Nancy Fagan-Murphy is the best-selling author of
'The Complete Idiot's Guide to Romance' and
'Desirable Men: How to Find Them' has appeared on
several hundred radio and television shows
including Ricki Lake, Men are from Mars/Women are
from Venus, ABC News, NBC News, CBS News, The
Berman & Berman Show, FOX News. She has been
featured in most major newspaper in the United
States and worldwide as well as regularly mentioned
in the nation's top magazines such as Ladies' Home
Journal ('Can this Marriage be Saved?'),
Cosmopolitan, Glamour, Men's Health, Bride's,
Seventeen, Women's Day, Family Circle, Women's Own,
BBW, Complete Women and dozens of others. To read
more, visit
This column is reprinted with permission from
11622 El Camino Real, Suite 100, San Diego, CA
92130 (in Carmel Valley) or 858-764-2545
Am I Being Used?
An Affair of the Heart, Mind, and
Aroused by
Average Size
Avoid Him/Her or
A Book in the Hand for the
Blocks to
Break the Pattern of
Abusive Men
Break the Pattern of
Abusive Women
Bringing Romantic Fantasies to
Creating the Greatest Love
Story Ever
A Cure for
Dating: Know the
Dealing with
Find Her Faults Before
It's Too Late
Find His
The Food
Fragrances and
Temporary Insanity
Getting Past Sexual
He Got Her
Honey, Darling, Sweetie
How Can I Keep His
How Do I Keep a Man from
Leaving Me?
Is a Breakup
I Saw Him
The Kama Sutra Shows
You How
The Kiss
Let's Meet
Lonely in a
The Magic of Three Little
Making Your Relationship a
Must for Better
My First and Last
One Night Stand
My Fits Drove Him
Proof of
Romance and Pitter
Patter: A Successful Mix
Spices with Perking
Stand by My
Strange Sexual
Turn a Woman on with
Uniquely Yours: Wedding
Using Music to Draw Out
Why Do I Need
Clitoral Stimulation?
Why is Romance
Will You Marry
Woman Have
Fantasies Too
You Have A
Your Partners
Choices Reveal Inner Thoughts
Other Relationship Issues,
Fragrances and
Temporary Insanity
The sense of smell has a powerful impact on
romance. The effect is so strong that research has
proven that our sense of smell gives us the
ablility to choose partners who are geneticlally
compatible. So nature's way of keeping the human
race going is based to some degree on the way
someone smells to us. All that happens is that we
are attracted to some people's smells and turned
off by others. Appealing to the sense of smell
doesn't stop here. Scents can also be used to
heighten arousal and emotions in your partner.
The most common use of fragrances in romance is
through aromatherapy using essential oils.
Essential oils can be used in different ways:
massaged into the skin, inhaled through the air
(candles, incense), added to the bath, dabbed on
your pillow, or heated in a diffuser. Essential
oils are potent, and just a few drops are needed
per use.
To make your first aromatic experience simple,
use just one oil. The following list of essential
oils below is a good place to start:
- Benzoin-Vanilla smell. Combats lonliness and
anxiety, relaxes, invigorates.
- Cardamom-Ginger smell. Enhances sex.
- Lemon-Lemon smell. Helps to manage stress,
relieves anxiety, tension, and mental
- Rose-Rose smell. Stimulates sexual feelings
for women.
Proof of Love
Q: My boyfriend and I have been together for five
years. We have been living together for 11 months.
I am really more in love with him everyday, but
being the insecure female I am, I would like to
know how I can test if he loves me as much as he
says he does? Could you help me with a few tips,
signs, and so on?
A: Your growing love sounds more like increasing
vulnerability and fear of losing him. As far as how
much he loves youhis actions overwhelmingly
demonstrate ithes been with you for
five years and deepened his commitment to you by
living together with you.
If you start to demand proof of his love, you
will drive him right out of your life. When that
happens, it will have nothing to do with his lack
of love for you, but how little YOU love
The fact that you need to test his love has
nothing to do with him, but with you. This is a BIG
sign of insecurity within yourself, about yourself,
how little you value yourself, and your lack of
feelings of self-worth. Until you can love
yourself, you will never be able to believe that
someone loves youregardless of what they do
or say.
Start a plan of self-discovery and development.
As you grow as a person, so will your self-esteem
and self worth, followed by your belief that others
love you as much as you need to be loved.
Why is Romance
Q. I've never been a romantic kind of guy and I'm
tired of my girlfriend get angry with me because
I'm not. Is it possible to be romantic when I don't
see the value in it?
