Menstuff® has compiled the following information on the issue
of body piercing.
Extreme Body Piercings, Modifications and Implants
Modification What is it? Tattoos Indelible ink is injected into the dermis
layer of the skin beneath the upper epidermis and the
underlying subcutaneous tissue. Piercings The puncturing of the skin to add jewelry
- typically rings, studs and bars - either terporarily or
permanently. Subdermal implants Jewelry or structures (often of silicone
or Teflon) placed under the skin; an incision is made in the
skin and a pocket created, into which the structure is
implanted, after which the incision is sewn
closed. Transdermal implants An implant that is placed under the skin
but that also protrudes through the skin. Microdermal implants An implant that looks transdermal (i.e.,
on the surface) but is anchored beneath the skin; less
invasive than transdermal procedures. Dental implants Similar to regular dental implants to
anchor teeth permanently into the jaw, but usually with
metal (typically titanium or steel) teeth. Tooth shaping The filing of teeth into extreme shapes,
such as vampire fangs. Scarring Superficially etching the skin with a
sharp edge (or, recently, laser) to form patterns of scar
tissue. Skin stretching Most commonly performed on pierced
earlobes; the skin is stretched using heavy items of jewelry
or specifically designed expanders. A special weight can be
used to stretch the skin over the head of a circumcised
penis to return maximum feeling to the head. Tongue splitting The tongue is bifurcated (split) from the
tip to an inch or so back, creating a forked effect. Some
people can learned to move the two sections
independently. Source: Guinnes World Records
Concern Growing Over Youth
Piercings & Sex
Penis Piercing
Related Issue: Tattoos,
Talking With Kids About Tough
Where to Pierce: Oral piercing, the practice of inserting adornments in the tongue (most common site), lips, cheeks or a combination of oral sites would be obsolete if it rested solely in the hands of the American Dental Association. Citing oral piercing as a public health hazard, the ADA passed a resolution opposing the practice. The risk of the procedure includes pain, infection, scarring, a permanent hole or semi-permanent hold, and social stigma. During a tongue piercing a needle is used to insert a barbell-shaped piece of jewelry through the tongue mid line. Symptoms following a piercing may include pain, swelling, infection and increased salivary flow. Healing requires four to six weeks, in the absence of complications. There is no anesthesia during the procedure. The National Institutes of Health have identified oral piercing as a possible conveyance for blood borne hepatitis transmission, says Dr. Timothy Rose, president of the ADA. Other problems associated with oral piercing include tooth trauma, interference with chewing and speaking, hypersensitivity to metals, foreign debris in the piercing site, allergic reactions, altered taste buds and breathing difficulties due to swallowing the adornment. The ADA's resolution calls for ongoing review of scientific literature on oral piercing and public education programs on risk.
The Law: In California, teens must be 18 years of age (ID required) or have parental permission for body piercing. Piercing establishments are required to register with the state for licensing purposes, as well as have annual health inspections. Inspections check sterilization equipment and piercing tools and help to ensure the cleanliness and safety of each studio. Unregistered practitioners are subject to civil penalties.
If you've given the green light on body adornment or your teen is of legal age, make sure they do their homework. Only a professional should perform the piercing. And, understand the risks: possible transmission of hepatitis, HIV an other blood-borne pathogens. Have the teen locate piercers in the area. Talk with people who have had a piercing done, and find out who did them. Check out examples of a piercer's work. Meet the piercer's clients. Discuss techniques. Ear-piercing guns should never be used to pierce anything other than ear lobes. And, ask questions. A legitimate piercer will be happy to address your concerns. Get concise written instructions for the aftercare of the piercing - before the procedure.
Costs: The cost of piercing procedures varies widely, but expect to pay between $25 and $45 for above-the-waist piercing, and $35 to $55 for below-the-waist procedures. Jewelry is additional and is available in many styles, but should be smooth with no rough edges and made of inert, nontoxic substances. Surgical stainless steel, pure gold, and titanium are among the choices available for a new piercing. Piercing jewelry is personal and should not be exchanged or reused on others. Make sure you do not receive used jewelry.
The Future: Today, body art has stamped its legacy on
the teens of the '90s. Pierced tongues and navels and shiny
adornments stabbed through various body parts are considered
desirable. We adults, tough, still find it hard to let our offspring
exhibit an individuality that differs from our perceptions of
acceptability. As parents, we will take great pleasure in
anticipating the trends of our children's children. Our grandchildren
will one day torture these body-pierced teens with their own brand of
individuality, as each subsequent generation makes its mark on the
A: When you are talking about a normal piercing we are assuming you are talking about getting a ring or a stud through the outside surface of the nostril on that area of the nose that flares out (called the ala nasi). We dont think you are talking about what is often called a ring in the nose, meaning that the piercing ring or bar goes through the nasal septum (the divider between the two nostrils).
