CA, July 3-4 - Awakening the Sacred Masculine - A Retreat for Men, Middletown
VT, July 14, Rosies Girls® Training Institute, Burlington
NY, Jul 18-31, Omega Teen Camp, Holmes
NY, Jul 18-Aug 7, Omega Teen Camp, Holmes
NY, Jul 18-Aug 14, Omega Teen Camp, Holmes
July is Freedom Month. If you enjoy the benefits this country has to offer, you might check out what kind of men it took to found this country. The Fourth of July has more to it than beer, picnics, and baseball games. Read this! July is Anti-Boredom; National Mobility; Purposeful Parenting: Recreation and Parks; The month of the Muslim new year; Hemochromatosis Screening Awareness; National Foreign Language Month.
These dates are from 2003 and may change in 2004: June 27 - July 4: Special Recreation Week. June 25-July 1: Deaf-Blindness Awareness Week. June 27 - July 4: Special Recreation Week. Jul 1-8 Music for Life; July 3-Aug 15: Air Conditioning Appreciation Days. Jul 4-10 - Freedom Week. July 8:-14: National Laundry Workers; National Therapeutic Recreation: Take Charge of Change Week. Jul 9-15 - Nude Recreation. July 15-21: *Captive Nations; Legal Revolution; National Plan to Promote Your Business Week. Jul 1 UN Day of Cooperation; International Joke; National Financial Freedom; National Recreation and Parks; National Purposeful Parenting, Jul 2 - I Forgot; Ducktona 500 Day; July 3: Compliment Your Mirror: Stay Out of the Sun Day. Jul 4 - Independence Day (U.S.); American Redneck; Fear from Fear of Speaking ; Independence-from-Meat Day; Sidewalk Egg Frying; Jul 5 - National Family Day, July 7: Father-Daughter Take a Walk Together; International UN Day of Cooperation. July 9: Don't Step on a Bee Day. July 10: Intern Appreciation Day. July 13: Skeptics' Day. July 14: Cow Apprecaition Day. July 15: National Ice Cream; Saint Swithin's Day. July 16: International Town Criers; Naitonal Get Out of the Doghouse Day. July 17: Wrong Way Corrigan Day. Jul 20 - Ugly Truck; Riot Act anniversary. July 21: Rat-Catchers Day. Jul 22 - Ice Cream Cone Day. July 23: Hot Enough For Ya Day. July 24: Cousins; Health and Happiness with Hypnosis Day. Jul 27 - *National Korean War Veterans Armistice; Take Your Houseplants for a Walk Day. July 29: *Parents' Day. Jul 30 - Father-In-Law Day, National Parent's Day.
* Means a Presidential Proclamation has been made.
The Islamic festival of Bianou, held annually in the Tuareg town of Agadex, celebrates the beginning of Islam. Here, a Tuareg elder styles a Bianou headdress, a fan-shaped ceremonial headdress fashioned from two lengths of fabric richly dyed with crushed indigo, giving it a lustrous sheen, which the wearer proudly displays. The first piece of cloth is wrapped around his head in a turban; the second is folded to make the pleated crest known as tounfou, which stands up like a coxcomb. When he dances, this man will gently move his head to and fro to create an elegant fanning effect. Niger. Men of the African Ark calendar, Pomegranate
State codes appear to the far left of the first line of each listing. If there is an event in the state this month, a click on the state code will bring up the first one. You will have to scroll down from there to see if there are other events in your state during the month. Using our internal search engine in the left sidebar will bring up everything with the state code, including events and even your state representatives. Click on where it says "Men's Events - (the month). When it brings up the month, click on the state code. If you would like more information about an event, click on the title and it will provide what we have. See Men's Councils and Other Organizations that have regular monthly meetings. All events presumed Men Only unless noted with a W&M. +R&B = + room & meals. +B = + meals.
This Calendar lists mens events around the world through the next 12 months and beyond? Are you doing anything in this world involved with a positive change in male roles and relationships? Let people know here. It's all free. Click on Feedback for the appropriate form. Do you have a website or email? Well also hyperlink your event to appropriate websites and emails for free.
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