Dating Older Women
I am a 28 year man who is infatuated with a woman
of 40. She refuses to see my romantically because
of my age. How can I convince her to see me?
David: I get the picture. You've probably tried
to get her to "see reason," haven't you? You've had
ever-so-earnest conversations about how the age
difference shouldn't make a difference.
Ron: And it hasn't done a bit of good, has
David: Of course it hasn't. Listen, Mrs.
Robinson is just like any other woman. She won't
respond to logic. This is about emotions, not about
thoughts. So emotions need to be your weapon of
choice, not your nice collected reasonable
Ron: Pretend your aged conquest is just like any
other woman. It is absolutely predictable that,
over the course of most seductions, the woman will
have a "Why not?" problem. This is one of them.
David: A "Why not?" problem occurs when she
starts thinking about dating you, and then says to
herself, "He seems pretty cute. Maybe I should date
him. Why not?"
Ron: Then she gives herself an answer--in your
case, you are too young, that's why not. But,
believe it or not, if you had been her age, she'd
probably have thought up a different reason not to
date you. Women resist change in their lives, even
change they would like.
Dating you is a possible change, so it's
possible trouble. So she thinks of reasons not to
do it. Thus, you are too young.
David: Stop fighting her about whether or not
you are too young. Be romantic. Give her little
gifts. Go out with her "as a friend" and turn on
the romance. Either she'll get over her "Why not?"
problem, or else she really truly doesn't like
Ron: In that case, get away from her, and move
on to somebody else!
© 2007, Mastery
Technologies, Inc.
Other Relationship Issues,
* * *
We must try to trust one another. Stay and
cooperate. - Jomo Kenyatta

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to Succeed with
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