Hot for Teacher
Dear David and Ron,
One my of my college instructors is very
attractive and nice looking, and I would like to
know how I can seduce her. She is married and is
having problems at home. What do I do to charm her
and win her over to me?
- Paul
Hi Paul! Thanks for writing!
Hot for teacher, eh? What man hasn't had the
fantasy of being with a female instructor?
We know it is possible, because we know a man
who did it. He was completely aroused by one of his
college instructors, but had no idea how to get
close to her. He ended up having a relationship
with her for three-and-a-half years. Here's what he
Mostly, he was persistent and patient. "I'd make
sure to talk with her after each class, and often I
walked her to her car, or back to her office. I was
so attracted to her--I sometimes worried that I'd
jump on her and start kissing her, which, at that
point, would have been most unwelcome. But she was
just so HOT..."
He made sure to date other women, and, after he
graduated that fall, kept in touch with her, and
they went out to lunch about once every six months.
"I was still dating other women, but I figured that
getting together with her once in a while wasn't
hurting anything, and I knew she was having
problems with her husband, so I kept up with
One day she came to lunch crying--her husband
had just left her. "Of course, I was delighted, but
I played it cool," he says. "I wanted to ask her
out for a dinner, but I thought she would object,
so I set up a dinner party--but no one else could
come! So I called her and asked if it would be okay
if it was just us going to the theater. She said
that would be okay, but then I couldn't get
tickets! So we went out to dinner, I made my
romantic interest known, and the rest is
This probably isn't the news you wanted to hear,
Paul...You probably wanted to hear about how you
could seduce her right now. But you should
know that in most universities these days,
instructors are extremely paranoid about
having sex with their students. You are best off
getting to know her in a more "friendly" way now,
and building on it later, once you are no longer
her student, and if her relationship with her
husband continues to erode.
But once again, it's essential that this women
not be your "one and only hope." You must be
dating other women. This fantasy-teacher needs to
be very much of a side-project. Think of it this
way--the real work is with other women; this one is
extra credit!
Best of luck to you!
© 2007, Mastery
Technologies, Inc.
Other Relationship Issues,
* * *
We must try to trust one another. Stay and
cooperate. - Jomo Kenyatta

Louis and David Copeland are the authors of
to Succeed with
Women, The Sex
Lover's Book of Lists, and The Mastery
Program audio course. Send them those seduction
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