How to Succeed
with Women

Women Not Calling Back

Dear Ron and David,

I've always been confused about how many times I should pursue a woman if she doesn't return a call. Lately, this has happened a lot to me - women aren't returning my phone calls (at least not right away). I'm starting to feel very rejected (but I am trying to remember the comments you made in your book about rejection and the fact that this is a numbers game).

Thanks in advance for your help!!!


Dear Adam,

Here is what we see: you've got to call these them back a bunch of times, not just once. You must keep on the pursuit. It is even better if you can get her email address, rather than just her phone number..we've noticed that many women who would _never_ return a call (it's not ladylike!) will email you back. After all, all you really want to do is set up the date.

Second, it sounds as if you're meeting women in the wrong places. You need to find alternative venues in which to meet women who might be more receptive to only your asking them out, but who will actually show up. We suggest you read the section on our website that deals with niches to find alternatives.

Third, you need to remember that dating goes in waves. You are in a "they don't call back" wave. If you can't fix it, just endure time, it will turn around. We don't know why this is true, but it is. Just keep in action.

Lastly, you need to rigorously practice the rejection process several times per day until rejection has very little impact on you. Hammer it, hammer it, hammer it. one of the key fundamentals (fundamental #3, in fact) is learning to handle rejection--and, conversely learning to handle success as well. Breaking down your successes to include any woman you talk to or ask out. Best of luck!

© 2007, Mastery Technologies, Inc.

Other Relationship Issues, Books

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We must try to trust one another. Stay and cooperate. - Jomo Kenyatta

Ron Louis and David Copeland are the authors of How to Succeed with Women, The Sex Lover's Book of Lists, and The Mastery Program audio course. Send them those seduction questions: You're question may be used in the next newsletter! Subscribe to their Free newsletter for tons of Free seduction information. Type in your email address, and click on "subscribe," then click on submit! See a sample from The Rules For Getting Laid and a review on or the tape series. Also, check out their web site and see a review of their book.

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