No matter which piercing you are talking about, most nose piercings are done with needles and not guns. And because the nose is filled with lots of nerve endings, people do tend to complain of a lot more pain with nasal piercings than with say, ear piercings. Also, since lots of stuff (like air, snot and dirt, etc.) come in and out through our noses, these piercings are more likely to get infected until they are healed well and sometimes even afterward. (Be sure that the place you go for piercings uses sterile techniques and disposable gloves and needles.)
There are not many scientific studies of piercings, but looking through the information that is available, it appears that nasal piercings take longer than other piercings to heal completely, particularly the one through the nasal septum. There is also the danger that nose piercings could severely damage the cartilage of the nose and cause long-term problems with how your nose looks or how you breathe.
All of that being said, lots of people pierce their noses without problems. Just be sure you know for sure you really want to do this. You might try a stick-on jewel or a clip-on ring on your nose for a few weeks to be sure you really like the look before you subject yourself to the pain and potential complications of this procedure. If you are scared like you say, maybe you should wait a little bit. Scared usually is our brains way of saying, maybe I should think about this a little longer.
You're not alone. Take a look at a few of the questions related to this topic that other teens have asked us.
For additional information, check out this article: Potential
Piercing Problems: Know What to Avoid and What's Safe
Concern Growing Over Youth Piercings
Body art between friends can be a rite of passage, a backroom ritual often done on the sly.
Teens talk about school athletes doing tattoos or piercings for one another as an initiation. "It's more fun to have a friend do it -- and it was free," says Hansen, a 20-year-old from Minneapolis.
But officials where he lives -- and in other places nationwide -- are worried. In Hennepin County, which includes Minneapolis, they've started a poster campaign in schools and neighborhood hangouts to encourage young people to have their tattoos and piercings done by licensed professionals.
"Get the good design, not a bad disease!" says one poster about tattooing. Another features a photo of an upper lip piercing with warnings about the risk of infections, blood-borne diseases and nerve damage.
The Oregon Health Licensing Office has a similar Web-based campaign, begun after several young people from the town of Klamath Falls got serious upper ear infections from piercings done at a jewelry kiosk with lax sterilization procedures. The cases -- and resulting disfiguration -- were documented in Wednesday's Journal of the American Medical Association.
Meanwhile, the Texas Department of Health has since produced a video for teens and young adults titled "Tattooing and Body Piercing: Thinking Smart About Body Art." And Connecticut is among states offering a brochure with similar information.
The biggest concerns include the potential spread of tetanus and hepatitis B or C if people share tattooing needles or whatever sharp objects -- pins and nails included -- they use to do their piercing.
"It's just not something you can do in your garage," says Shahn Anderson, a licensed tattooist and president of the Alliance of Professional Tattooists, who helped design the Hennepin County campaign.
Eighteen-year-old Katie Klaren thinks posting the information is a good idea.
"Anything but ears, I would want a professional to do," the high school senior from Roseville, Minn., says as she waits at a licensed piercing studio in Minneapolis with her friend, Leslie Barker. The fresh-faced teens were there to have their nipples pierced -- a procedure that's become trendy since Janet Jackson's Super Bowl flash.
"It's an on-the-edge kind of thing," Barker says, adding that both waited until they didn't have to have written parental permission -- required in Hennepin County since last summer.
Several states have laws that prohibit minors from getting tattoos or "body art" regardless of who's holding the needle. And others, such as Wyoming, are considering bans.
Often, licensed piercers and tattooists have even stricter standards than states or cities, requiring a parent to be present or, in some cases, setting their own age limits for certain procedures.
Some youth think that banning them from having work done, or requiring parental permission, is only causing more minors to do the piercing themselves or seek out unlicensed amateurs, known in the industry as "scratchers."
"You can't just outlaw things," says Hansen, who says he could not have afforded a professional tattoo even if he'd wanted one. "It's like prohibition; it doesn't work."
Gail Dorfman -- the Hennepin County commissioner whose age-limits ordinance prompted the safety campaign -- disagrees.
"We're not telling kids they shouldn't get tattoos or piercings," says Dorfman, who's also the mother of five teenagers. "We're just saying, 'Be smart about it.'"
She says doctors and nurses at the county's hospital have seen a spike in young people with infections caused by amateur work, sometimes done by friends or unlicensed operators. She also notes the case of a 19-year-old woman who pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor for doing piercings in a vehicle near a Minneapolis high school and another in suburban Wayzata last year.
Jesika Bornsen, a professional piercer at a shop called Saint Sabrina's in Minneapolis, agrees that the campaign can only help educate teens and parents.
"It's saying, 'Talk to your parents about it,'" says Bornsen, a member of Association of Professional Piercers who's worked in the field for eight years.
She says parents also might be pleasantly surprised if they checked out licensed piercing and tattoo facilities, which increasingly look more like spas than darkened back rooms.
