The Perils of Caller ID
You're tapes are absolutely fabulous. Well worth
10 times the price. Your advice is right on. I've
listened to the Mastery Program many times so far
and continue to learn and perfect my skills. Many,
many thanks.
I have run into a problem. I'll meet a woman,
the chemistry is definitely there, I ask deepening
questions etc.
Then I ask for her number, and get it. Then when
I call, a day later, her answering machine will
come on, and I leave a message (up beat,
complimentary etc), but receive no return call. I
know she was interested, so what type of message
should I leave on the next call to entice her to
call back? She's not my one and only hope; however,
I am interested.
Thanks in advance for your response,
Hi Sam!
We are glad you like the tapes! It is true that
seductions can live or die on the answering
machine, and just because she doesn't call you back
doesn't mean anything. Did you ask for her email
when you got her number? That would be a good
practice to follow in the future. It's easy to get
her email when you get her phone number, and you
can use email to set up a date.
It may be time to find out how you can
"annonymize" your calls...that's when you type
something into the phone, often *67 (check to see
what it is in your area) before dialing, and her
caller ID won't work. You can then call her and see
if she picks up, without her knowing you called
her. The other approach would be to sometimes call
using *67 and see if she picks up, and sometimes
not. I'd call once every couple of days for a week
or so, sometimes hiding the number, sometimes not.
I'd leave a message in a couple of days, then only
settle for real contact.
Best of luck!
© 2007, Mastery
Technologies, Inc.
Other Relationship Issues,
* * *
We must try to trust one another. Stay and
cooperate. - Jomo Kenyatta

Louis and David Copeland are the authors of
to Succeed with
Women, The Sex
Lover's Book of Lists, and The Mastery
Program audio course. Send them those seduction
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