Remarried Fathers: Strengthening Your
Father-Daughter Relationship
If youre a divorced father who has remarried,
odds are your relationship with your daughter has
become more complicated, more stressful, and more
distant. Sadly for the majority of fathers and
daughters, when dad remarries:
- the father-daughter relationship is more
damaged than the father-son relationship
- tensions between mom and dads wife
create problems in the father-daughter
- the mom who was not employed during her
marriage tends to be the most jealous and most
uncooperative when dad remarries
- college educated, white mothers tend to be
less willing than non-white, less educated
mothers to share their kids after
divorce with the dad and his wife
- the father-daughter relationship is better
off when the mother has already remarried
Even though mom may never come right out and say
negative things to her daughter about dads
getting remarried, she can still create a negative
impression of him and his new wife in other ways --
the expressions on her face, her tone of voice, the
way she acts after shes talked to dad or his
wife on the phone, the joking remarks
she makes about him or his wife. Daughters are keen
observers of their mothers moods and
feelings. Especially when dad has remarried but mom
is still single, the daughter is likely to pick up
messages like these from her mother:
- If it werent for her
(dads new wife), wed all be
- Your dad was nicer to us before
she came into his life
- Now that your dad is remarried, he
doesnt love you as much
- I feel sad and lonely when you spend time
with your dad and his wife
- Your dad ought to spend more money on you
and less on her and her kids
As a remarried dad, try strengthening your
relationship with your daughter by reducing the
jealousy, competition and pressure in these
Dont use the terms stepmother
or stepdaughter. Instead say my
wife and my daughter and ask your wife to say
my husbands daughter. If your
wife and daughter eventually want to refer to each
other as stepmother and stepdaughter, let that be
their choice.
Never push (or continually talk about) your wife
or your daughter to become good friends. Take the
pressure off everyone by letting their relationship
develop in whatever way they choose.
Never make your wife or your daughter feel that
they have to like or love each other in order to
make you happy or to prove how much they each love
you. Yes, they do need to be cordial to one
another. But they should not have to prove their
love for you by genuinely liking or loving each
Spend time alone with your daughter without your
wife always having to be with you.
Show your daughter in whatever ways you can that
you are just as interested in her life and love her
just as much now as you did before you
Send e mails, gifts, letters, and phone calls to
your daughter only from you, not always from
us (meaning you and your wife)
Tell your daughter and your ex wife that neither
you nor your wife expect or want her to be
like a second mother to your
Keep your conversations with your daughter
mainly focused on whats going on in her life
not whats going on in your wifes
or other kids lives
©2010 Dr. Linda
See Books,
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It is easier for a father to have children than
for children to have a real father. Pope John

Dr. Nielsen
has been teaching, counseling, conducting research
and writing about adolescents and father-daughter
relationships since 1970. A member of Phi Beta
Kappa and the recipient of the outstanding
graduate's award in teacher education from the
University of Tennessee in 1969, she taught and
counseled high school students for several years.
After earning a Master's Degree in Counseling and a
Doctorate in Educational and Adolescent Psychology,
she joined the faculty of Wake Forest University in
1974. Her grants and awards include the Outstanding
Article Award in 1980 from the U.S. Center for
Women Scholars and a postdoctoral fellowship from
the American Association of University Women. For
the past fifteen years she has focused primarily on
father-daughter relationships with a special
emphasis on divorced fathers and their daughters.
Her work has been cited in the "Wall Street
Journal" as well as in popular magzines such as
"Cosmopolitan", and shared through television and
radio interviews..
In 1991 she created her "Fathers
& Daughters" course - the only college course
in the country that focuses exclusively on
father-daughter relationships. In addition to
having written several dozen articles for journals
such as the "Harvard Educational Review" and the
"Journal of Divorce & Remarriage", Dr. Nielsen
has written three books: How to Motivate
Adolescents (Prentice Hall) and Adolescence: A
Contemporary View (Harcourt Brace) which sold more
than 60,000 copies and was adopted by hundreds of
universities throughout the country and abroad
between 1986-1996. Her third book, Embracing
Your Father: Creating the Relationship You Want
with Your Dad was
published in April, 2004.
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