A: People ask me all the time why romance is
important. Its important because its
the only way to show your partner you care. It is
not about the cost of a gift or the magnitude of a
gesture, but expressing your love to your partner
on a regular basis.
The secret to being romantic is two-fold. You
need to have both desire and opportunity. When you
have desire, you will create the opportunity for
romance. If you dont, your relationship will
Part of learning how to keep a relationship
happy is to learn to identify early warning signs
of trouble. This way, you and your partner can
repair the damage before the problem becomes
In romantic relationships, one of the first
signs of trouble is a decrease in romance. This
does not mean that once romance begins to wane,
your relationship is on the rocks. It simply is
gauge for you to keep your eye on. If you notice
definite cutbacks in romance, let it be a signal
that you need to add more romantic gestures to your
relationship. Increasing romance will create a
surge of positive energy in the relationship.
Dating: Know the Mood
What you choose to do on a date sets a certain
mood. These different moods are what give dating
such variety. One of the first steps in date
planning is to decide what you are in the mood for,
emotionally speaking. If you've had a stressful
week, for example, think of what kind of evening
will make you feel better. If you need a laugh,
your date could be dinner and a show at a comedy
Of course, you'll want to consider your
partner's mood, too. Instead of asking what your
partner would like to do, ask your partner what
kind of emotional state he or she is in. Dating is
for both partners; if both feel their needs are
being considered, the time together will be more
Decide what kind of mood you need for your date
and then plan accordingly. The following list
describes some moods you may be in. Next to each
mood, write some date ideas that meet each mood for
you. Have your partner do the same.
Mood of Date
Type of Activity to Meet
When you understand what kind of date will meet
your needs and your partner's, figuring out what to
do is much easier. If you partner tells you she
feels like doing something elegant, you'll know
what date ideas will satisfy that need of hers.
Remember, dating is meant to be enjoyable so if you
have the least bit of hesitation or dread for a
date, then you need to consider changing the mood
(or your date!)
I Saw Him
Q: Recently I saw my boyfriend masturbating
to pornography while he was in the bathtub. He had
no idea that I saw him and now I'm worried that he
prefers pornography to me. Do you think I should
say something to him about this?
A: There is no reason for you to 'talk'
to your boyfriend about what you saw. It's common
for men to use fantasy, of various kinds, for
sexually stimulation during masturbation. A
pornographic magazine is one form of fantasy. Some
men prefer reading erotic stories, while others
enjoy watching X-rated movies. Regardless of the
type, the purpose is usually the sameto
relieve sexual tension.
The act of solo-sex meets certain needs that
partner-sex doesntits a sexual
experience when performance is not an issue.
Instead, it is a time for a man to release sexual
tension without having to be a good lover to anyone
else but himself. So, don't give it a second
thought, this, in no way, will decrease his sexual
interest in you. If it does, then you have
something to be concerned about.
The Food Quiz
You can tell a lot about a couple by watching them
eat a meal. For people who are very close, a meal
is an occasion to connect. Take the following quiz
to find out how you and your partner fare:
1. When you are out to dinner with your
partner, you:
a. Share food by feeding your partner with your
b. Feed your partner with your fingers.
c. Let your partner dip his fork in your food
and take a bite.
d. Don't share food with your partner.
2. If a little sauce is on your partner's
mouth during dinner, you:
a. Wipe off your partner's face with your
b. Tell your partner he has sauce on his mouth
and lick his face seductively.
c. Verbally tease your partner that you will use
your tongue to lick off the sauce, but don't
actually do it.
d. Don't say a word because you know he'll
eventually wipe it off.
3. After dinner, when it's time for desert,
do you:
a. Share one desert using two forks, possibly
feeding your partner one bite off your fork.
b. Use one fork to feed each other
c. Maybe have just a bite of your partner's
dessert but order a cappuccino and enjoy his
company and more conversation.
d. Skip desert and head home because you're out
of things to say to each other or you have things
to do at home.
Scoring this test is very simple. All you have
to do is count up how many a's, b's, c's, and d's
you have. The category with the most like letters
is the one that your relationship falls into.
Mostly A's: New Love
If most of your answers fell into this category,
then your relationship is still in the early stages
of blossoming love. It's like a new flower; it's
fresh, beautiful, untainted, and yearning to be
picked. Meals are a reason to spend time together.
They are a chance to be physically and
conversationally close to each other. This is also
a time when you are on your best behavior and a
little uncertain of the commitment. Eating a meal
together is done more in an innocent manner rather
than acting out lustful impulses to demonstrate
your affection for your partner. Basically, each
partner sticks to his own plate and holds hands
through the meal or shares a light kiss or two at
the most.
Mostly B's: Lustful Love
This category is what poets write about and
artists paint. It's the passionate core of love.
