Is My Girlfriend Lying About Her Sexual
Dear Sirs,
How can I manage to know if my girlfriend is
lying about her past sexual experiences? In fact I
don't trust in what she says about her past.
Comedian Chris Rock has the answer for this: You
take the number of guys your lady friend says she's
had sex with, and double it--at least. The reason
is that she's probably had all sorts of sexual
experiences that, to her, "don't count." So Chris
Rock's advice,which is pretty good, is to double
it--at least.
But the fact of the matter is that the problem
isn't how many sex partners your girlfriend has
had--the problem is how upset you seem to be about
It's never wise to put a woman on the defensive
about her sexuality. You've asked her how many guys
she'd slept with. She told you. She probably
revised the number downwards so as to not hurt your
feelings. Sensing that you would be upset about her
sexual past (as you seem to be), she revised the
number downward to avoid trouble with you.
Now you are either badgering her about how many
guys she's slept with--"Are you sure you've only
slept with five guys? How many have you gone down
on?" etc., etc...or you are thinking about
badgering her about it.
This insults her in two ways: you are calling
her a liar, for misleading you about how many guys
she's slept with, and a slut, for having slept with
so many guys she feels she needs to lie about it.
Even if she has lied to you, and even if she has
had a slutty past, you are only going to create
trouble insulting her in this way. You are going to
generate a fight with her. And for what?
This all goes back to the basic distinctions of
fighting with a woman: there is NO point in
fighting with a woman. No matter what happens in a
fight with a woman, you will lose. Either you lose
the conflict, and she won't have sex with you, or
you win the conflict, and she won't have sex with
you. Or--worse case--she cries, and you REALLY
Why is all this so important to you, anyway? Our
advice for you is to let all this go, and, every
time you want to get yourself upset by thinking
about her sexual past, think about the fact that
she is with you now, instead.
Let go of her'll only create trouble
if you don't.
© 2007, Mastery
Technologies, Inc.
Other Relationship Issues,
* * *
We must try to trust one another. Stay and
cooperate. - Jomo Kenyatta

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