Menstuff® lists here a description of various book signings, lectures and screenings of interest to men. Check out the local calendar by month which includes all international, national, and regional events. Get out of the box!
Autism Today Presents ..Temple By Telephone! Dr. Temple Grandin, author and presenter will be leading a Live Interactive Teleclass for the first time ever available to anyone with a phone. Temples best selling books Emergence Labeled Autistic, and Thinking In Pictures have helped countless individuals worldwide to understand how a person with Autism thinks and feels. You see, Temple is also a person with Autism! Parents, teachers and all people related to Autism and/or Aspergers Syndrome need to be on this call! (*Note, there are a limited number of lines so its first come, first served! To sign up, visit and go through the shopping cart. The charge for the teleclass is $75 U.S. plus long distance charges. Once you have signed up, they will email you with the number to call in. Remember, the teleclass is done via telephone, not online.). E-mail or call North America 877.482.1555. Alternate phone 780.482.1555 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. PST (Pacific Standard Time) (3/25/02)
Bears on Tour: Ron Suresha, author of Bears on Bears on tour. Watership Inn, Provincetown, MA (2/2/02; San Francisco, CA Publi c Library (2/15/02); A Different Light bookstore, 489 Castro St, San Francisco, 2-3:30p (2/16/02); Ghirardelli Room, Ramada, San Francisco, 10:30am-noon, (2/17/02); Crossroads Market, Dallas, (4/4-7/02); Food for Thought Books, Amherst, MA,, 7pm (4/10/02); Providence Eagle, Prividence, 7pm,, (4/12/02); Calamus Bookstore, Boston, MA, 4-6pm (4/13/02); West End Books, Hartford CT,, 2-4p, (4/14/02); Rainbow Pride Shopp iside Buddies, Buffalo, NY,, 7-m, (4/18/02); 519 Church St Community Centre, Toronto, ON,, 7pm (4/19/02); Chosen Books, Royal Oak, MI, 248.543.5758, (4/20/02); Hayloft Saloon, reception, Detroit, MI, (4/20/02); Common Language, Ann Arbor, MI, Informal dinner at the aut bar, 4pm reading, (4/21/02); Pink Pyrapid, Cincinnati, OH,, 513.621.PINK (4/23/02); Carmichael's Bookstore, Louisville, KY, (4/24/02); Planet Proud, St. Louis, 314.772.GLBT, (4/25/03); Out Word Bound, Indianapolis, (4/27/02); An Open Book, Columbus, OH,, (4/28/02); Body Language, Cleveland, OH,, 8pm (4/29/02); Gay & Lesbian Community Center, Squirrel Hill, Pittsburgh, PA,, 7pm (4/30/02); LGBT Community Center, 208 W 13th St (off 7th Ave), NYC, evening, (5/2/02); ABC East Coast Conference, White Plains, NY, (5/3-5/02); Giovanni's Room, Philadelphia, PA,, 7:30p (5/10/02); Lambda Rising, Washington, DC,, (5/11/02); Lambda Rising, Baltimore,, (5/12/02); Bear Pride (IMrL, Bearotica National Launch, (5/23-27/02): Hillside Campground: Bears in the Woods, Gibson, PA, (6/1-2/02); A Different Light Books, West Holllywood, Bears of LA (7/4-7/02); Hillside Campground: Bears in the Woods, Gibson, PA, (7/12-14/02); Summer Bear Week, Now Voyager Bookstore, Provincetown, MA, or, (7/13-20); Lazy Bear Weekend, Guerneville, CA (7/17-22/02); Hillside Campground: Bears in the Woods, Gibson, PA, (8/23-25/02); Bears of Central Florida, Out & About Books, Orlando, FL,, (10/11-14/02)
Be Loved for Who You Really Are: How the differences between men and women can be turned into the source of the very best romance you'll ever know authors Judith Sherven and Jim Sniechowski will be doing a presentation and book signing at Barnes & Noble, 20 Wolf Rd., Colonie, NY 12205 (1/31/02 at 7pm), Catskill Mountain Foundation Bookstore, 7967 Main Street, Hunter, NY 12442 (2/2/02 at 2pm); Barnes & Noble Rockefeller Center, 600 Fifth Ave (at 48th), NYC, NY 10020 212.765.0590 (2/13/02 at 12:30p); and Barnes & Noble, 235 Union St, Waterbury, CT 06706 203.759.7125 (2/19/02 at 7:30p). Barnes & Noble, 2518 Sough Rd, Poughkeepsie, NY, 7pm, 845.485.2224 (3/1/02); Barnes & Noble, 6134 S Westnedge Ave, Portage, MI, 616.324.1433 7pm (4/12/02); Boulder Bookstore, 1107 Pearel St, Boulder, CO, 7pm 303.447.2074 (4/25/02); Barnes & Noble, 8136 W. Bowles Ave., Littleton, CO 7pm 303.948.9565 (4/26/02).