You move into this stage when you begin to feel
confident that your romantic feelings are mutual.
This is the time when you want to devour every
aspect of your partner: his words, his meals, his
touch, his soul, his mind, everything. This is when
you experience an inability to concentrate, sleep,
or eat. It's when you feel that you can't be away
from each other for more than a minute. Eating
takes on a sensuousness as you hand-feed your
partner, clean his fingers with your tongue, and
use food more as finger paint than a consumable
Mostly C's: Comfortable Love
This category is the ideal category, so be happy
if you are here. You and your partner have a close,
strong bond to each other. After moving past
category B, you eat because you're hungry. The two
of you are still playful with each other, but it
isn't as blatantly sexual as before. Now you are
more aware of your surroundings, so you are more
careful about your suggestiveness. At the table,
you still sit close, but not so close that it
restricts you from your eating.
Mostly D's: Red Alert Love
If your quiz score landed you in this category,
then you should be concerned. The closeness you
once felt for your partner just isn't there
anymore. During meals, you don't touch each other,
you don't share food, and the conversation has died
down. Dining together is no longer a bonding
experience, but a time to fill your stomach because
it's hungry. In the process, you are neglecting to
feed your love. The only way to get out of this
category is to include the behaviors specified in
the C choices.
Don't lose hope if you didn't score as high as
you would like to. This is not a pass-fail exam,
it's more of a practice test for your real-life
relationship. And guess what? You've lucked out,
because this book contains the study material to
help you pass the test with your partner.
Why Do I Need
Clitoral Stimulation?
Q: Am I unusual or what? I seem to be the
only woman I know who needs direct clitoral
stimulation in order to have an orgasm.
A: According to studies published in the
Kinsey Institute Report, it was reported that
almost all women, unlike men, need direct or
indirect clitoral stimulation in order to climax.
Very few lucky womenabout five
percentsay they can climax through
penetration alone, by having their breasts played
with, crossing their legs and squeezing their
thighs, or even by fantasizing. So you see, you're
experience is the norm.
In addition, the Kinsey Institute reported that
it takes a man, on average, only three minutes to
climax while women peak after 15 long minutes! The
difference is based on simple anatomy. Imagine how
much faster it would be for a woman to climax if
her clitoris received as much direct stimulation
during sex as a man's penis? Some things just
aren't fair and this is one of them.
My First and Last
One Night Stand
Q. I took off a full year from the
singles scene to get myself together after a
break up with a man I was deeply in love with. To
jumpstart the process, I went to a club last week
and met a wonderful man. We really connected and I
ended up going home with him that night. Now I
regret that decision because he hasn't called
A. Regardless of how strong of a
'connection' you have with someone new, it's ALWAYS
a mistake to sleep together the first night you
meet. Surveys have shown that men who believe there
is potential for a long-term relationship with a
woman will avoid having sex with her too soon. On
the other hand, men who push for sex up front,
dont usually value the woman for more than
what she offers sexually. Unfortunately, you've
learned a painful lesson. In this case, regardless
of how genuine his interest may have seemed, his
real intentions weren't!
Weeding out the 'relationship-potential
men from those who aren't is a difficult part of
dating. For this very reason, its best to
delay sexual intimacy until a relationship
develops, despite the level of sexual chemistry two
people feel for each other. Playing it safe may be
a conservative approach, but the best one for your
heart and
Romantic Do's
Women want romance from the men in their life. Men
want sex, and to get it they've discovered they're
supposed to be romantic, but they don't know how.
Women think romance should be a surprise, a
spontaneous unexpected gesture, so they can't tell
their man exactly how to be romantic.
To add to the confusion of romance, many people
believe that they're either romantic or they're
not, as if being romantic is innate, a quality that
you're born with. Nothing could be further from the
You can learn to be romantic. To help, below is
a list of romantic "do's." By adding one of them to
your relationship, you will find an instant spark
of romance. The more you add, the hotter your
chemistry will be.
Romantic Do's
- Say "I love you" when it isn't
- Make your partner number one;
- Give without expecting anything in
- Send your partner love notes;
- Passionately kissing in public;
- Want, not have to be romantic;
- Have a sense of adventure;
- Take the initiative in romance; and
- Listen well, ask questions, and be
interested in your partner.
Fairy-tale Relationship
Fairy tales have become a part of our image of what
romance is supposed to be like. This image not only
deceives women, but also men. One of the
definitions of the term "fairy tale" in Webster's
is "a made-up story, usually designed to
On one hand, everyone knows that fairy-tale
romances are make-believe. On the other hand, fairy
tales inspire us to believe in happy love stories.
