Menstuff® has compiled the following information regarding
Child Support.
Child Support Casualties
Consequences of Divorce and the Support of Children
Passport rules snag child
support cash
Case Could Freeze Sperm
How much it will cost to raise a
Child Support - It's Not About
Shocking Data on Incarceration of
Fathers: New Report Suggests Gender Bias
New Mexico Governor Richardson Renigns on
Campaign Promise
Related issues: Divorce
& Custody, Talking With
Kids About Tough Issues, DNA Testing,
Divorce Terms
Resources: Divorce,
(some provide lists of lawyers), Requests
for Help (See right sidebar.)
According to the unConstitutional family court's rulings, that made the "Most Wanted" financially responsible for amounts they are unable to pay and visitors to their children, the public is to believe these 32 parents would rather, have their driver's license revoked, lose their voting rights, lose access to firearms for defense of home and self-protection, lose their job and ability to find a job, be incarcerated and even to be forced to the point of taking their own lives, than pay money to support their children. The problem is, even after their children have been stolen from them, most have paid all they can and are NOT ABLE to pay anymore.
Trevor Goddard, 37, of North Hollywood, California, committed suicide on June 8, 2003. Goddard was at the height of his career. His credits include, Mortal Kombat, Men of War, JAG, Deep Rising, Gone in 60 Seconds, and the recently released, Pirates of the Caribbean. Few know that Trevor was in the middle of a divorce and finding out just what that means to a loving father. There were many articles on his death, but, only one mentioned his pending divorce.
Unknown man, unknown age, of Kendallville, Indiana, committed possible suicide in the only article released on his death. There was no response, the typical media response, to the email sent by his close friend to the 22 email addresses at kpc news. When this article is pubished, the author will send them the address of this article, the name of the unknown man, the link to their story, the link to the email to them, ask them their secrets to sound sleep and ask them, again, to do a follow-up story on James Betzner. They must have some great remedies to sleep after ignoring the email sent to them and still not publishing another story. Will those remedies work for the next unknown man article?
Robert R Steadman, 33, of Sewickley Township, Pennsylvania, hung himself in April, 2003 during his second imprisonment for failure to pay child support. Since Robert was only one sentence of the story dealing with suicide watch policy changing for that prison, it is unknown if this second jailing was a 90 day recycle. The recycle is a jail term of 90 days. After 90 days, the prisoner is released, only to be greeted by another incarceration for failure to pay child support for 90 days and the cycle is continued.
Reinaldo Rivera, 25, of New Jersey was jailed for failure to pay child support. He hung himself with a sheet after one week in jail in April, 2003.
Mark Edward Dexel, 42, of Canada hung himself on January, 23, 2003 in a Kamloops motel after he was banned from seeing his son by the Canadian family courts.
Derrick K. Miller, 43, of San Diego, California, walked up the steps courthouse steps to the San Diego family court's security guard on January 7, 2002. Miller had recently been judged to pay support he obviously did not have. While holding his divorce papers in one hand and pulling a pistol in the other, he told the guard, "You did this to me!". Derrick quickly pulled the trigger, on the only option left to him and many other fathers, that sent a bullet through his head and died.
Carl Tarzwell, Jr., 37, was arrested on June 20, 2001, for failing to pay child support. Carl hung himself within a few hours of being jailed. Carl's death was revealed in a November, 2001, article dealing with excessive suicides in prison.
James Gunter, 45, an emergency services police officer, described as "one of those steely, go-to guys, a natural in a crisis", took his life on the third try while incarcerated for the third time. James was arrested for failing to pay child support and failing to stay away from his ex-wife. Gunter's daughter stated, "He couldn't stand to be away from his kids,". James Gunter found peace on September 15, 2000. It was not until March 24, 2002 that Jame's story became noted by the press in a story about jails being at fault for lack of care in suicides.
Randy Johnson, 34, of Sommerset, Kentucky hung himself on the second day of his incarceration for felony failure to pay child support in January, 2001. He could have been sentenced to 5 years. Johnson worked for the Sugar Shack making donuts. His employer said he was trying to lead a new life. Johnson's story is revealed in an article about suicides in Boyle County prison.
Darren Bruce White, 34, of B.C., Canada, killed himself sometime between March 12, 2000 and March 17, 2000, when his body was found. Darren's suicide came shortly after a court ruling he was capable, something US family courts are also known to do as attested by the author in his personal experience, of paying $2,071 a month in support. The court had no concern that he was paying $439 a month support in his first marriage and was only making $950 a month salary. White's daughter, Ashlee, expresses her grief regarding the current system.
Dimitrius Underwood, 22, the defensive end for the Miami Dolphins, slashed his throat with a kitchen knife when the Lansing police tried to arrest him for failing to pay child support. Dimitrius's story, due to his notoriety, was published quickly on September 28, 1999. But, as usual, the article only dealt with the effect and not the cause.
David Guinn, 38, incarcerated for probation violations and was behind on his child support, hung himself on November, 1998.
