Menstuff® has information on things we think you should be
aware of, NOW!
- Tick
season is in full-swing
Warning: Season
2 -13 Reasons Why breaks May 18 on Netfliex..Watch it with your kids
for their safety
'condom snorting challenge' is every parent's worst
Pod Challenge: Teens are putting detergent pods in their mouth and
posting videos online
Challenge' fad could result in lung damage
is the Blue Whale Suicide Challenge app
Netflix should pull '13 Reasons Why'
is the Blue Whale Suicide Challenge app
Netflix should pull '13 Reasons Why'
may be a new, dangerous trend for teens who vape
caffeine powder is killing young people
Semicolon Project
Heroin Epidemic
Prank my be very dangerous
Alert: Lazy Cakes Are Not for Teens
toughens up rules for small-time gold miners the West after suit on
dredge mining on the Klamath
Tests Find Carcinogen in Regular and Diet Coke and
Parent's Horrid Nightmare: Coming Soon to YOUR
drug Johnson & Johnson faces $1B in lawsuits, yet mother
charged for refusing use on child
Jumping - the new viral peer-pressure
& Body Works is Targeting Young Women with Their Toxic
buy BC farm salmon until testing proves they're safe to
Turns 125: Why We're Not Celebrating
Girls Continue to 'Fake 'n' Bake' Despite Health
Mis-Informant - with
Jack Black
KFC Advertises
on College Hotties Buns - Girls Gone Wild is Next Probable
Promotional Vehicle
Now We Boycott Target?
Academy of Pediatrics condones minimal forms of female genital
and Walmart helping your kids want more junk
Can Bud's Fan Can
White Knot Campaign
Markets Flasks to Tween Girls
Gives Justin Timberlake a Suck-Job for Pepsi
Mart Continues to Encourage "No
in Junior Intimates
Take Aqua Dots Off Shelves
Ado About Nothing? Flavored Meth and Cheese Heroin Stories Smack of
warn about the dangers of 'salt and ice' challenge
purchase or consume herbal supplements, teas, or energy drinks that
contain Ginkgo biloba
Braves bring back the 'Screaming Savage' Logo
toxic chemicals out of School Lunch
drug Johnson & Johnson faces $1B in lawsuits, yet mother
charged for refusing use on child
Jumping - the new viral
& Body Works is Targeting Young Women with Their Toxic
Turns 125: Why Im Not Celebrating
Alert: Lazy Cakes Are Not for Teens
Florida Republican Gov. Shutters State Drug Control Office - January
7, 2011
billionaires are on the warpath
Drug in Middle School - Dusting
would it cost to save the world?
John Birch Society's infiltration into thousands of America's
classrooms with their anti-democracy, anti-historical
or else
- Tick season is in full-swing
May begins the three-month span with the greatest risk for tick
bites, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
That also means more risk of Lyme disease, a tick-borne infection
that is on the rise. The CDC said 30,000 cases of Lyme disease get
reported annually, but agency cities studies that suggest the number
could may be 10 times higher about 300,000. Lyme disease, if
not treated, can produce severe arthritis or cause neurological or
cardiac problems. If you've been told ticks jump off trees and onto
your body, and the best way to remove a tick is to burn it off, it's
time to read
Tide Pod Challenge:
Teens are putting detergent pods in their mouth and posting videos
Here's the national Poison Control Center hotline: 800-222-1222. Keep
it handy if a teen you know tries this dangerous online challenge.
Tide Pods (concentrated laundry
detergent) is now a thing. It started as a joke, but videos of teens
putting them in their mouths and even cooking with them are making
the rounds. Side effects include diarrhea, vomiting and breathing
difficulties. They pose more serious health risks for youngsters and
can be lethal for adults with dementia. This isn't the first time
thrill-seeking teens have eaten things for Internet notoriety (see:
"cinnamon challenge").
Source: eMail from USA Today 1/11/18
As part of a dangerous new online challenge, teens are putting laundry pods in their mouth.
It all started as jokes. The lure of Tide Pods, which look almost like candy, broke into satirical conversations as early as 2015 when The Onion published column from the perspective of a child who wanted to eat a blue and red detergent pod. This followed numerous reports pods were getting into the hands of curious toddlers, which can cause serious harm.
In 2017, poison control centers received reports of more than 10,500 exposures to highly concentrated packed of laundry detergent by children 5 and younger, according to the American Association of Poison Control Centers.
