Where to meet men without baggage She wrote, "I'm 58, happily single (divorced 30 years), financially stable, independent and compassionate, and have no baggage including leftovers from past relationships. Where would you suggest meeting a 60-year-old gentleman sans luggage?" Then she explained why she asked the question: "I'm scared - really scared - with all the losers out there. I don't want to get stuck with one of them and that is why I back off from dating. "Am I asking too much for someone who doesn't smoke, doesn't drink (excessively - no member of AA), do drugs, have dangerous hobbies and has minimal baggage? The supposed nice ones I meet are oozing in addiction, child support, and alimony." "Patty, Patty, Patty," I responded. "Perhaps last week's column about the con man who stole a woman's checkbook and cashed three checks was misleading. There are lots of good men available. Don't be so darned scared. If the ones you meet are oozing in addiction, child
support, and alimony, you're meeting them in "all the wrong
places" as Johnnie Lee sang in Lookin' For Love in the 1980
John Travolta/Deborah Winger movie Urban Cowboy www.youtube.com/watch?v=FAyDmJvjxbg
Are you asking too much to avoid men with nasty habits? Of course not. Why would any woman tolerate such behavior? You have a near-perfect life, why screw it up? Before searching for a male hangout, make a written list of the qualities you bring to the table. You already described them in your first paragraph above. Just expand on them. Then, on the right-hand side of the same piece of paper, jot down a list of the qualities you want in a mate. In my book, Finding Love After 50. How to Begin. Where to Go. What to Do, a few pages are devoted to this exercise. Core qualities can't be compromised; others of lesser importance can. Tape the list to your mirror. Finally, where to meet 60-year-old dudes sans baggage? If I knew of a place where available, desirable, age 60, single men, hangout, for the purpose of meeting single women your age, I'd sell the answer and become a rich man. There simply is no place in the USA where that exists. So, where to meet them? Anywhere and everywhere. You simply have to get out and meet new people. And don't go out for the purpose of meeting a mate. Go out to enrich your life and to make yourself a more interesting person. For activities ideas: Try www.MeetUp.com
My latest book, How 50 Couples Found Love After 50, reveals 58 ways single women into their 80s met their men. It's chocked full of ideas and tips. Meeting someone is a numbers game. It might be on your first encounter, or your 101st encounter. Patience, determination, and a vitamin-C attitude are necessary. Don't compromise. Sounds like your life is pretty darned good. Why mess it up over a broken-down cowboy at Gilley's in Pasadena, Texas? You can't expect to meet someone when you've backed away back from dating. So, proceed confidently out there knowing you've got much to offer and keep a keen eye out for a suitable partner. Lauren, a widow and member of our group, lives in Reno. She was tired of being alone in the Silver State. She went online and met Steve on Match.com, who lived 50 miles south in Carson City. They started dating, Steve moved to Reno, and now they are married. Their story is the lead story of the beautifully presented February/March 2010 issue of Reno Magazine. Lauren said, "This has been a wonderful experience. We are very settled and very happy. It truly has been the best thing ever. "Thanks so much for the wonderful experience of being part of your great book which obviously lead to the Reno Magazine. My life continues to get better and better and I am truly blessed!" Below is the link to the cover page of Reno Magazine. Lauren's and Steve's story begins on page 28 and 29, and the main part of their story is on page 34. The pictures of the two of them are priceless. When you land on the cover page, you can go to the thumbnail section (you'll see it) and scroll to those three pages. It's worth checking out. Lauren looks radiant and Steve is a happy Nevadan! © 2010, Tom Blake