For this fact alone, they have given us something
we need for building our own love affair: hope.
Many people have lost hope, and it's time to get it
Modeling Love on Fairy-Tales
Some people think that fairy tales create a
false image for a real partner to live up to. The
next time you read a fairy tale about a love
affair, look to see the characteristics that form
the foundation of these stories. What you will find
are characteristics such as the following:
- Looking for unconditional love
- Wanting to be loved by someone
- Seeking understanding
- Looking to be accepted by another
These stories also show that life is happier
with someone as opposed to being without someone.
What they show is the humanness in having a mate.
People innately gravitate to others for a sense of
completeness. We are relational beings, with a need
to relate to others. In a fairy tale, these themes
are conveyed simply in a fantastical setting. In
fact, fairy tales serve as wonderful models to use
when deciding on what you want in your
Regaining a Belief in Fairy-Tales
How can we make romance just as magical as it is
in the fairy tales? All you have to do is create
your own love story, the greatest love story ever
known. This means cherishing the one you love as
though he were a prince or she were a princess. It
means making your relationship a priority by
including romance as one of its basic ingredients.
An apple a day may keep the doctor away, but a kiss
a day keeps others away.
Stand by My Man?
Q: When I met Mark six years ago he was
married (he still is). Today we share a
four-year-old daughter. Out of the blue he
disappeared and after two weeks of searching, I
found out he was in jail. He didn't contact me
because he wanted to let me know. I am a born again
Christian and I believe people can change and
deserve a second changed. He says he loves us and
promises to help me out when he is released (Nov.
2004). Am I wrong for wanting to wait for him?
A: Love makes people do things that they
regret later on. Wanting to wait for him is a
natural thing--it's your love speaking. However,
it's also an irrational thought.
Being in love, it's natural to make excuses or
accept his excuses for his unacceptable behaviors.
The hardest thing to do is to see him for who is--a
cheater, liar, and disrespectful man with a
criminal history.
If you keep him in your life, he will eventually
treat you the way he currently treats his current
wife--poorly with disrespect and an inability to
honor his vows. If this is the behavior you desire
in a partner, then by all means, stand by your man.
If not-and hopefully not--close that door tight,
head to church and find yourself an honorable man
to respect you and raise your child in socially
acceptable ways in which the two of you can be
proud of.
Am I Being Used?
Q: Ive been involved with a man for a
few months and I recently noticed that hes
pulling away from me. One night he called me and
acted strangely so I asked why he was calling. He
said it was just a booty call. Im
not sure what he meant by this, but by his tone, I
knew Id been demoted from. What did he mean
by this?
A: Youre right, a booty
call is not a good thing. This derogatory
term refers to the act of calling someone solely
fro soliciting sex. Thats it. Its a
call that usually comes in late at night, as an
after thought. Basically your role in that kind of
relationship is to be their sexual
It sounds like its time to move on. Once
someone becomes nothing more in their
partners life than a means for sexual
release, all hope of resurrecting the relationship
is over. As you well know, that is an insulting
place to be.
Your partner has put you in a temporary holding
place until he finds a replacement for you. Once he
does, hell stop calling altogether. Save
yourself the unnecessary anguish and end it before
you get hurt any more. The next time he calls
asking for a bootie call, tell him
your booty is looking for someone new and no longer
available to him.
He Got Her Pregnant
Q: My boyfriend and I have been together for
five years and like most relationships, we've had
our ups and downs. However, recently I found out
that he had an affair and the woman got
pregnantthe baby was born two weeks ago. I
talk to both of them and they apologized. I love
him, we share a child together, and Im
confused. Please help me.
A. You are in a complicated situation.
It's common for women in your set of circumstances
to act out of anger and make decisions they regret
later on. Because you share a child together, you
need to think about what is best for yourself as
well as for your child.
If you decide to forgive your husbands
transgressions in order to keep your family
together, the two of you need to get into
counseling immediately. This will help uncover the
reason that prompted the affair in the first place.
Affairs are always a symptom of something bigger.
If you choose this journey, prepare yourself for a
bumpy, emotional ride, which, by the way, is the
only way to get the relationship on strong footing
Affairs don't have to be the end of a
relationship. Instead, they can be an opportunity
to grow stronger and closer. The choice is up to
you, but it sounds like you are on the right
My Fits Drove Him Away
Q: I have lived with my boyfriend for 2
½ years. During this time, I have experienced
bouts of temper with this manIm the one
who yells and acts like a spoiled child, not him.