A March 2017 video likely generated the biggest conversation about students eating pods. In College Humors Dont Eat The Laundry Pods video, viewers see a college student tempted to eat Tide Pods. After researching how toxic the pods are, he still ends up gorging on a bowl full of pods. The video ends with the student saying he doesnt regret it on an emergency backboard. Ideas, and even dares about eating the pods followed on Reddit and Twitter.
Now, videos of teens putting Tide Pods in their mouth and even cooking with them are making the rounds online as part of the "Tide Pod Challenge."
It's alarming.
Many know the pods pose serious health risk for children and nonprofit Consumer Reports has also pointed out lethal risks for adults with dementia. Healthy teens or adults who eat or even bite into the pods could also experience symptoms.
Dr. Alfred Aleguas Jr., managing director of the Florida Poison Information Center in Tampa, said if someone mimicked the College Humor video, they could find themselves in a "life-threatening" situation. Swallowing even a small amount of the highly-concentrated detergent found in pods (which can happen if people bite it and spit contents out), can cause diarrhea and vomiting. In some cases, some of the detergent could even find its way into the lungs and cause breathing difficulties.
While some teens might not have extreme symptoms, the health risk won't be apparent until it happens. Aleguas said he's seen situations where people who don't know they have underlying medical conditions try a stunt like this and must be rushed to a hospital.
"Ending up in the emergency room is no joke," he said.
Tide has a page on its website dedicated to safe handling of its products, advising consumers to drink a glass of water or milk if a product is swallowed and call for help. If you or someone you know has eaten a laundry detergent pod, call the national poison help hotline at 1-800-222-1222 or text POISON to 797979 to save the number in your phone.
Our laundry pacs are a highly
concentrated detergent meant to clean clothes
They should not
be played with, whatever the circumstance is, even if meant as a
joke, Tide said in a statement.
Challenge' fad could result in lung damage
The 'cinnamon challenge' went viral online last year and still
has takers, but can result in choking, aspiration and lung
The 'cinnamon challenge' dare results in choking, gagging, and a burning sensation
Animal studies suggest other, long-term health consequences are possible
Consumed in standard amounts to flavor food, cinnamon is not a problem for most people
A decades-old stunt in which thrill-seeking teens swallow a tablespoon of dry cinnamon with no water, gag and spew out a cloud of orange dust went viral in 2012, resulting in more than 50,000 YouTube video clips of young people attempting the so-called "cinnamon challenge."
Although the immediate physical effects -- coughing, choking and burning of the mouth, nose, and throat -- are temporary in most cases, attempts to swallow a large quantity of the dry spice may result in "long-lasting lesions, scarring and inflammation of the airway" or even lung damage, says a new research paper examining the dare.
Nationwide, at least 30 cases last year stemming from the challenge required medical attention, in 2012, including ventilator support for some teens who suffered collapsed lungs, says the paper, in the April issue of Pediatrics, published online today.
The American Association of Poison Control Centers, which issued an a March 2012 alert about the dare, reported 222 cinnamon-related exposures in 2012, up from 51 in 2011. So far this year, 20 exposures were reported from between Jan. 1 and Mar. 31.
For teens and young adults with underlying lung diseases such as asthma, ingesting large quantities of dry cinnamon has the potential to pose significant and unnecessary health risks, says study author Steven Lipshultz, professor of pediatrics at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. "It could really put them in a bad way," he says.
Although there are no human studies of cinnamon inhalation, in animal studies the lungs almost immediately become inflamed after a single exposure and still show signs of damage weeks, even months later, says Lipshultz. "In humans, that would be the equivalent of an elderly person developing emphysema and needing oxygen."
The report notes that cinnamon is a caustic powder composed of cellulose fibers that don't dissolve or biodegrade in the lungs. It also contains an oil that produces allergic, irritant or toxic reactions in some people.
Consumed in small amounts or mixed with other foods, cinnamon does not cause problems for most people, says Lipshultz.
Although the "cinnamon challenge" is not the
rage it was a year ago, new videos posted online suggest its allure
"hasn't died off," he says, adding that the University of Miami
research team is aware of other potentially dangerous online dares,
including the "condom challenge," in which participants snort a
condom up their nose and pull it out of their mouth.
Markets Flasks to Tween Girls
Great way to sneak a shot into your 7th grade classroom.
