The Menstuff® library lists pertinent books on fraternities.
See also books affirmations,
conflict resolution, intimacy,
men's groups, ritual
initiation, transition, 13th
generation. And, Issues.
Fraternity Hazing -
Beatty, John, Hazing: An anthology of true hazing
tales. In this book, young men write about their rites of
passagee, tests of their abilities to endure physical abuse, pain
and humiliation in order to become members of the elite, a
fraternity, a team, the inner circle of a tribe. Outbound Press,
1994, ISBN 0-9640291-0-3 Buy
this book!
Nuwer, Hank, The Hazing Reader. Despite
numerous highly publicized incidents and widespread calls for
reform, hazing continues to plague many of the nation's colleges
and universaties. In this book, the author presents 15 classic or
never-before-published articles to help all of us, parents and
professionals alike, better understand the culture of hazing. The
collection looks at hazing behavior in fraternal organizations
(including sororities and traditionally black fraternities), high
schools, the military, and sports. There are also chapters on
hazing and the law, hazing injuries, and hazing and gender.
Lastly, the book lays out steps for transforming the culture of
hazing. Indiana University Press,,
2004, ISBN 0-253-21654-0 
Peggy Reeves, Fraternity Gang Rape: Sex, brotherhood
& privilege on campus. The author tells us explicitly
about sexual practices on our university campuses. Her
meticulously documented and dispassionately presented evidence
shows how gang rape occurs with regularity in fraternities, in
athletic dorms, and in other exclusively male enclaves. Beginning
with one incident at one fraternity when, after a party, one woman
had sex with five or six fraternity brothers, the book explores
what happened through interviews with the victim, the
participants, onlookers and universtiy administrators. The author
reconstructs the daily life in the fraternity, showing the role
played by pornography, male bonding, degrading jokes, and ritual
dances, in shaping the fraternity's attitude toward women and
towards sexuality. Two fraternity brothers were willing to share
details of the humiliating initiation rituals they were compelled
to undergo, and they are presented here. She also discusses
incidents on other campuses, at other fraternities. How
unbelievable it might seem, one cannot deny or ignore the struggle
by college-aged men and women to define their sexuality in the
terms society offers them. Taught to deny the feminine and embrace
sexual power, as this view suggests, men can see it as their
natural rght to degrade and to assault women. And women, through
their own lack of self-esteem or sense of power, may seek social
status by attaching themselvse to men in power, in this case, the
fraternity brothers. It is a complex issue and one that the author
explores with insight, sensitivity and clarity. New York
University Press, 1990 ISBN 0-8147-7902-6 Buy
This Book!
* * *
One of the characteristics of the modern world is the disappearance
of any meaningful rits of initiation. - Mircea Eliade

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