Straight Guise: Straight Men Who Have Sex
With Men (SMSM)
Many men who have sex with men (MSM) get referred
to me by their straight therapists. Holding my
books and other coming-out literature in their
hands, they explain that their therapists have
tried to help them come out. But since they say
they are not gay, their therapist has sent them to
me to assess their true orientation.
I have seen hundreds of heterosexual men come to
my office with same-sex behaviors worried that they
might be gay. However I have always been able to
help these men distinguish between their organic,
innate sexual and romantic orientation as well as
their sexual preferences. I have always known that
straight men can have sex with other men and not be
gay. However that concept makes people very
anxious. Some think the behavior itself defines a
gay orientation. Othersparticularly gays and
lesbiansunderstandably worry that it will be
used to show that people can go from gay to
straight. The reality is that from the start these
SMSMs are not gay and now we have research to
prove it.
A recent New York City survey found nearly one
in 10 men say they're straight and have sex only
with other men. The findings appear in the Sept.
19, 2006 issue of the Annals of Internal Medicine.
They also found that 70% of these
straight-identified men having sex with men are
married. In fact according to the Center for
Disease Control, more than 3 million women are, or
have been wives or girlfriends of men who secretly
have sex with other men. In fact, 10% of all
married men in this survey report same-sex behavior
during the past year.
Some of the findings include:
- Straight-identified men who have sex with
men report fewer sex partners than gay men.
- Straight-identified men who have sex with
men report fewer STDs in the past year than gay
- Straight-identified men who have sex with
men are less likely than gay men to report using
a condom during their last sexual
- Straight-identified men who have sex with
men are more likely to be foreign born than gay
It is crucial to have this information as the
survey shows that a man who says he is straight but
is having sex with other men is more likely to be
married than a straight man who has sex with women,
according to the survey. Only 54% of the men who
say they're straight and have sex with women are
married, compared with the 70% marriage rate among
the men who say they're straight but have sex with
men. This is different than gay men who are
heterosexually married in what I call the New
Mixed Marriage.
The beginning stages of the coming out process
can resemble many other psychological processes.
Before coaching clients into the coming out, I
assess with them what their sexual behavior
meansas it does not necessarily indicate a
need for coming out.
Just because you are sexual with the same
gender, doesnt necessarily reflect
sexual/romantic orientation. There remains a
difference between sexual identity, orientation,
fantasies and behavior as discussed in the article
You What You Orgasm?"
Historically, many a therapist would tell
clients who were struggling with homosexuality they
werent really gay or lesbian, but that
various factors made them this way. Gay Affirmative
Therapy is clear that orientation is innate.
Individuals who act out homosexually or fantasize
about same-sex partners may not be gay to begin
The possibilities include homo- or bisexuality,
sexual addiction, bi-curiosity, homo-eroticism,
sexual abuse and moreyou should be informed
and understand each of these issues before helping
a client through the coming-out process.
Men who were sexually abused as boys or
teenagers may re-enact that trauma by engaging in
homosexual behaviorsand at first glance,
appear to be in early denial about their
homosexuality. By contrast, some women, gay or
straight, who have been sexually abused will
repress their sexuality, while others re-enact
their early abuse by being sexually promiscuous
with men when, in fact, they are lesbians.
As a result, many clinicians reassure clients
that once their abuse issues are resolved, their
same-sex behaviors will evaporate. But this
doesnt always happen, particularly if the
client is innately gay or lesbian.
This concept is important in understanding
ex-gays who claim to have changed their
sexual/romantic orientation. Success rates in
returning people to their innate
heterosexuality are low to null because these
individuals are not heterosexual. Those who have
succeeded in rooting out their gay impulses most
likely were sexually abused by a same-gender
perpetrator, which confused or clouded the
individuals primary orientation which was
heterosexuality. Or they may, in fact, have just
been an SMSM.
Also, bisexuals may be able to repress their
same-sex feelingssimply because they were not
that strong to begin with.
Terms to Understand
- MSM: Men who have sex with other men
including gay, straight, bisexual, bi-curious,
questioning and any male who has sexual activity
with another male.
- SMSM: Straight Men who have sex with
- WSW: Women who have sex with other women
including gay, straight, bisexual, bi-curious,
questioning and any female who has sexual
activity with another female.
For more information in terms of what I have
found in my work with straight men who have sex
with other men (SMSM) go to
©2009 by Joe Kort
Related: Issues,
Joe Kort, MA, MSW, has been in practice since 1985.
He specializes in Gay Affirmative Psychotherapy as
well as IMAGO Relationship Therapy, which is a
specific program involving communication exercises
designed for couples to enhance their relationship
and for singles to learn relationship skills. He
also specializes in sexual addiction, childhood
sexual, physical and emotional abuse, depression
and anxiety. He offers workshops for couples and
singles. He runs a gay men's group therapy and a
men's sexuality group therapy for straight, bi and
gay men who are struggling with specific sexual
issues. His therapy services are for gays and
lesbians as well as heterosexuals. His articles and
columns have appeared in The Detroit Free
Press, Between the Lines Newspaper for
Gays and Lesbians, The Detroit News, The
Oakland Press, The Royal Oak Mirror, and
other publications. Besides providing therapy for
individuals and couples, he conducts a number of
groups and workshops for gay men. Now an adjunct
professor teaching Gay and Lesbian Studies at Wayne
State University's School of Social Work, he is
doing more writing and workshops on a national
level. He is the author of 10
Smart Things Gay Men can do to Improve Their
Lives and
Smart Things Gay Men Can Do to Find Real
or E-Mail
(gay'.dahr, n.): (1) The
ability that lets gays and lesbians identify one
other. (2) This column--where non-gay readers can
improve their gaydar, learning more about gay men's
psychology and social lives. Also, (3) a regular
feature where gay readers can discover the many
questions and hassles their straight
counterparts--and themselves--must face!

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