He is a good person, gives me everything I need and
tells me he loves me at least twice a day. Sadly,
hes had enough and asked me to move out. How
do I deal with the guilt, get over him and move
A: Your focus needs adjustment. Rather
than direct your concern away from how to get
over him or moving on, it needs
to turn toward the reason the relationship is
endingyour uncontrolled fits.
The end of this relationship will not put a stop
to your behavior. Just the opposite, it will
escalate with time, destroying future
relationships. Because of this, you need to explore
what motivates your immature expressions.
Gaining insight is one thing, but applying
change to your well-oiled behavior will require you
to stretch yourselfto fight the urge and go
against what feels natural. Peoples
behaviors, both good and bad, are learned.
And...what is learned can be unlearned.
How Do I Keep a Man from
Leaving Me?
Q: My last three boyfriends have broken up
with me and never looked back. I thought my last
boyfriend was my true soul mate, but he dumped me
too. I am afraid of loving a man again, but I can't
stand to live a life without romance. Why do men
keep leaving me? How can I make a man stay?
A: Not all relationships are guaranteed
to last...even if you think they are perfect.
Rather than put yourself in a victim role by saying
that all men leave you, consider what role you had
that turned the relationship sour. This new
perspective will shed light on the role you played
that contributed to the failed relationship.
There is no way to make a man stay in a
relationship he doesn't want to be in. All you can
do is keep an eye on your behaviors as well as his
to recognizeand fixproblem areas as
soon as you see them. The longer you wait to
address them, the more difficult they will be to
And lastly, as long as you continue to be open
to love, it will always come into your life.
Blocks to Listening
Being a good listener takes more than being
attentive to your partner when he or she talks with
you. Instead, the key to strong communication is
knowing the characteristics of a poor listener.
The act of NOT listening is not exclusively a
fault of men; women do it just as often. Below is a
list of common blocks to effective listening:
- Feelings of being right and your partner
being wrong.
- Insecurity about topics that creates
- Silently resenting your pattern.
- Silently or verbally criticizing what your
partner is saying.
- Being preoccupied with other issues.
- Being impatient or not in the mood to
- Rehearsing what you will say while your
partner is talking.
- Jumping to hasty conclusions.
- Dismissing what you hear.
- Racing ahead of what your partner is
- The build up of strong emotions during a
- A dislike for the subject.
- Feeling misunderstood.
The key to effective communication is
identifying when you are doing any of the
roadblocks above and work to change it. Like all
change, it requires practice, but it's possible as
long as you are willing to make the effort.
Strange Sexual
What's perverse to one person may be normal to
another. The world of sex is replete with
titillating and sometimes curious acts that keep
intimacy new.
If nothing less, below is a list of strange
sexual practices that are interesting to read
about. As you will see, there are no boundaries to
what people conceive. And...if daring enough,
follow through does not have to be reserved for
only the brave.
Hot Wax: Hot wax in sex play is used to increase
adrenalin and thus arousal. The most famous
enthusiast was St. Pazz, a 16th century nun who
would have others drop hot wax on her body while
she was tied to a bed post and humiliated.
Blood Sports: 'Blood sports' are those sex
activities in which skin is broken. This would
include activities such as cutting, phlebotomy,
cicatrisation, piercing, carpet burns, abrasions,
shaving, scratching, vampirism, flagellation,
caning, branding, burning, and so on.
Cutting the skin or drawing the blood creates an
adrenalin rush, trust for partner, and a sense of
personal conquest for the participant. It may also
help relieve stress in some people.
Autagonistophilia: This refers to those who are
aroused by being on stage or performing for a
A Cure for
"The artificial phallus should be shaped to your
natural proportions. It will be more arousing for
the lady if the outside is studded."
If, during lovemaking, the erection cannot be
sustained because the man is old, or simply
exhausted he should use delicate oral
A man who climaxes too swiftly should arouse his
lady by caressing her clitoris with his fingers and
flooding the well of her vagina before he enters
The Kama Sutra makes an art out of making love.
It's a manual for all ages. It helps new love
blossom, bored love become exciting, and absent
love reappear. What's better than indulging
yourself sexually with someone you love? It's all
about getting both partners on the same page to be
intimate, then making the time to do so. If there's
one thing you learn from their ancient practices,
it's that sex is not an after-thought at the end of
your day. Do what they have done for many years and
make lovemaking a spiritual connection you share
with your partner.
