Teen Newsbytes
Menstuff® has compiled the following information on and for
teens. Also see Newsbytes for Children,
and Teen Health. Related
issue: Adolescence
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Test-Taking Tips for Teens
Do you sweat, chew your pencil, and feel butterflies in your stomach
as your teacher hands out a test? Study these test-taking tips!
Source: www.kidshealth.org/teen/school_jobs/school/testing_tips.html

Cooking Up a Storm
Whether you're the next Julia Child or you failed Water Boiling 101,
you can impress your friends and family in the kitchen with a little
practice and the right recipe. Check out TeensHealth's Recipes
section for delicious dishes that are easy to make.
Source: kidshealth.org/teen/food_fitness/nutrition/recipes.html

Taking Care of Your Vision
There are lots of things you can do to protect your baby blues (or
greens, or browns, or hazels, or whatever color your eyes are). Learn
all about how to take care of your vision in this article for
Source: www.kidshealth.org/teen/your_body/take_care/vision_care.html

The Fabulous Food Guide Pyramid
You've probably seen the Food Guide Pyramid a lot, but you may
not know how it applies to you. This article for teens is a fun look
at the foods you need to stay healthy.

Risky Parents, Risky Teens
Parents who smoke, drink, and ignore their own health are a bad
example for their kids -- one that's leading to early, unsafe
A nationwide study of some 19,000 adolescents -- in grades 7
through 12 -- finds that parents are indeed their kids' role models,
whether they like it or not.
"Parents' behavior creates a whole atmosphere of risk, a sense
that living on the edge is OK," says lead author Esther Wilder, PhD,
assistant professor of sociology at Lehman College in the Bronx in
New York.
"Kids grow up thinking, 'If they don't care, why should I?'" she
tells WebMD.
Wilder's report appears in the September issue of the The Milbank
Among her findings: Most adolescents used contraception the first
time they had intercourse. But one-third did not. "That's real cause
for concern," she says.
Also, parents who smoked -- more than drinking or any other risky
behavior -- were more likely to have kids who were also engaged in
risky behaviors.
"Adolescents whose parents smoked were 50% more likely to have had
sex -- and to have it at very early ages," says Wilder. "This was
regardless of whether the family was affluent or received welfare,
parents' level of education, religion, whether they were in
stepfamilies or single-parent families."
"Risk gets reproduced across generations," she tells WebMD. "It
may take different forms, but we found a strong intergenerational
pattern of risk."
Smoking sets a "behavioral tone" in the family, one creates the
same pattern of behavior in the child, says Wilder. "It's like a
risky syndrome that gets passed from one generation to next."
Parents need this kind of wake-up call, says Sarah Brown, director
of the National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy.
"Families have been hoping the schools could do it, that if they
could find the right curriculum -- or if we could change what
Hollywood does or doesn't do, rate the movies just right -- all kids'
behavior problems would go away," Brown tells WebMD.
She talks with lots of parents. "Parents have really felt they
have lost kids to the power of peer influence and media influence,"
says Brown. "We've even heard parents say, 'once they're 12 or 13, we
have no role in their lives. It doesn't matter what we do, we don't
see them.'"
But families are the first and best sex educator for children, she
says. "The nation is rediscovering the power of parents. This
research reminds us, parents in particular, that what parents do
influences their children. Parents need to be mindful of that."
Kids watch their parents like hawks, Brown tells WebMD. "I have
three children at home. They have opinions about everything I do.
They observe it, think about it, discuss it with their friends."
While kids can get information on sex and "basic body facts" at
school, parents need to put it in context, she says.
"Contraception is only one part of it. Some of the larger issues
about relationships, lifetime goals, respectful interaction between
males and females, what's safe, what our family expects, what our
faith tradition teaches, how to handle negative peer pressure --
those things are incredibly important. That's where parents have an
Source: Jeanie Davis, my.webmd.com/printing/article/3606.2167

Going Over Seas
If you're planning to travel overseas, the first thing you should do
is to find out which immunizations you'll need to stay healthy. Find
out how to protect yourself in TeensHealth's Staying Safe
Source: www.kidshealth.org/teen/safety/index.html

von Willebrand Disease
Excessive or prolonged bleeding could be a sign of a genetic disorder
known as von Willebrand disease. For many people the disorder is very
mild, but for those with more severe forms of the disease, the proper
diagnosis and treatment can make them less likely to have problems
from the condition.
Source: www.kidshealth.org/teen/diseases_conditions/genetic/vwd.html

Flu Facts
If you have the flu, you'll have lots of company. From December to
April, all across the United States, as many as 90 million people
come down with the flu each year.
Source: www.kidshealth.org/teen/infections/common/flu.html

Body Image and Self-Esteem
When your body changes, so does your image of yourself. Read this
article to find out how your body image affects your self-esteem and
how you can develop a healthy body image.
Source: www.kidshealth.org/teen/your_mind/body_image/body_image.html