"The Boy Crisis" seminar, Dr. Warren Farrell and Lee Newman. The New Hampshire Commission on the Status of Men will be hosting a guest speaker in September to raise awareness about the cultural and academic problems boys currently face in society. The session will be from 1-4 PM in Room 206 of the Legislative Office Building in Concord, NH. (9/27/07)
Cancer: What to do if your child has
cancer, Guest host: Joan Fleitas. Live. She has been working on
an international website designed to improve the quality of life for
children and teens with complex medical problems since that time. Dr.
Fleitas has a particular interest in childhood cancer, and has
published the poignant and instructive narratives and poetry of both
survivors and victims of malignant disease.
(4/11/00, 9pm EST)
Channeling Biker Bob. Nik C. Colyer will speak and read from his novel. Tofanelli's restaurant, 302 W. Main St, downtown Grass Valley, 6-9pm, (5/20/01)
Environmental Risks for Developing
Cancer. Moderator TBD. (4/25/00 at 9p EST) Live at
Exile, Eloquence and Hungry Ghosts, Lecture, Martin Prechtel. The Spearshaker Talk for Shakespeare's Globe Theater with Marc Ryland. W&M Temple Bar, London, England (4/19/00) 02.7902.1400
Father Time book signing, Chris
Frey, Chris Scribner, Aimee Frey at Main Street Books, Old
Main St, St. Charles, MO, 1-3pm on (5/12/01) . St. Joe's, 1st
Capitol Dr, St. Charles, MO (10:30-11:30am 5/25/01) and St. Joes
West, Lake St, St Louiis, MO Noon-2pm (5/25/01) Ballwin Borders,
15355 Manchester Rd ( 11am-noon, 6/9/01), Sunset Borders, Sunset
Hills Plaza, 2-3pm 6/9/01) and Creve Coeur Borders, 11745 Olive Blvd,
102om 6/10/01). Chris Frey. 314-997-1403 or magicfluteproductions/
A Look at the Gay-Straight Alliance Community in Massachusetts High Schools, Janis Doppler, doctoral candidate in Social Justice Education, UMass Campus Center, Rooom 903, Amherst, MA (4/27/00-12:20pm)
Reading from Heart's
Calling and Signing, Michael DiBenedetto, a novel
with themes related to men, masculinity and men's work. I will sign
books after the reading. Rainy Day Books, Fairway, KS, 7-8pm, 5/2/00.
573.875.1576 or
Reading from High
Country: The Solo Seeker's Guide to a Real Life . David
Alderman, counselor, author and meditation teacher since 1983,
discusses the quest for a real life and how that quest changes as we
reach middle-age. David's "Socratarian" approach to teaching relies
on dialogue with his audience more than lecture. Come with your
thinking cap on for this inspiring presentation. Contact the author
to learn about possible readings in your area.
East West Book Shop, 324 Castro Street, Mountain View, CA, CA 7:30pm,
(2/21/02). Contact Suzanne Spizter for info: 650.988.9884 or or
Journeyman video showing.
Please join me in watching a half hour of great television!
Journeyman" a Minnesota-made documentary film about rites of
passage, mentoring and male culture in America, will screen on Twin
Cities Public Television Digital Channel 17-2 on 11/14 at 7:30pm,
with repeats on 11/15 at 1:30am, 7:30am, and 1:30pm. In greater
Minnesota, viewers can tune into Comcast Cable: channel 243 and Time
Warner Cable: channels 234 and 1021. Journeyman recently won Best
Documentary awards at the Gloria Film Festival and the Landlocked
Film Festival.
or EMail
PT's Minnesota Channel Digital 17-2 and Comcast Cable: channel 243 and Time Warner Cable: channels 234 and 1021 7:30pm
Jump Up and Live Again: Songs for the flowering-mountain-jade-water-heart, Martin Prechtel. Booksigning. W&M Bend, OR. (5/19/00) Mare Shey 541.317.1598 or
Lecture and Workshop, John Lee. PA. (10/6-7/00) W&M 814.864.2949
Lecture at the Unity church, John Lee. Albuquerque, NM (10/22/00) . 888.800.2099 or
Evening Lecture on Relationships for Men and Women, John Lee, New Town, CT. (5/5/00) W&M Jody Gross at 203.778.4393
Long Life, Honey in the Heart, Martin Prechtel. Lecture and booksigning. W&M Ashland, OR. (5/10/00) Richard Seidman 541.488.1192 or
Men's Journeys: Stories with heart, an evening of transformational storytelling, David Roche, Lee Glickstein, Garth Gilchrist, Steve Backman, Tony Byme, Warren Wooton and Frank Gray. Tamalpais Valley Community Center, 203 Marin Ave (at Tennessee Valley Rd), Mill Valley. $15 at the door. No one turned away for lack of funds. 415.383.3905 or (6/2/01)
Nutrition and Cancer Prevention.