The Kama Sutra Shows
How to Do it Right
Can you imagine a church that not only encourages
its congregation to have sex, but also teaches you
how to do it? It may be hard to fathom, but there
is one. It's called the Church of the Tantra,
dating back to 800 AD. The belief system is still
practiced today in some parts of the world. Before
you get too excited about waking up early next
Sunday, don't expect to find this church on the
corner in your neighborhood. It's primarily
practiced in Eastern cultures. You know, on the
other side of the world! Nevertheless, you will
learn enough about the techniques in this article
to duplicate and practice them religiously at
As unusual as it may sound, this church combines
spirituality with something NO other church
does-sexuality. There is no shame or guilt for
desiring sex; as a matter of fact, they have an
entire book of sexual techniques called the Kama
Sutra. The most fantastic thing about this book is
that it can be used by anyone of any religion. You
don't have to convert before you can adapt its
practices to your sex life. All you have to do is
have a willingness to broaden your sexual
Here's a sample of instructions for a variety of
sexual positions from the Indian "bible"-The Kama
Sutra. This book makes the "Joy of Sex" look like a
kindergarten book:
Lying Down: "Full of desire, saying sweet
words, approach her with your body stiff as a pole
and drive straight forward to pierce her lotus and
join your limbs." this is called "Madandhvaja" (The
Flag of Cupid).
Sitting Position: "She sits with raised
thighs, her feet placed either side of your waist;
penis enters vagina; you rain hard blows upon her
body." This is called "Kshudgaga" (Striking).
Rear-Entry: "If the lady, eager for love,
goes on all fours, humping her back like a doe, and
you enjoy her from behind, rutting as though you'd
lost all human nature." This is called "Hirana"
(The Deer).
Standing Position: "When she leans
against a wall, planting her feet as widely apart
as possible, and you enter the cave between her
thighs, eager for lovemaking." This is called
"Sammukha" (Face to Face).
Musts for Better
Good sex is much more about attitude than
technique. Sometimes the only adjustment needed is
a few exercises that improve the act of making
love. Although the practices below can be done
alone, they are best practiced while making love
with your partner.
Touch and be Touched
The body is one big erogenous zone. Don't focus
your touching exclusively on the genitals, breasts,
or buttocks. Let your hands explore the more
neglected areas for a greater impact on lovemaking.
the feet, for instance, are highly sensitive to
touch. To see how powerful this rule can be, the
next time you make love, agree to go 30 minutes
without touching the sexual areas of the body.
Encourage Your Partner
To prevent worrying, "I'm taking too long" or
"This won't work," partners should cheer each other
on by using positive statements such as, "I'm
enjoying this, take as long as you want."
Be in the Moment
While making love, put ALL thoughts out of your
head. Instead, focus on the sensations of your five
senses. When you catch your mind drifting, bring it
Never Compare Lovers
You've learned your skills from your past, but
your partner doesn't need to hear about your
schooling. Concentrate on mastering your techniques
with your current partner.
Getting Past Sexual
Shyness in the bedroom is common for many people,
in particular women. When it's present the result
is always the same-physically relating to another
person becomes difficult. If it isn't corrected
early on, the foundation of a relationship can
weaken, leading to sexual frustration, arguments,
cheating or worse-a broken love affair.
By it's very character, sexual shyness acts as a
barrier that keeps two people at a distance.
However, it doesn't have to. There are ways to
create and build sexual closeness.
Behind the Scenes
Other than being unfamiliar with a new lover,
there are two primary reasons that cause someone to
experience sexual shyness: 1. Lack of skills or
inexperience with lovemaking, and 2. A real or
perceived bad sexual experience. Regardless of the
genesis, there are four simple things that you can
do to help elevate it:
Learn Where it Came from. If you can uncover
when you first began to have negative thoughts and
feelings toward intimate acts, you will be on the
road to rebuilding your sexual self-esteem.
A good way to begin the process is to try a
simple technique-make a list of all the
sexually-related experience that causes you angst.
Next to each incident, decide if the experience
holds true today. For example, although it upset
you to be called flat-chested when you were
12-years-old, now as a fully-developed woman, the
insult no longer applies. With that, it's time to
let go of the damaging belief tied to the memory.
The process of putting your thoughts into black and
white will help to each more real and manageable.
As you do this, you will begin to see a new
confidence emerge.
Relaxation. The tenser you feel, the more sexual
shyness you'll experience. Prior to being intimate
with your partner, find ways to relax yourself:
exercise, yoga, bubble bath, a hot drink.
Skill Development. The more you practice, the
more confident you will be in the bedroom. Skill
development can come about in a number of ways:
reading books that instruct on sexual techniques,
watching movies to learn how others do "it,"
visualization (imaging yourself in a sexual
situation) and, of course, through actual practice
with your partner.
Positive Self-Talk. Each time you catch yourself
feeling shy, pay attention to what you are
thinking. More than likely, it will be a negative
thought that will exacerbate shyness. Stop your
thought immediately and replace it with a positive
statement that builds your sexual confidence.
