Prevention Campaign
Menstuff® has compiled the following information on the Drug Prevention Campaign. ![]()
The call to legalize all illicit drugs
Drug Prevention and Treatment
Programs Recommended for Cuts in Presidents Budget
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Kids who drink before age 15 are 5 times more likely to have alcohol problems when they're adults. To leaarn more, go to www.stopalcoholabuse.gov or call 1.800.729.6686 1. My name is Emily, and in seven years I'll be an alcoholic. I'tt start drinking in eighth grade, and I'll do some things I don't really want to do. So by the time my parents talk to me about it, alcohol won't be my only problem. 2. My name is Tyler and in nine years I'll be an
alcoholic. I'll start drinking in middle school, just at
parties. But my parents won't start talking to me about it
until high school. And by then, I'll already be in some
trouble. The thing is, my parents won't even see it
coming. Millions of Americans are currently involved in social, business and/or community groups that would like to do something constructive for their community. Community coalitions provide these individuals and their groups with the ability to make a real difference. By organizing the resources of multiple sectors of the community, coalitions improve the quality of life within local communities and help to keep kids away from drugs. Did You Know?
In the past four years, there has been a 19% decline in the number of young people who reported using illicit drugs. However, the reported abuse of presciption drugs and inhalants has increased.* Preventing drug abuse is a daunting job, but studies have shown that the greatest positive difference is made when individuals and community groups get involved in the lives of young people in their cities and towns. It's proven that kids who are involved in extracurricular or afterschool activities are less likely to use drugs. The campaign launched in August 2000 and it is designed to increase the public's awareness of, and participation in, community coalitions that provide activities and support for the youth in their neighborhoods. The ads seek to motivate adults to volunteer, coach or mentor to keep kids active, off the streets and away from drugs. The message is that everyone has something to offer in order to be a positive influence on the kids in their community. Campaign Objective Encourage individuals to involve their social, business,
and community groups in community coalitions and urge
viewers to call a toll-free number at 877-KIDS-313 or
The Partnership has created a new Memorial website, www.drugfree.org/memorials to give families and friends a special place to remember loved ones lost to drugs and alcohol. Our new site (which is not final and in a testing phase) allows visitors to share their story along with photos and memories and offers a reflecting-pool design, easy-to-use forms, and a tool for friends and family to leave tribute messages. Please tell others about this new site so we can reach as many kids and parents as possible. 20 North Carolina 19. Ohio 18 (missing) 17 missing) 16 missing) 15. Massachusetts 14 missing) 13 missing) 12 missing) 11. Tennessee 10. Pennsylvania 9. Kentucky 8. Florida 7. West Virginia 6. Oklahoma 5. New Mexico 4. Phode Island 3. Utah 2. Arizona 1. Nevada Ecstasy Can Cause Memory Loss,
Researchers Say Ecstasy use can cause short- and long-term memory loss, and some users may experience memory problems after taking just a single dose of the drug. Ecstasy use can cause short- and long-term memory loss, and some users experience memory problems after taking just a single dose of the drug, according to British researchers. Reuters reported June 28 that 75 percent of Ecstasy users have memory impairments, and that the damage does not seem to be limited to long-term users. "It's almost as if there is a one-hit problem," said lead researcher Keith Laws of Hertfordshire University. "Essentially it's the same if you take only a few, or an extremely large amount of tablets." Laws and colleagues reviewed 26 Ecstasy studies that included 600 users. "Often when you ask people who take ecstasy if they have memory problems, they say no, but when you test them, they realize that they have serious problems," he said. The study is slated to be published in the journal
Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental
84 Percent of Employers Require
Pre-Employment Drug Tests More than four out of five U.S. employers now require pre-employment drug tests, and 39 percent conduct random drug testing of employees. Source: www.jointogether.org/news/headlines/inthenews/2007/84-percent-of-employers.html ![]()
The question of whether being a primary medical-marijuana caregiver can shield individuals from prosecution under drug laws will be decided by the California Supreme Court. Source: www.jointogether.org/news/headlines/inthenews/2007/calif-court-to-consider.html ![]() Needle Exchange Clients Lead Risky