In the end, she says, "Parents have to pick their battles."
"Do you want your kid to have a healthy piercing?" she asks. "Or
the safety pin in their eyebrow?"
Note: in no way promotes body piercing for the enhancement of sex. The following is for those who already have or plan to get piercings. And as with anything, it is highly recommended that you take the necessary precautions before and after undergoing such a procedure. |
Although those who enjoy getting pierced sometimes do so for reasons other than sexual enhancement, there are still others who get pierced for this very reason. And hey, there's nothing wrong with that.
This in no way implies that men and women with piercings are sexually promiscuous or thrive on pain; it simply means that today you're going to learn to use those strategic piercings for reasons other than aesthetic display.
Piercing in General
Getting a piercing in an unusual area on your body such as your tongue, the head of your penis or your nipples requires some care. You shouldn't indulge in any fluid exchange in the area for 2 months (longer -- up to a year -- if you plan on doing deep tissue piercing) in order to prevent infection and allow the area to heal properly.
Always keep the area clean (even after it's healed) by using an antiseptic product, and be responsible. If you notice that the area is infected or constantly sore, then don't engage in any form of sexual contact until it heals.
Now, onto the fun stuff you can do with the new holes in your body.
What'th that on your tongue?
Recently, being the owner of a pierced tongue has become highly associated with a fondness for performing oral sex. After all, go to any strip joint or watch any porn film, and more often than not, the stars will have pierced tongues for your viewing (and playing) pleasure.
And while there are still pending arguments on whether or not pierced tongues provide that awesome sensation that many people swear by, it's up to each individual to decide. Hey I'm just here to offer up some interesting ideas -- there are no guarantees.
Your tongue
Usually, guys who pierce their tongues in order to enhance cunnilingus get pierced near the front (women further back). And obviously, licking her clitoris with a ball of steel attached to your salivating tongue will likely serve to enhance her pleasure.
Lick her as you would even if you weren't pierced. But if you want to add a little something to the experience, freeze the ring first by placing an ice cube or a curiously strong mint in your mouth beforehand. The heat from your tongue blended with the contrast of the cold ring will make her feel inclitible.
As well, besides licking her clitoris and its vaginal neighbor,
you can use your tongue to lick her all over as you would anyway.
Lick her nipples, her neck, her lips, and even her anus... there's no
telling what good things might come of this.
On to the genitalia...please be genital
Although it is believed that genital piercings are difficult to keep free of infection because there's constant moisture in the area and it's usually covered closely with undergarments, most people (including you, right?) are very hygienic when it comes to their genitalia and the constant washing, coupled with the fact that those parts of the body have great blood supplies, promote quick healing.
Your pecker
There are quite a few piercing varieties available for guys to engage in when it comes to their genitalia. Here are a few:
Ampallang: Consists of a Titanium barbell stud (size varies depending on preference) placed horizontally through the glans (head of your penis). Results in the head remaining extremely firm during sex, and because the barbells hit the vaginal walls during sex, it enhances her pleasure. Unfortunately, it takes approximately 12 months to heal completely.
Dydoe: Usually done in pairs, it consists of Titanium barbell studs being pierced through the Corona (ridge of the penis head). Believed to enhance sexual pleasure for both you and your partner. Takes approximately 2 months to heal
Frenum: Piercing occurs along the length of the penis rather than side to side. The loose skin is pierced, thus not causing intense pain as with the other two. Takes approximately 2 months to heal.
Prince Albert: Most popular piercing out there to date. Consists of a bead ring (circular barbell) being pierced into the urethra. Takes about 2 months to heal.
Guiche: Consists of having the base of the scrotum pierced through the perineum with a circular barbell. Prone to infection because most men tend to sweat in this particular area, which aggravates infection. Healing time depends on the individual.
Obviously, if you pierced your penis, it's not just because you think it looks great. You also did so because it's more filling; kidding, it's to enhance your (and her) sexual pleasure. And so long as your woman is adequately lubricated, the piercings shouldn't cause either of you any discomfort.
Take your time inside her; let her feel the steel objects as they rub against the walls of her vagina. As well, you can rub your steel-poked penis against her clitoris and let her feel the power of steel.
As for condoms, since the jewelry is polished (no sharp edges), there's no chance that it will tear the latex. Just make sure there's adequate lube.
Her clitoris can finally be located...
Piercings for Her
Her clit
When it comes to her muffin, it's usually the clitoral hood that gets pierced rather than the actual clitoris or any other area of her genitalia for that matter; the procedure is less complicated and therefore safer. It can take anywhere up to 3 months to heal after the initial piercing. As well, vertical hood piercing is much easier than the horizontal variety.
While every woman's story differs, the general belief is that clitoral piercing heightens sexual pleasure a great deal. In some cases, just going for a walk might result in an orgasm for some of these lucky ladies.