Gives Justin Timberlake a Suck-Job for Pepsi
A young, bikini clad girl (not woman) gives Justin Timberlake a
"suck-job" on the Super Bowl to promote Pepsi. But that's not the
kinkiest part.
Wal Mart
Continues to Encourage "No
in Junior Intimates
Wal Mart has expanded their use of seductive names for Junior
Intimates (underwear). Atleast since 2002 they've promoted them using
the trademarked theme 'No Boundaries
' for their Bra and Panty Sets plus
"Juniors' No Boundaries Panties" in new designs, "Juniors' No
Boundaries Woven Boxers" and "Ladies' Secret Treasures Boyleg
For 2007/08 Wal-Mart is showing the "No Boundries" Hipster and Thong
panties. Thank-goodness they've decided to stock condoms and the
prescription morning after pill RU-486, just in case.
CPSC: Take Aqua Dots Off
Popular Aqua Dots (also known as Bindeez in Australia) have been
recalled, after scientists found that when water mixes with the
coating on the beads, it turns into the date-rape drug. At least five
children have been hospitalized.
Meth Ado About Nothing?
Flavored Meth and Cheese Heroin Stories Smack of Fearmongering
It sounds like a recipe for a bellyache: 'strawberry
quik' and 'cheese.'
Sure enough, these purported new drug fads have been giving
prevention experts indigestion, but the agita is mostly over fears
that overreacting officials and media could inadvertently cause a
trend where none exists -- and that attention on these "flavor of the
month" drugs could distract from larger alcohol and other drug
problems confronting youth.
The 'condom snorting
challenge' is every parent's worst nightmare
A disturbing new viral trend has teenagers snorting unwrapped
condoms as part of the Condom Challenge." For more on the story
here is Zachary Devita. Buzz60
Viral videos posted on social media show teenagers snorting condoms as part of a so-called "condom snorting challenge."
In the videos, teens put an unwrapped condom up one of their nostrils and inhale until the condom comes out of their mouth. Like other viral challenges, the condom snorting challenge has been around for years but recently reemerged on social media.
In San Antonio, Stephen Enriquez, who teaches drug and alcohol prevention to parents, has also started to teach parents about dangerous online trends like the condom snorting challenge, KABB-TV reported.
"Because these days our teens are doing everything for likes, views, and subscribers," Enriquez told the station. "As graphic as it is, we have to show parents because teens are going online looking for challenges and recreating them."
More: Tide Pods: Despite 'The Challenge,' P&G doubles down on detergent pouches
And this isn't the first time that teens have done questionable things in the pursuit of Internet fame. In 2012, more than 50,000 YouTube video clips showed young people swallow a tablespoon of dry cinnamon with no water, gag and spew out a cloud of orange dust as part of the "cinnamon challenge."
Likewise, just before the New Year, a spate of teenage poisonings were reported in the U.S. as a result of an Internet-based dare encouraging youths to post video of themselves biting or eating Tide Pods. The stunt, dubbed "The Tide Pod Challenge," has resulted in poison centers reporting 142 incidents in January.
While teens may think the condom snorting challenge goes without consequences, it can be dangerous, Bruce Y. Lee, a Forbes contributor and associate professor of International Health at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, said in a recent column.
Lee writes that with the exception of doctor-prescribed nasal sprays, "anything else that goes up your nose can damage the sensitive inner lining of your nose, cause an allergic reaction, or result in an infection."
He notes that the condom could also get stuck
in the nasal cavity or the throat and cause someone to choke.
purchase or consume herbal supplements, teas, or energy drinks that
contain Ginkgo biloba.
In an important study published yesterday, government toxicologists found that Ginkgo biloba extract provided clear evidence that the ingredient caused liver cancer in mice and some evidence that ginkgo caused thyroid cancer in rats.
Pills or other products containing ginkgo are often marketed as having some benefit for memory or concentration, but the evidence for those claims has long been dubious. We know today that those pretend benefits are outweighed by the real risk of harm.
We conclude that Ginkgo biloba extract caused cancers of the thyroid gland in male and female rats and male mice and cancers of the liver in male and female mice, is how the government researchers described their findings.
For more information on ginkgo or other food additives, visit
on the web..
Source: Michael F. Jacobson, Ph.D., Executive
Director, Center for Science in the Public Interest
Take Aqua Dots Off Shelves
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