Sex Lives Injection-drug users who visit needle-exchange programs may limit their risk of getting AIDS through sharing dirty needles, but their risky sex lives still expose them to many diseases. Source: www.jointogether.org/news/research/summaries/2006/needle-exchange-clients-lead.html ![]() Illegal drug use up for
boomers Teen usage down for the third consecutive year, government study finds. Meanwhile, illicit drug use among young teens went down for the third consecutive year - from 11.6 percent in 2002 to 9.9 percent in 2005. ![]() Source: msnbc.msn.com/id/14712630/?GT1=8506 ![]() ONDCP Posts Anti-Drug Ads to
YouTube Hoping to counter pro-drug messages on the Internet, the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) is posting its anti-drug videos to the popular YouTube ![]() Source: www.jointogether.org/news/headlines/inthenews/2006/ondcp-posts-anti-drug-ads-to.html ![]() Young Alcoholics Less Likely to Seek
Treatment Researchers from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism report that people who become dependent on alcohol before reaching age 25 are less likely to seek treatment for their addiction. Source: www.jointogether.org/news/research/summaries/2006/young-alcoholics-less-likely.html ![]() I remember the excitement I felt before heading off to college - so many possibilities, freedoms and challenges. On campus, I welcomed new experiences, which at times included opportunities to try drugs and alcohol. In retrospect, I realize how lucky I was to dodge the negative consequences of my not-always-wise decisions. Today I am a drug-treatment counselor. As I talk to young people getting ready to go off to campus, I'm often tempted to grab them by the shoulders to make sure they understand that it's not only their academic choices that will have an impact on their future. Their social decisions will matter greatly, too. More than that though, I want to sit down with parents and make sure they know that their advice, opinions and insights are still going to be important to their college student. Through education and support, they can still affect the choices their young adults make when it comes to drug and alcohol consumption, even if they are hundreds of miles away. The most common discussion I have with parents who have had a child in drug treatment is that they wished that they'd listened to their gut feelings and asked more questions. So many say, "If only I knew then what I know now." Don't let distance discourage you from trying to learn about your child's daily life. Talk with your child on a regular basis, especially in these weeks as he or she prepares for college. Once they're on campus, try to keep a good read on how life away from home is going. Be involved but nonjudgmental. Maintain communication, and ask specific questions that give you an indication of how he or she is handling the daily pressures, both academic and social. If you ever suspect that your child may have a problem, address it immediately. The longer you brush a problem aside, the worse it becomes. Even though parents may have experimented with drugs during college, it's essential that they feel comfortable discussing the dangers of being a user. It is the healthy behaviors that parents exhibit now that matter, not what occurred 25 years ago. Try to avoid giving mixed messages by telling tales of your own "glory" days that can glamorize drug and alcohol use. Point out that it's possible to have fun at college without consuming alcohol; there are many groups and events on campus that don't involve alcohol and drugs. Of course, you can offer support and guidance, but ultimately they will make their own decisions and grow into their own unique people while at school. But by showing interest in their social life, as well as all areas of their college experience - not just academics - they're more likely to talk openly and turn to you for advice. One other point parents should be aware of is the growing trend of students abusing their own prescription drugs, or their friends'. Many college students are using them as study aids or to get "high." If your teen has a legitimate prescription, make sure he handles it properly and stress the importance of not sharing with others. The college years can be a hectic, stressful time. But
with continued support and guidance from parents, they can
also be the best years of a person's life. UN Cites Decline