If her clitoral area is pierced, then hey, X marks the spot and there's no way you won't find what you're looking for. Lick the area attentively and flick the piercing with your tongue at will.
Although some women like it when you tug at it by placing it between your teeth, others might not be, so tread carefully. She may have enjoyed the pain when she got pierced, but that doesn't mean that she's a downright masochist.
When you penetrate her, the rubbing of the ring against her clitoris while you rhythmically go back and forth will provide heightened sensations for her. And yes, I'm sorry, this one's for her pleasure only.
Other female piercings
Although there are other genital piercings for women such as the inner and outer labia -- the Christina, the fourchette, and the triangle to name a few -- most of these are rare among women due to their particular anatomy.
lend me your nipples
Nipple piercing is probably one of the most popular amongst both sexes. Sometimes, nipple piercing increases sensitivity a great deal; other times it can annihilate it. Many men do it because women have a tendency to ignore men's nipples amid foreplay and sex. Many women do it to maintain their nipples in an erect stance permanently. Then again, there are those who simply enjoy the painful pleasure associated with getting pierced (ahh, endorphins).
Your nipples
Having straight or circular barbells placed through your nipples will definitely get your woman to do a double take. And many women find pierced nipples intriguing and highly erotic, and enjoy sucking, nibbling and tugging your nipples, as well as the little steel pieces that are connected to them.
While she's riding you, she can suck on one while she fiddles with the other. And besides sex, it's an awesome tool for foreplay. Now, she will finally start giving your nipples their just dues.
Her nipples
You can basically do the same things to her nipples; tug, lick, nibble. Sensitivity will likely be enhanced, so if you perform these acts whilst penetrating her, then prepare yourself for permanent scars down your back.
fun for everyone
Piercings can enhance your sex life, although many people think that's not necessarily so. It's ultimately your decision to make and if you enjoy the pain of being pierced with a sharp object, then more power to you.
Just keep in mind the potential health risks involved. And if you decide to get your tongue pierced, it may hinder your potential position as CEO of your company. And when it comes to long-term effects and the like, that's something you should discuss with your local professional beforehand.
Source: David Strovny,
Penis Piercing Some
do's and dont's
Some do's and dont's
Lot's of guys think body piercing is pretty cool and you might be one of them ? If you're healthy then there's no reason why you shouldn't go for it - if you're sure it's what you want. Remember that you will need to be extra careful during the time it takes to heal, which can take anything from five weeks to six months!
Where to get piercing done
It is so important that you get your piercing done by a professional with a good reputation, preferably someone who has been recommended to you. He or she will be able to advise you on the correct size jewelry and how to care for your piercing. Sterilized equipment and clean premises are extremely important to avoid transmission of a number of serious, life threatening diseases. I do not recommend you try doing it yourself.
You may introduce infection and you may not place the piercing properly.
Rates vary but you should expect to pay from $50 plus the jewelry.
How is it done?
It is a simple procedure. A needle punctures the skin, then the bar or ring is put through the opening made by it. The piercing can be through the foreskin, the skin on the shaft of the penis, the scrotum and the head of the penis. It must not pierce straight through the shaft of the penis as this could cause serious damage.
Common complications
Allergic reactions to jewelry. A rash on the area surrounding the piercing may mean that you are allergic to the metal type. Surgical grade steel, titanium, gold or platinum are usually non-reactive.
Infections. Urinary infections sometimes occur. Signs and symptoms are burning sensation when you urinate and occasionally, blood in the urine.
Redness and soreness at the site of the piercing is common when you first get it done.
Bleeding. Any bleeding should only a small amount at the time of the piercing and should stop when a little pressure is applied. If the piercing has been incorrectly positioned it may cause problems. Any significant amounts of blood loss should be brought to the attention of a doctor.
Serious complications
Remember that any body fluids and poorly sterilized equipment can pass on some serious viral infections. Both HIV and hepatitis B and C are blood borne diseases that can be caught from unsterilized needles. The Hepatitis B and C viruses can live outside the body for a significant period of time and both diseases can make you, not only very sick but can be life threatening. Hep B and C are much more easily transmitted than HIV.
If you are diabetic you have a higher risk of infection so see your doctor first.
Keloid scarring is defined as abnormal scarring that goes beyond the original site of the skin injury. People from certain ethnic groups, Hispanics, Africans and Asian are more susceptible to keloid scarring, so should think about the possibility and consider avoiding all types of body piercing and tattoos.
Remember safe sex practices and piercing. Safe sex involves the
use of condoms. If you have a penis piercing you may need to use a
bigger condom that has room for your jewelry as well! You should use
a condom that will not tear, so do not use sheer ones.
Heart Disease May Increase Risk of Infection
From Body Piercing
Nipple Piercing Led to Lactation
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