Finding Her Faults
Before It's Too Late
Many men find themselves falling into patterns of
getting involved with the "wrong" kind of partner.
This may prove to be frustrating, resulting in a
helpless feeling. The question "Why?" is often
asked. "Why do I keep getting involved with the
same kind of women?" Well, let me tell you. It is
because you aren't looking for early warning signs
that signal you to get away. It might also mean
that you are unaware of the warning signs but
rationalize their potential ramifications. Be that
as it may, you are attracted to that "bad" trait or
traits in women. Consequently, those
characteristics lead to unhealthy
The only way to avoid repeating harmful patterns
is to be able to recognize the adverse signs early
on. The earlier you see the signs, the easier it is
to avoid getting hurt emotionally. Change is not
comfortable. If you want to have a healthy
relationship, you will have to learn to be
attracted to a different type of person. To do
this, you need to make slight changes. The easiest
is to redirect your first conversations with people
you find attractive. These conversations should
take on a purpose of screening for unwanted
When a man, for instance, gets caught up in
conversation with an attractive woman, it's easy to
get lost in her voice, eyes, touch, and so on.
Before you know it, the conversation meanders
without a focus and you have no idea if he shares
similar bad traits as your ex. But, you don't have
to let this happen.
You can set your goal to unveil the woman's
"crucial topics" (issues that YOUR previous
relationship(s)). For instance, if your ex was an
alcoholic, keep an eye out for how much she drinks
and how important alcohol is in her life. The key
is to be casual and not make it sound like you're
interrogating her. Keep in mind that she will have
no idea what you are thinking, only that you are
having light conversation.
I'm sure you have the idea: make a point of
finding the signs of the relationships that have
impacted your past relationships negatively.
Regardless of how attracted you are to a woman,
don't rationalize the red flags waving in front of
your eyes. Making excuses for these will lend
itself to the same results you had with the last
woman-a bad relationship.
Lonely in a
Loneliness comes from being alone, not from being
single. As a matter of fact, people in
relationships experience loneliness as often as
anyone else. The very definition of this word
according to Webster's dictionary is, "cut off from
others, sad from being alone, a feeling of
Loneliness is a powerful human emotion that is
built into us for a reason-people are meant to be
together. Without this emotion, what would propel
people to maintain friendships, family, and
intimate relationships? Not much.
Loneliness can also signal a time of change in
your life-in and/or outside your relationship or
within yourself and your life. It may indicate that
your emotional needs are not being met by the
people in your life, therefore, it's time for you
to expand your pool of friends.
Keep a chart of when you feel you're most
lonely. Common times are evenings and weekends.
Make a pact with yourself to get out o the house
during those ties. Go to public places where people
congregate: parks, church, libraries, bookstores,
shopping areas. Join organizations or volunteer.
There are so many things you can do to feel needed
and to be needed. It's up to you to take the first
step and make it happen.
Woman Have
Fantasies Too
Sexual fantasies are an intriguing subject...and
not only men have them. The truth is, women have
them too, but they are limited to three general
types. Women can be just as sexual as a man if he
learns what fantasy buttons to push.
In order to rouse a woman's fantasies, it takes
a little work. First of all, when you set out to
stimulate your partner, you need to narrow your
focus down to the three specific types of
fantasies: 1. Women with women, 2. Women in
Control, and 3. Sexually insatiable.
Too often, when using fantasies, men include the
things that turn themselves on rather than what
arouses a woman. Unfortunately, this is the
quickest way to turn a woman off. Women have
specific requirements in their fantasies,
primarily, a slow building pace before and after
the sex act. As a matter of fact, the non-sexual
touching is equally arousing to a woman. When using
fantasies with your partner, pay close attention to
the core elements in each of the types listed below
and include those details during fantasy talk.
Fantasy one: Women with Women. This fantasy is
alluring to women because its primary activities
consists of two aspects of sex that women crave:
oral satisfaction and tenderness. The key to this
fantasy is slow seduction. It begins with caressing
and holding, builds to passionate, mutual orgasms,
and finishes the way it began-tenderly.
Fantasy Two: Women in Control. The central theme
in this fantasy is a woman who has the power to
make her partner cum. This is the woman who plays
the controlling seductress whether it's through the
role of dominatrix, exhibitionist, or any number of
controlling women roles that turn a man on. Her
arousal comes from watching a man lose his control
to her.
Fantasy Three: Sexually Insatiable. Unlike the
other two types of fantasies, this one is more
manly because the focus is on the sex
act. Common themes in these fantasies are: engaging
in forbidden love, oral sex, multiple orgasms,
orgies, public sex, and anything involving sexually
adventurous actions.