Heart Disease May Increase Risk of
Infection From Body Piercing
A recent study suggests that people who have certain types of heart
disease may be at greater risk for developing heart infection after
body piercing.
Source: www.kidshealth.org/teen/misc/body_piercing_news.html

"My friend is talking about suicide.
What should I do?"
If you've ever asked yourself this, you're not alone. TeensHealth
gives the answers to questions that teens like you ask us all the
time. Check to see if we've answered one of yours in Q & A.
Source: www.kidshealth.org/teen/question/index.html

Am I in a Healthy
It's totally normal to look at the world through rose-colored glasses
in the early stages of a relationship. But just make sure those
glasses don't turn into blinders that keep you from seeing that your
new relationship isn't as healthy as it should be.
Source: www.kidshealth.org/teen/your_mind/relationships/healthy_relationship.html

Are Changes in My Vaginal
Discharge OK?
Vaginal discharge may be normal or abnormal - it's up to you to find
out the difference. If you have questions about your discharge, read
our article to get the facts.
Source: www.kidshealth.org/teen/sexual_health/girls/vdischarge2.html

Getting a Grip on Growth
You may know that it's normal to develop earlier or later than your
friends, but have you ever wondered whether you are growing normally?
Read this article to learn all about growth.
Source: www.kidshealth.org/teen/your_body/health_basics/growth.html

Glow Stick Risks
Glow sticks - which are popular at dance clubs and raves - may look
harmless, but a recent study indicates they can cause some unpleasant
eye and skin symptoms and possibly other problems.
Source: www.kidshealth.org/teen/misc/glow_sticks_news.html

Safely Surf the Net
Do you know how to be safe while you surf the Internet? When you go
camping, is your first-aid kit stocked with the supplies you might
need? Check out TeensHealth's Staying Safety section for lots of
useful tips.
Source: www.kidshealth.org/teen/safety/index.html

Knee Injuries
You probably don't give much thought to your knees. But if you've
ever suffered a knee injury, you know that healthy knees are needed
for many activities and sports and that getting hurt can mean some
time sitting on the sidelines.
Source: www.kidshealth.org/teen/food_fitness/exercise/knee_injuries.html

How Can I Deal With My Asthma?
Maybe you've been dealing with asthma since you were a little kid, or
maybe you've just been told that you have it. Whatever the case,
asthma can complicate your life and affect you both emotionally and
Source: www.kidshealth.org/teen/question/illness_infection/asthma_mgmt.html
Focus on Friends
Friends are important, whether you have one or 100 of them. Find out
how to be a good friend, make new friends, and weed out the ones who
aren't really yours in "Focus on Friends" in TeensHealth's Your Mind
Source: www.kidshealth.org/teen/your_mind/index.html

Caffeine has probably helped you through long nights of studying or
filling out college applications. But do you know about caffeine,
like what its side effects are? Read this article for the facts.
Source: www.kidshealth.org/teen/food_fitness/nutrition/caffeine.html

Dealing With Divorce
For many teens, the divorce of their parents marks a turning point in
their lives, whether ancient history or current event. If you are
dealing with your parents' divorce, you're not alone - read this
article for information and support.
Source: www.kidshealth.org/teen/your_mind/families/divorce.html

Myths About Acne
Do you think you already know all there is to know about acne? You
may be surprised that some of the things you've heard about acne -
like what causes it and how to deal with it - actually aren't
Source: www.kidshealth.org/teen/your_body/skin_stuff/acne_myths.html

Urinary Tract Infections
A urinary tract infection is the second most common reason that teens
visit a doctor. For more information about this uncomfortable problem
and how it can be treated, check out this article.
Source: www.kidshealth.org/teen/sexual_health/stds/uti.html

Volunteering: Why Helping Out Is In
Volunteering can be one of the most gratifying and fun things you can
do. Read this article to learn about the benefits of volunteering and
to find out how to go about doing it.
Source: www.kidshealth.org/teen/school_jobs/jobs/volunteering.html

Lessons in Netiquette
Get dissed in a chatroom? Better brush up on your Netiquette.
Source: www.teenwire.com/techknow/articles/tk_20020613p021.asp

Send Your Secrets
Dying to find out your BFF's secret crush? Wanna know how old your
guy pal was when he had his first kiss? Spill your guts in our latest
game and maybe your friends will return the favor.
Source: http://www.teenwire.com/play/np_spreadem.asp

They Hate Her!
If your parents dont like your new boyfriend or girlfriend
even if you think he or she is the greatest thing since the
discovery of fire youre going to have trouble. You might
be punished if you date your new love. You might constantly sweat
bullets from the stress of sneaking around. Here's what you should
pay attention to when figuring out how to make it work for
Source: www.teenwire.com/infocus/2002/if_20020611p162.asp

