Keeping Your Confidence with Women and Not
Having a One-and-Only Hope
Dear Dating gurus,
I used to be able to get women easily--now I'm
not confident I can anymore. It seems like every
time I get near an attractive woman now, I just
think about what a loser I am all the time. Even if
they are nice to me, I'm so convinced that I'm a
loser that I can't be myself with them. What should
I do?
Missin' the good ol' days
Hey "Missin'"
It sounds like you are a victim of "operant
conditioning". Basically, you've become conditioned
to think of your "failures" when you see an
attractive woman, which just makes you feel like
even more of a loser, which perpetuates the whole
cycle, right?
What you really need to do is start breaking the
cycle, which will not feel natural at first. We
suggest you start relentlessly managing your mental
state around women. First, you should start listing
to yourself, every day, the things that happened
that day that were successes with girls. Second,
you should find a way to make EVERY interaction
with a woman a success in your own mind--which
won't feel natural at first, but will become so,
don't let that stop you. Let Yourself Feel Good
About Your Successes. Third, you need to get over
the "what will people think" concern--you do that
by being outrageous with women (ie flirting, etc,)
and making every interaction a win in your own mind
that you feel good about.
This will start breaking the negative cycle you
are caught in. Don't dwell in rejections, change
your focus and move on.
Dear Guys,
There's this woman I'm interested in. She has a
boyfriend and doesn't show much interest in me, but
I really want her and just find her so attractive.
I'm not interested in anyone else-I visit this girl
at the shop she works at, but she often says she's
busy and can't talk. What should I do?
Dear Pining,
One of the biggest mistakes you are clearly
making is to put all your eggs in one basket. That
is to say, you are only hitting on one woman and
not pursuing other women. We strongly recommend you
start to flirt and date many women at once, while
you search for a girlfriend. When a man only
pursues one woman he cannot be successful, as his
mind becomes clouded with naive hopes. This will
eventually lead to desperation, which is happening
to you. So, start today searching out for other
women to pursue.
One very useful thing you can start today is the
HI program. Make a commitment to say HI to several
women per day. This simple technique will improve
your confidence and it will eventually build into
having conversations with women. You can also use
this tool to observe the areas within yourself that
are resistant to talk to women, and start to work
on them.
At the beginning of your dating, you should
never put all your eggs in one basket. Don't let
this woman be your one and only hope, and you'll
have a better chance with other women, and also be
more relaxed and attractive around her.
© 2008, Mastery
Technologies, Inc.
Other Relationship Issues,
* * *
We must try to trust one another. Stay and
cooperate. - Jomo Kenyatta

Louis and David Copeland are the authors of
to Succeed with
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Lover's Book of Lists, and The Mastery
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