known men who¹ve confronted
women about their not pursuing men. One man made it
a habit of confronting women who didn't do "their
fair share" of the pursuing. He'd tell them in no
uncertain terms that, if they wanted to date him,
they'd have to do at least half of the initiating,
the pursuit, and the emotional risk-taking. "It's
the age of equality," Cameron would explain to
them. "You get equal rights, so now take equal
responsibilities!" As you can probably guess,
Cameron didn't have many second dates.
The solution? Get over it. If you don't have the
sex life you want, it's your responsibility to get
it. It is not women's responsibility to take care
of you and to make sure you have what you want in
relationships. Expecting them to do so is just
Use these myths to propel your own seductive
desires into full gear. These techniques have been
time tested and have produced wonderful results
from men worldwide. So stay aware of the myths and
you¹ll be able to create the abundant sex life
you¹re always wanted.
© 2008, Mastery
Technologies, Inc.
Other Relationship Issues,
* * *
We must try to trust one another. Stay and
cooperate. - Jomo Kenyatta

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