There are lots of kind of family
Stepparents, grandparents, brothers, sisters. Need info on one - or
many? Then log onto My Family and find out how to make your life at
home a little bit easier.
Source: kidshealth.org/kid/feeling/index.html

What's Mono?
Have you wondered about mono? Why is it called the "kissing disease"?
Read this article for kids to find out the answers to all of your
questions about this common infection.
Source: www.kidshealth.org/kid/ill_injure/sick/mono.html

Be Safe when you Surf
Do you know how to be safe while you surf the Internet? When you go
camping, is your first-aid kit stocked with the supplies you might
need? Check out TeensHealth's Staying Safety section for lots of
useful tips.
Source: www.kidshealth.org/teen/safety/index.html

Finding a Summer Job or Internship
A summer job or internship is an excellent way to make money and gain
the experience you'll need after high school. Read this article to
learn more about how to find the job that's right for you.
Source: www.kidshealth.org/teen/school_jobs/jobs/summer_job.html

Going to a Therapist
There are many different kinds of therapy; you've probably heard
people discussing physical therapy, art therapy, or even gene
therapy. In this article, however, therapy refers to psychotherapy -
the treatment of behavioral and emotional concerns.
Source: www.kidshealth.org/teen/your_mind/mental_health/therapist.html

Kick off spring with TeensHealth!
We're proud to announce the new and improved TeensHealth! In addition
to hundreds of awesome articles, we now offer a funky new design,
interactive quizzes and features that change each week, new
categories to make navigation a snap, and lots more. Check it out and
spread the word about the best source of health information for teens
on the web!
Source: teenshealth.org/

Herpes Simplex
Herpes simplex infections commonly cause either cold sores around the
mouth or blisters in the genital area (also known as genital
Source: www.kidshealth.org/parent/infections/bacterial_viral/herpes.html

What Should I Do if My Family
If your family doesn't always agree on things - and most families
don't - then check out this article written for kids. Learn how keep
your cool and resolve conflicts when people in your family are

"My friend is talking about
suicide. What should I do?"
If you've ever asked yourself this, you're not alone. TeensHealth
gives the answers to questions that teens like you ask us all the
time. Check to see if we've answered one of yours in Q & A.
Source: www.kidshealth.org/teen/question/index.html

Also, check out Teen
Camping Basics
Whether you'll be in the woods, on the desert, combing the beaches,
or climbing mountain trails, check out our article about camping
basics for a few important survival techniques.
Source: www.kidshealth.org/teen/safety/safebasics/woods.html

How to Perform a Testicular
The testicular self-examination (TSE) is an easy way for guys to
check their own testicles to make sure there aren't any unusual lumps
or bumps - which are usually the first sign of testicular cancer.
Source: www.kidshealth.org/teen/sexual_health/guys/tse.html
Sign up for a monthly free self-exam
What Is Trichotillomania?
Lots of teens don't think about losing their hair because it seems
like something only adults need to worry about. But if you're a teen
with trichotillomania, hair loss can be a serious reality.
Source: www.kidshealth.org/teen/your_mind/mental_health/trichotillomania.html

Is Competition Losing the Fun
Of course winning feels great, but is the competitive pressure taking
the fun out of your game? Find out how to keep sports pressure in
check in TeensHealth's Sports section.
Source: www.kidshealth.org/teen/food_fitness/sports/sports_pressure.html

Connecting With Your Coach
Having a good relationship with your coach helps you get the most out
of your chosen sport. In this article, we'll tell you how to keep it
cool with your coach.
Source: www.kidshealth.org/teen/food_fitness/sports/coach_relationships.html

What You Need to Know About
There's lot of stuff you need to know about different kinds of drugs
- the most important being not to take them. Check out What You
Need to Know About Drugs to find out more about individual drugs
and their effects.
Source: www.kidshealth.org/kid/grow/index.html

What Are Wrinkles?
Wrinkles! Everyone gets them eventually, and most adults have them.
Read this article to find out why , and also learn how you can
prevent getting wrinkles while you're young.
Source: www.kidshealth.org/kid/grownup/getting_older/wrinkles.html

Acne Isn't About Chocolate
Despite what you may have heard, acne isn't caused by eating
chocolate or drinking soda. Learn how to prevent and deal with acne
in Why Do I Get Acne? in TeensHealth's Your Body
Source: www.kidshealth.org/teen/your_body/index.html

Making the Shift to Bike Safety
The sun is shining and your cable is out. Why not dust off your bike
and go for a ride? Before you hit the trail, find out about bike
safety in this article for teens. Source:

High-Intensity Physical Training
Improves Cardiovascular Fitness In Obese Adolescents
After school lifestyle education and physical training programs can
benefit obese children and adolescents by altering their body
compositions and providing primary prevention of cardiovascular
Source: American Journal of Clinical Nutrition,
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