Teen Suicide
Menstuff® has compiled the following information on teen
suicide statistics. Every hour and forty-five minutes, another young
person commits suicide. Teen/youth suicide rates have tripled since
Time Death Toll as of
Teen Suicide
Deaths by Suicide and Self-inflicted
Injury age 15-24, 1991-1993
Teen Suicide Statistics
Suicide Gender Comparisons
Teen Suicide Warning Signs
Prevention Organizations
Related Issues: Talking
With Kids About Tough Issues, Guns
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Teen Suicide Statistics
The suicide statistics contained in this article are gathered from
studies done by the National Institute of Mental Health.
Suicide Deaths, U.S., 2001
- Suicide was the 11th leading cause of death in the United
- It was the 8th leading cause of death for males, and 19th
leading cause of death for females.
- The total number of suicide deaths was 30,622.
- The 2001 age-adjusted rate** was 10.7/100,000 or 0.01%.
- 1.3% of total deaths were from suicide. By contrast, 29% were
from diseases of the heart, 23% were from malignant neoplasms
(cancer), and 6.8% were from cerebrovascular disease (stroke) -
the three leading causes.
- Suicides outnumbered homicides (20,308) by 3 to 2.
- There were twice as many deaths due to suicide than deaths due
to HIV/AIDS (14,175).
- Suicide by firearms was the most common method for both men
and women, accounting for 55% of all suicides.
- More men than women die by suicide. The gender ratio is
- 73% of all suicide deaths are white males.
80% of all firearm suicide deaths are white males.
- Among the highest rates (when categorized by gender and race)
are suicide deaths for white men over 85, who had a rate of
- Suicide was the 3rd leading cause of death among young
adults and adolescents 15 to 24 years of age, following
unintentional injuries and homicide. The rate was 9.9/100,000 or
- The adolescent suicide rate among youth ages 10-14 was
1.3/100,000 or 272 deaths among 20,910,440 children in this age
group. The gender ratio for this age group was 3:1 (males:
- The adolescent suicide rate among youth aged 15-19 was
7.9/100,000 or 1,611 deaths among 20,271,312 adolescents in this
age group. The gender ratio for this age group was 5:1 (males:
- Among young people 20 to 24 years of age, the suicide rate was
12/100,000 or 2,360 deaths among 19,711,423 people in this age
group. The gender ratio for this age group was 7:1 (males:
Source: www.teensuicide.us/articles1.html

Suicide Gender Comparisons (Men:Women)
Girls attempt suicide more than boys 3:1
Men succeed in suicide more than women 4:1
Boys succeed in suicide more than girls
Age 10-14 - 3:1
Age 15-19 - 5:1
Age 20-24 - 7:1
Teen Suicide Warning Signs
Studies show that 4 out of 5 teen suicide attempts have been preceded
by clear warning signs. Make sure you know them.
Pay attention to these suicide warning signs:
- Suicide threats, direct and indirect
- A teen's obsession with death
- Poems, essays and drawings that refer to death
- Dramatic change in personality or appearance
- Irrational, bizarre behavior
- Overwhelming sense of guilt, shame or reflection
- Changed eating or sleeping patterns
- Severe drop in school performance
- Giving away belongings
If you know someone who exhibits some of these warning signs -
please contact a local therapist or hotline immediately. If this is
an emergency - contact 911 or Text SOS to 741741
Source: www.teensuicide.us/articles2.html

and of course :
- The Hotline for Suicide Crisis:
1-800-SUICIDE (784-2433)
* * *
"If you're feeling suicidal this would be an ideal time to try
what you always wanted to try but were afraid to try."

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