Dating Q & A
Q: What should I do when she hates my porn
A: When you are seducing a woman for the
first few times, she simply shouldn¹t be
allowed to find out that you have pornography. The
only exception is if she asks to see some while you
are having sex, and this is rare. Put it away where
she won¹t find it while she¹s looking for
a shirt to wear while she makes coffee the next
As you get to know her better, continue to keep
your porn where she won¹t see it, until you
can figure out how she feels about it. The main
thing you need to know is that if she hates porn,
you must never argue with her about it. Simply
listen to what she has to say, then change the
subject. Arguing about pornography will never
change a woman¹s mind on the subject.
Don¹t even try. And keep it away from her.
Q: What should I do when she doesn¹t
like my friends?
A: When you are first seducing a woman,
she shouldn¹t meet your friends. Your friends
represent an unnecessary variable in the seduction
equation. You don¹t know what kind of idiotic
things they may say or do to screw up your
seduction. They may even try to steal the her from
you! If you run into a friend when you are out with
her, get rid of him as quickly as you can.
After you¹ve been sleeping with a woman for
a while, she may begin to get to know your friends.
The thing to know is that you must never abandon a
friend because a woman doesn¹t like him.
Don¹t hang out with them at the same time, but
don¹t write him off, either. Some men abandon
their male friends when they get into a
relationship with women, and they pay the price in
loneliness later. Don¹t make this mistake.
Q: What should I do if I find unpleasant
surprises under her clothes?
A: This can happen. Henry was a rock
musician, and after a performance in a bar, picked
up an extremely hot woman and took her home. "When
I reached under her skirt, I discovered she was a
he!" Henry told us. "Needless to say, I told him to
get the hell out of my apartment." This is an
extreme example of the kinds of surprises you can
get when you finally get a woman¹s clothes
One of our students got an attractive woman back
to his apartment, only to discover that all of her
body was covered by fine black hair. "It was an
incredible turn-off," he told us. "I felt bad about
it, but what could I do?" Another man told us about
a date whose bustline turned out to be entirely
padding. "I was so looking forward to getting my
hands onto her breasts," he said. "I might as well
have saved myself the time I spent seducing her,
and grabbed a box of tissues!" Another man told us
of a woman who had a pungent, unpleasant smell once
he got her in bed. It¹s tragic, but sometimes
it happens that you want to get rid of a woman
because you discover she just doesn¹t turn you
on. What should you do?
Most of the time, it doesn¹t pay to tell
her your specific gripe about her body. All
you¹ll do is upset her about something she may
have little or no control over. Why devastate her?
Why be mean? Try saying something like "I know!
Let¹s go get some ice cream!" And jump up and
start putting on your clothes. You can also say "I
really want to know you better before we take this
any farther," to tactfully slow down unenjoyable
sexual play. It¹s no fun to have to bail out
on a sexual experience, but if you do, try to do it
as gently as possible.
© 2007, Mastery
Technologies, Inc.
Other Relationship Issues,
* * *
We must try to trust one another. Stay and
cooperate. - Jomo Kenyatta

Louis and David Copeland are the authors of
to Succeed with
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Lover's Book of Lists, and The Mastery
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