James A. Poore, 33, of Bristol, Tennessee, arrested for failing to appear at a child custody hearing, found a shotgun while on a work release program and promptly blew a hole in his chest in March, 1999. Sheriff Eddie Barnes stated it would not stop the work release program.
Kenneth Taylor, 40, of Nebraska, hung himself while jailed for felony child support in November, 1999.
Every year 24,000 men commit suicide. Every 22 minutes one male commits suicide. Based on the fact that a divorced male is 2.5 to 3 times more likely to commit suicide than the average male, the estimate for divorced men, most likely fathers since there is tremendously more trauma placed on them, committing suicide every year would be 15,000 to 18,000 men.
When will it stop? How will it stop? Where is the men's backlash? Many splintered equal parenting groups are asking the same questions.
One small group of 13 fathers, Hunger Strike for Justice, has pledged to start a hunger strike on September 25, 2003 in an effort to break the media blockade and the lack of government address of family, children and individual rights. Their determination, resolve and effectiveness is yet to be tested, but, they have had enough of injustice.
Felons can't vote. The dead can't demonstrate. Men running from incarceration can't take legal remedies. Jail severely limits protesting and information dissemination. Those that are stretched to their limit have neither the effort, nor the time to do very much, except to be with their children when they can, if they can. Many that would fight this deadly system see no hope and have been crushed, emotionally, financially and spiritually. Many are afraid they will lose the little access they have to their children if they make waves. Media ignores the problems being caused and promotes the deadbeat bandwagon. The government does the same, while spending billions more than they collect in the child support scam and even more billions for those incarcerated. That just does not leave many left to be activists.
It is estimated that the total national number of incarcerated fathers for failure to pay child support is 250,000. Some believe the number is closer to 400,000. According to the Missouri legislative report, in 1998 there were 1,770 misdemeanor failure jailings and 900 felony jailings. Every year, there has been more and more hysteria to lock up "deadbeats" by the states. The author has seen similarly populated states in the 4,000 range in years 2000 and 2001. It's not hard to see those numbers could very well be true.
Source: Ed Ward, MD,
Child Support - It's Not About Money
Most couples start out by loving their kids and putting the needs of their kids ahead of everything else. But somehow, their values and good intentions can go astray, when the couples break up. Relationships aren't easy, but the ending of a relationship, when kids are involved, is especially tough. The biggest losers, when these relationships end, are the kids. Not only have they lost some stability, but chances are they'll be put in the middle of a custody battle.
Now that the relationship is over, what happens to the kids? Under normal conditions, both parents will want the kids, so a court usually decides on custody. After the court decides which parent keeps the kids, it will also determine child support payments. These are payments made by the parent without custody to the parent with custody. These payments help with the expenses of raising the kids. There are many factors that go into calculating child support payments, and these include the needs of the child, the income of the parent with custody and the paying parent's ability to make payments.
Child support seems cut and dry, but it's not. Once deciding the custody of the kids, the court also plays a role in deciding the visitation rights of the non custodial parent. And just because someone is a parent doesn't mean they'll automatically get visitation rights. If the court thinks that the non custodial parent may be a threat to their kids, the court can limit visitation or only offer supervised visitation. Many non custodial parents use their lack of visitation as an excuse for not making payments. And many accuse the custodial parents of spending the payments on items unrelated to the kids.
In most cases, the court gives the mother custody of the kids. One
of the basis of child support, is that in the past, men had all the
wealth, so if the men left the relationships, the women and children
were normally left in poverty. Of course, you don't need to have been
married to be responsible for making child support payments. Many men
carry the logo "deadbeat dad", because they've gone years without
supporting their kids. Somewhere along the way the purpose of child
support has gotten lost. Child support is about the child. It's about
helping support the human life that you've created. What reasons
could parents have for turning their backs on their kids.
Source: By Michael Russell,
Shocking Data on Incarceration of
Fathers: New Report Suggests Gender Bias
Further analysis suggests that women who fail to pay all of their child support are incarcerated only one-eighth as often as men with similar violations. Several possible explanations of these results other than gender bias are unsupported by the data, strengthening the view that gender bias against fathers is a major factor in the family courts.
The report was painstakingly compiled by Fathers and Families member Terry Brennan, a task that required at least seven months and dozens of patient letters to Massachusetts officials. Invoking the Massachusetts Public Disclosure Law (Freedom of Information Act), Brennan wrote to the sheriff of each county and to the Massachusetts Department of Corrections to obtain the data. The sheriffs of three counties (Bristol, Hampden, and Worcester) either refused to provide data, or claimed their record systems made it impossible to do so. The absence of data from these counties is unlikely to change the overall results. Brennan deserves respect for his tenacity, intelligence, and patience in carrying out this valuable study.
The large majority of incarcerations from the Probate and Family Courts are due to findings of contempt of court for incomplete payment of child support orders. A small number could be due to non-payment of attorney fees, GAL fees, or alimony. Violations of restraining orders are unlikely to be a factor in this data because violators are incarcerated after trials in the District Courts, not from the Probate and Family Courts.
