Keeping Casual Sex Casual and First Steps in
Pursing Women
Dear Ron and David,
I've gone out with a girl I met only a couple of
times and the sex is great. It started out on a
sexual level and I'm happy to keep it that way. All
of a sudden she's asking me lots of questions,
'cause I initially lied about my age (cause I'm
older than she thought, but I eventually fessed
up). Now she wants me to tell her the "truth about
everything." O.K. I admit...I even lied about my
true name because sex was all I was interested in,
and she doesn't need to know more. So here's the
What do you do when chick starts to like you too
much and wants more into your world than you care
to have her, while at the same time you don't want
to lose the sex?
C. R.
Thanks for writing! You have here what we call a
"short-term sexual relationship." This means that
when she wants more, it ends. It is short-term.
Usually relationships that end after just a few
times being sexual together end because the women
wants "more." That's when you tell her you don't
want more, the relationship ends. That's it.
When you lie to a woman, it makes the end of the
relationship even more dramatic. When you lie to a
woman and she finds out, she either leaves or stays
around to punish you. If she stays with you after
you've lied to her about you age, your name, and
who knows what else, it's going to be to take
revenge. That might get you a bit more sex, but we
guarantee it won't be worth it.
To be clear: while we are supportive of
short-term relationships, we do NOT support lying
to a woman. We are against lying both because of
the effect it has on her, and because of the effect
it has on YOU. Lying to a woman is hard on your
self-esteem and self-respect as a man. When you lie
to a woman to get sex, you affirm to yourself that
you HAVE TO lie to get women. It's almost like you
are saying, "The real me isn't good enough to ge a
woman, so I have to lie." Why would you want to
affirm that to yourself?
So our suggestion is don't lie to women, let
this woman go, and thank your lucky stars if she
doesn't extract some kind of revenge on you.
Best of luck!
I have a little dilemma. I hang out a lot at my
friends dorm room and one of the benefits of this
is that there are always women around. A few of
these women I am interested for various reasons,
the common one being that they are outgoing and
active. I talk to them all of the time, and drop
hints that I am interested in them but nothing ever
seems to come of it. Probably the most bold thing I
have ever done was give one of these women a
massage late one night after a party. But nothing
ever came of it. At this point I am unsure of what
to do, other than that I know I can't give up. Any
Uneffective Seducer
Good to hear from you. This is a common problem,
and fairly easy to correct. Here is a few actions
to implement immediately:
1. Click here
and read the 10 flirting move and start doing them
on these women. This is critical. Remember,
seduction fundamental number six is "Show Your
Romantic Interest Right Away." This isn't
technically hard, but can be challenging at first.
Do it.
2. After talking to them, ask for get an email
address and/or a phone number so you can seduce
them over time. Quit trying to get it all handled
in one evening. It's not working to try to get
results in an hour or less, take these on as longer
term seductions! Seduce them online is probably
better than on the phone, because you can think
about your answers. If you are unsure of how to do
this, you might want to consider getting our
booklet, "The
Internet Seduction Toolkit"
3. The massage is a good move, but make sure
you're also doing the flirting moves so they KNOW
you are not a friend.
4. Get them alone, or walk them back to their
room or apt and then ask for a number or email
address then. Most women are shy in a group
setting. You need to get them alone so they feel
5. Keep going! These girls probably don't even
know you are romantically interested, and you are
probably beating yourself up and not letting
yourself seduce them over time.
© 2008, Mastery
Technologies, Inc.
Other Relationship Issues,
* * *
We must try to trust one another. Stay and
cooperate. - Jomo Kenyatta

Louis and David Copeland are the authors of
to Succeed with
Women, The Sex
Lover's Book of Lists, and The Mastery
Program audio course. Send them those seduction
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