Seducing Via Email with Love Poetry
Q: Ron and Dave, When is a good time to start
sending the romantic letters in the e-mail? I have
known this girl for about 2 weeks. EXTREMELY HOT. I
have to shake guys hands everywhere I go just
because they have seen me with her.
I don't want to push it too fast with the
romantic talk, but I also want her to think
romantically about me. I also have her home address
if you would like to add anything there, thanks,
A: Hey Lucky,
Good work on the first stepsgoing out with
a woman you find attractive. Now for the next
stepturning into mindless hanging out to
something romantic and sexual.
You don't say much about your relationship now.
What's it like? Are you kissing? Making out? Having
sex? Heck, are you even holding hands? Does she
know you are not just a friend? This stuff is
Since you are reluctant to make romantic talk
with her, you are probably not having sex with her.
You must start showing your romantic interest in
her. You must be complimenting her, for one thing.
If you are not complimenting her as a woman or
showing your romantic interest, then you are really
in trouble--she may be thinking of you as a friend
Email is great, because it gives you the
opportunity to say things, especially romantic
things, that you might not normally have the nerve
to say to a woman. It gives you an opportunity to
run "visualizations" on her. Remember, when you
describe something to someone, they have to go
inside and imagine what you are describing, just to
be able to track with what you are talking about.
If I describe one of the new VW Beetles, you have
to imagine it. By the same token, if you describe
an experience to someone, they have to go inside
and imagine having that experience in order to
understand what you are talking about. SO, you want
to write emails that describe wonderful feelings of
love and romance to the woman of your dreams. This
will get her in the right state of mind for your
next move.
We suggest love poems. Search on-line, or go to
a bookstore or library and look under love poetry.
Write her emails that say things like, "I saw this
poem and it made me think of you. I thought I'd
share it." Then enclose the poem. Feel free to use
the same poem on a number of women, just so long as
they don't know each other.
In your situation, romantic emails should be
part of your approach. You should be showing your
romantic interest, and taking her on a seduction
date. You should have an outcome in mind for each
date--kissing her? Having sex? Be sure to pursue
other women--don't let her be your "one and only
hope," and be willing to take the risk to find out
what she thinks of you. If you haven't kissed her
yet, you should soon. Whatever you do, don't let
this hang out as
"maybe-friends-maybe-potential-lovers." Be the man,
push the situation, and FIND OUT.
© 2010, Mastery
Technologies, Inc.
Other Relationship Issues,
* * *
We must try to trust one another. Stay and
cooperate. - Jomo Kenyatta

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