Perhaps there are reasons other than gender bias that could account for the stunning gender differences in incarcerations from the Massachusetts Probate and Family Courts. Many more fathers than mothers are non-custodial parents, so it would be expected that more of them would be incarcerated for incomplete payment. The latest national data from the US Census Bureau shows that mothers are the custodial parents in 82% of cases, and fathers in only 18% (which may in itself reflect gender bias). (see Table below.) Even so, if incomplete payment of child support occurred in exact proportion to custodial status, then we would expect mothers to account for 18% of incarcerations, not 1.5% to 5%.
However, not all custodial parents have a court order entitling them to child support. In fact, only 54.9% of custodial mothers have such a court order, while only 30.4% of custodial fathers have such an order (this large disparity may again suggest gender bias). Taking the Census Bureau data further, we find that 58% of custodial mothers with a child support order did not receive the full amount in other words, the fathers were in arrears in 58% of those cases where a child support order had been made against them. Custodial fathers failed to receive the full amount of child support ordered from the mothers in 65.9% of cases. In other words, mothers ordered to pay child support pay in full less frequently than fathers who are ordered to pay child support.
If one carries through the arithmetic, one finds that 12% of those in arrears are mothers, and 88% of those in arrears are fathers, based on national data. This disparity is mostly due to the fact that so few fathers are awarded custody of their children, and even when they are, so few of the mothers are required to pay child support.
Based on national data, if incarceration for non-payment of child support occurred at equal rates for men and women who are in arrears, 88% of those incarcerated would be men, not 95% to 98.5%, and 12% would be women (since 12% of those in arrears are women). If, as Brennans report shows, as few as 1.5% of those incarcerated for non-payment of child support in Massachusetts are women, instead of the expected 12%, then women in arrears are incarcerated at a rate eight times less than their numbers warrant.
Perhaps it is possible that mothers in arrears escape incarceration because the amounts of money they owe are so small as to be unimportant. It is true, based on the national data from the US Census Bureau, that non-custodial mothers are not ordered to pay as much as are non-custodial fathers, but the difference is not large ($5,601 versus $5,997 per year). (Since child support amounts are governed by fixed formulae called Child Support Guidelines, they may be less susceptible to gender bias. This disparity is probably due to the fact that women on average earn less than men.)
How much of the child support order is paid, on average? Once again, fathers ordered to pay child support do better than mothers ordered to pay child support, paying 45% of the order on average, versus 38% of the order on average paid by non-custodial mothers. Thus, the average dollar amount of arrearages is greater for mothers than it is for fathers ($2,295 not paid by fathers versus $2,542 not paid by mothers). Thus, although mothers with orders to pay child support have a higher rate of incomplete payment, pay a smaller percentage of their child support order, and have larger dollar arrears than fathers, they are incarcerated at lower rates.
In summary, Brennans research shows stunning results: up to 98.5% of those incarcerated from 2001 through 2011 from the Massachusetts Probate and Family Courts are men. The majority of these incarcerations are for incomplete payment of child support.
For the first time, we have direct evidence that the large excess of fathers incarcerated for child support arrearages compared to mothers cannot be accounted for simply by the fact that there are more fathers ordered to pay child support. Mothers with child support arrears are incarcerated at approximately one-eighth of the rate that would be justified by their numbers if fathers and mothers in arrears were treated equally. Mothers in arrears are incarcerated at lower rates even though they have higher rates of incomplete payment, pay a smaller percentage of their child support order, and have larger arrears than fathers. In the absence of other explanations, these data suggest that gender bias against fathers plays a large role in family court-ordered incarcerations.
Custodial Parent |
Custodial Parents Who Have an Order to Receive Child Support |
Child Support Orders Received in Full by Each Gender |
Percent of Custodial Parents With Orders to Receive Child Support Who Are Owed Arrears |
Gender Breakdown of Payers with Arrears |
Average Amount of Child Support Ordered to be Received |
Average Child Support Amounts Not Received by Each Gender |
Source: |
Source: By Ned Holstein, MD, MS, Founder and Chair
of the Board, Fathers and Families
New Mexico Governor Richardson Renigns on
Campaign Promise
New Mexico Governor Richardson has apparently reneged on a promise to help the Barreras family recover $15,000 collected by the state as child support from Steve Barreras, for a child that never existed.
At half-past four Thursday morning Barreras climbed a ladder to
her perch above I-40 to hang a large banner. Emergency vehicles and
crews from three television stations arrived and the roads were
closed. E-Mail.
79.6% of custodial mothers receive a support award.
29.9% of custodial fathers receive a support award.
26.9% of non-custodial fathers totally default on support.
46.9% of non-custodial mothers totally default on support.
Source: Meyer and Garansky, Technical Analysis
Paper No. 42, US, Department of Health and Human Services, Office
of Income Security Policy, 1991.
Child support is our system for replacing fathers with money. Everyone, including mothers, would be better off if we replaced money with fathers. - KC Author, Where's Daddy? The Mythologies behind Custody-Access-Support.
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