in Drug Use, Manufacturing Use and manufacturing of illicit drugs has declined globally, according to a new report from the United Nations' Office on Drugs and Crime ![]() The Christian Science Monitor reported June 27 that the UN estimated that total acreage dedicated to coca production fell 26 percent worldwide between 2000 and 2006. Heroin and cocaine use appears to have stabilized, although opium production in Afghanistan was cited as a continuing problem. Authorities seized an estimated 42 percent of all cocaine produced globally and 26 percent of heroin, the report said. "For almost all drugs -- cocaine, heroin, cannabis and amphetamines -- there are signs of overall stability, whether we speak of production, trafficking or consumption," said Antonio Maria Costa, head of the UN drug agency. "The general message of this report is that we have some pretty robust evidence that containment, a word we first used in 2004, is becoming a trend, though we need in the next few years to prove that it is statistically and logically strong. It still could be a fluke, but we hope to prove that it's now cyclical." The UN report estimated that about 5 percent of all 15- to 64-year-olds worldwide used illicit drugs, a total of about 200 million people. About 25 million were classified as "problem" users of heroin or cocaine. The report warned that Africa could become a new target
for drug producers under pressure in Latin American and
Afghanistan. DEA's Drug Price and Purity List The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) keeps frequently updated price lists and tracks purity levels of a wide variety of illicit drugs, which federal, state and local law-enforcement agencies can use to put a value on drug seizures, Slate reported May 24. The DEA's quarterly Trends in Trafficking report -- not readily available to the public -- includes information compiled by the agency's 21 field offices. (Some of the data is included in a 2004 report from the Office of National Drug Control Policy.) Both wholesale and retail prices are reported based on information from informants and undercover agents. The DEA's report also includes information on drug purity based on testing of drug samples. Typically, estimates of the price of seized drugs given to the public are based on wholesale prices in the market where the drugs were destined for sale. The report shows that both price and purity can vary significantly from region to region. The DEA's price and purity data are considered the most
comprehensive such information available. CSAT Scholarships for National Rural
Institute on Alcohol and Drug Abuse, June 2006 This year's twenty second annual conference will focus on the rural methamphetamine problem as well as evidence-based prevention, treatment, special populations and drug courts. Source: www.jointogether.org/news/yourturn/announcements/2006/csat-scholarships-available.html ![]() One in 400 Students Lose Aid
Because of Drugs A law that strips financial aid from students who admit to past drug offenses resulted in one in 400 applicants being denied federal education assistance, according to data from the U.S. Department of Education. Conn. Moves to Punish Parents Who Host Teen Drinking Parties After years of failure, a bill that imposes tougher
penalties on parents who host underage-drinking parties has
passed the Connecticut House of Representatives. Drug-Free School Zones Called Unfair,
Ineffective Few cases prosecuted under so-called 'drug-free school zones' statutes involve sales to youth, according to a series of studies that add fuel to criticism of such laws. Source: www.jointogether.org/news/headlines/inthenews/2006/drug-free-school-zones-called.html ![]() Supreme Court Rules Against
Search in Drug Case Police erred in searching a house without a warrant when they were given permission by one resident but were refused by another, the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled. Source: www.jointogether.org/news/headlines/inthenews/2006/supreme-court-rules-against.html ![]() Millions Have Driven On Drugs,
U.S. Says An estimated 11 million Americans, including nearly one in five 21-year-olds, have driven while under the influence of illegal drugs, the government says. Source: www.intelihealth.com/IH/ihtIH/EMIHC274/333/33000/369331.html?d=dmtICNNews ![]() Get 55 Years for First Offense Selling
Marijuana in Utah Prison senstence recently given to a 25-year-old Salt Lake City man for a first offense of selling marijuana, thanks to mandatory-minimum-sentencing laws. Versus 22 years given on the same day by the same judge to a man conicted of second-degree murder for beating an old woman to death with a log. And, who says justice isn't just. Just us? Source: Details magazine, Jan/Feb, 2005 Pot Luck: Do You Know What You're
Getting? Marijuana today isn't the same stuff that was smoked freely in the 1960s. Today's pot is more than 15 times as potent. And, recent studies show frequent marijuana use has been linked to increased risk of mental illnesses such as depression and schizophrenia. Intrigued? ![]() Source: my.webmd.com/content/article/1685.53652 ![]() HHS Awards 8.8 Million Dollars To