Moderator TBD. (4/18/00 at 9p EST) Live at
Open House, SIA World Service
Office, Hartford County, MD (6/11/00 2-5pm) All SIA members,
pro-survivors, spouses, friends over 18 are cordially invited.
410.893.3322 or
If you plan to attend, send a No.10 self-addresses stamped envelope
for directions to PO Box 190, Benson, MD 21018-9998
A Poetics of Peace: The Water of Life. An evening of story, poetry, and discussion with author, mythologist, and storyteller Michael Meade This evening celebrates the new and revised edition of The Water of Life, the classic text about the importance of awakening the inherent nobility of the human soul. Starting with the dual nightmare of global terror and global warming, Meade elucidates connections between finding purpose in personal life and returning culture to a context of myth and meaning.
When life becomes fearful and dark with uncertainty, what is missing is the touch of eternity and a mythic sense of being woven within the ongoing story of the world. The quest for the Water of Life represents the universal search for personal renewal as well as the inspiration that can re-imagine culture and redeem nature.
Meade is a masterful storyteller with a genius for metaphorical thinking and gleaning ideas from years of working with youth and communities at-risk. His language rings with echoes of truth and "sings with an incantational voice that takes you right to the edge of elemental knowledge."
Join us for a surprising evening of poetry and stories, an exploration of the 'bigger life' that the soul seeks, where mythic imagination is a primordial resource that combines heart-felt intelligence with a reverence for life in its myriad forms. Proceeds support 'Voices of Youth' and Intercultural Projects. For more information or online registration visit the Mosaic website at or contact the Mosaic office at: 206-935-3665 or (Vashon, WA 9/28/06; Portland, OR 10/12/06; Seattle, WA 10/25/06), San Rafael, CA (11/17/06)
Reverse Psychology: Taking Relationships in a New Direction, John Lee. Most of what we have tried when it comes to relationships hasnt worked very well. Since most of what we learned is upside down, it must be turned right side up. In other words, we need to proceed in a new direction. Weve tried it our way, their way, the experts way and nothing seems to work. Are you ready to try looking at relationships in a totally different way? If so, this workshop is for you. This fast-paced, exciting three hour mini-workshop with best selling author John Lee, Is full of life changing stories, insights, information &humor avout love, romance, sex, separation and union. 7pm-9pm, $35. MAHEC, Asheville, NC. 828.257.4481 or or E-Mail. (4/21/06)
Speaking at the UCLA School of Law, Warren Farrell, possibly debting feminist professor Fran Olson from the law school. Free. 4:30pm.
Supporting A Loved One With
Cancer, Guest host: Sarah Auchincloss, MD. She trained in general
surgery and in psychiatry addressing the psychiatric needs of cancer
patients and their families. Live at
(4/4/00 9p EST)
Why the World Doesnt End, Michael Meade. An evening presentation celebrating the release of Michael Meades timely new book, Why the World Doesnt End, Tales of Renewal in Times of Loss. At a time when the End can seem near because of global warming, nuclear nightmares or the predictions of ancient calendars, mythologist Michael Meade offers compelling tales of renewal and surprising ways to view the psychology and mythology that mark the passage between one era and the next. In this liminal period beset with radical change in culture and disruptions in nature there are hints of renewal amidst the rattling and the rubble. People face a critical choice between falling under the spell of collective anxieties and dire predictions, or assisting with the revitalization of the world. Columbia, MD Oen Brown Interfaith Center - Columbia MD 7p (5/10/13); Bastyr University Chapel, Kenmore, WA 7pm (2/7/13); First Unitarian Church 1211 SW Main St, Portland OR 7pm (11/1/12); Quimper Unitarian Universalist Fellowship 2333 San Juan Ave (11/17/12) All Pilgrims Church 500 Broadway East, Seattle, WA (11/14/12); Epworth-LeSourd Methodist Church 710 S Anderson St, Tacoma, WA (11/2/12); Unitarian Church of Vancouver, BC 7pm (2/22/2012) Vashon United Methodist Church 17928 Vashon Hwy SW (11/15/12);
Writing Like Rivers, Speaking Like Birds II: Making gifts of hope and ritual literacy to feed the new time, Martin Prechtel. Friday nght booksigning. W&M Portland, OR (5/12/00). Richard Seidman 541.488.1192
This Calendar lists mens events around the world through the next 12 months and beyond? Are you doing anything in this world involved with a positive change in male roles and relationships? Let people know here. It's all free. Click on Feedback for the appropriate form. Do you have a website or email? Well also hyperlink your event to appropriate websites and emails for free.
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