Prevent Club Drug And Inhalant Abuse HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson announced 8 million in grants to support infrastructure development and interventions to prevent the use of Ecstasy and other club drugs, methamphetamine and inhalants. Source: www.intelihealth.com/IH/ihtIH/EMIHC000/333/333/357339.html ![]() Long-Term Cognitive Impairment
Found In Crack-Cocaine Abusers Impaired memory and motor skills were found in crack-cocaine users up to 6 months after their last use of the drug. Individuals with a history of heavy crack use had the most severe impairments. The researchers believe that these deficits are evidence of brain damage caused by substance abuse. Source: www.intelihealth.com/IH/ihtIH/WSIHW000/333/8014/350573.html ![]() Cocaine Use May Cause Increase
In Coronary Calcium, An Indicator Of Atherosclerosis Researchers from Johns Hopkins School of Public Hygiene and Public Health found a significant association between cocaine use and the presence of calcium in the coronary arteries, a finding that suggests that cocaine use might promote subclinical atherosclerosis. The presence of calcium in the coronary arteries is a known marker for atherosclerosis. Source: www.intelihealth.com/IH/ihtIH/EMIHC000/333/333/357620.html ![]() Drug Prevention and Treatment
Programs Recommended for Cuts in Presidents Budget
Request President Bush´s FY 2009 Budget Request, released Feb. 4, 2008, recommends cutting the majority of substance abuse prevention and treatment programs. Among the programs that would take a hit in the Presidents Budget Request is the Drug-Free Communities (DFC) program. The DFC program has historically proven to be extremely effective and the demand for funding has greatly outpaced the availability of funds. Most Drug Prevention and Treatment Programs Recommended for Cuts in Presidents Budget Request President Bush´s FY 2009 Budget Request, released Feb. 4, 2008, recommends cutting the majority of substance abuse prevention and treatment programs. In response, CADCA is calling on community coalitions to make advocacy a top priority this year, and is working with other major national groups in the prevention field to develop a unified response to the proposed cuts. Among the programs that would take a hit in the Presidents Budget Request is the Drug-Free Communities (DFC) program. The DFC program has historically proven to be extremely effective and the demand for funding has greatly outpaced the availability of funds. Despite this, however, for the first time since the inception of the program, the President recommended cutting funding for this program by $10 million, bringing the total to only $80 million. This is a critical year for advocacy as we could see some of the most important programs for our field severely cut. If we want to see these cuts restored and proposed increases come to fruition, it is imperative that our field make advocacy a true priority, said Sue Thau, CADCAs Public Policy Consultant. As the appropriations process continues we will need to flood Congress with letters so that they are aware of the devastating impact some of the draconian cuts will have on you and your communities. The President also recommended a funding level of only $100 million for the State Grants portion of the Safe and Drug Free Schools and Communities (SDFSC) program, which represents a cut of $194.8 million. Additionally, his Budget Request recommends eliminating the Alcohol Use and Reduction demonstration grant program. In FY 2008, Congress funded the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention at a level of $194.1 million, which was a $38.1 million increase over the Presidents FY 2008 request. Despite this restoration, the President has once again recommended cutting CSAP funding to $158 million in FY 2009. The President also recommended cutting funding for the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment by $62.8 million. There were a limited number of substance abuse prevention and treatment programs recommended for minor funding increases, including the Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant, the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, and the National Programs portion of the Safe and Drug Free Schools and Communities program. CADCA will send coalitions specific legislative alerts with sample letters and detailed instructions as the appropriations process moves forward. CADCA is urging coalitions to act immediately after receiving the alerts, so that CADCA and coalitions can have maximum influence on FY 2009 funding levels for the programs that support substance abuse prevention and treatment. To request a copy of CADCAs Legislative Update
highlighting key programs slated for cuts in the
Presidents Budget Request, contact Kelly Lieupo at
E-Mail Among American cash crops, marijuana outranks corn in yearly value.
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