The easiest way to begin is to start out slowly.
You might, for instance, bring up the topic of
sexual fantasies. All you need to say is,
Which of the following three would turn you
on more? At that time, mention the fantasies above.
The mere act of talking about it will arouse
So, if you want to turn your partner on through
sexual fantasies, all you have to do is start
talking about the subject. It may be a slow
process, but it's guaranteed to create an
insatiable woman!
Five Turnoffs
According to Rosemary Packard of Introductions by
Rosemary, a veteran matchmaker in Orange Country,
CA, she believes that single people do things to
sabotage a potential relationship without realizing
it. As you will see below, all are easily
Five turnoffs for Women:
1.Thinking negatively about ex's or women in
2. Drilling a woman with questions as if an
3. Displaying cheapness/checking out other
4. Bragging about his income or other assets.
5. Drinking too much/'road rage'/using foul
Five turnoffs for Men:
1. Talking negatively about her ex's or men in
2. Being too busy to schedule dates.
3. Being too assertive and businesslike/lack of
4. Discussing negative aspects of herself or
5. Self-absorbed/excessive talking/not taking an
Source: Rosemary Packard, owner of Introductions
by Rosemary Matchmaking Service. To learn more,
or 949.857.6569.
Find His Faults
Many men and women find themselves falling into
patterns of getting involved with the
wrong kind of partner. This may prove
to be frustrating, resulting in a helpless feeling.
The question Why? is often asked.
Why do I keep getting involved with the same
kind of men/women? Well, let me tell you. It
is because you arent looking for early
warning signs that signal you to get away. It might
also mean that you are unaware of the warning signs
but rationalize their potential ramifications. Be
that as it may, you are attracted to that
bad trait or traits in men/women.
Consequently, those characteristics lead to
unhealthy relationships.
The only way to avoid repeating harmful patterns
is to be able to recognize the adverse signs early
on. The earlier you see the signs, the easier it is
to avoid getting hurt emotionally. Change is not
comfortable. If you want to have a healthy
relationship, you will have to learn to be
attracted to a different type of person. To do
this, you need to make slight changes. The easiest
is to redirect your first conversations with people
you find attractive. These conversations should
take on a purpose of screening for unwanted
When a woman, for instance, gets caught up in
conversation with an attractive man, its easy
to get lost in his voice, eyes, touch, and so on.
Before you know it, the conversation meanders
without a focus and you have no idea if he shares
similar bad traits as your ex. But, you dont
have to let this happen.
You can set your goal to unveil the mans
crucial topics (issues that broke your
previous relationship(s)). For instance, if your ex
was an alcoholic, keep an eye out for how much he
drinks and how important alcohol is in his life.
The key is to be casual and not make it sound like
youre interrogating him. Keep in mind that he
will have no idea what you are thinking, only that
you are having light conversation.
Im sure you have the idea: make a point of
finding the signs of the relationships that have
impacted your past relationships negatively.
Regardless of how attracted you are to a man,
dont rationalize the red flags waving in
front of your eyes. Making excuses for these will
lend itself to the same results you had with the
last mana bad relationship.
Spices with Perking
Is it true that common--store bought--spices double
as aphrodisiacs?
People throughout history swear by the power of
aphrodisiacs for boosting the sex drive or to cure
sexual problems. In recent years studies have added
credibility to these claims.
By using the spices listed below, you'll never
have to worry about the latest sexual interest or
dysfunction. Just a dash in your favorite food is
all you need to do the trick.
Problem----------------Spice to
Low sexual desire-------Cloves, pepper, vanilla,
salt, ginger
Impotence--------------Cardamon or garlic
Premature ejaculation---Cardamon
Weak climax------------Garlic
Low sexual sensitivity----Saffron
In case you are wondering how long you have to
wait before it takes effect, it's quick. As a
matter of fact, remember what your mom used to tell
you about eating and swimming--'Wait 20 minutes
before you go in the water.' That rule applies here a different context.
Break the Pattern of
Abusive Men
Women who get involved with abusive men are
typically those who had abusive childhood home
environments. This kind of upbringing tends to
normalize abusive behavior in all relationships.
What this means is that women from this kind of a
background are not as keen to the subtleties of
abuse the way healthy women are.
On a positive note, there is a silver lining
hereall behavior can be relearned, including
the ability to recognize early signs of abuse as
unacceptable behaviors in a relationship. Once this
is learned, a woman will be able to break free from
unhealthy relationships with men who are no good
for her.
Below is a list of common abusive behaviors to
watch for from abusive men or abusive women:
- Criticism about your good qualities;
- Past abusive relationships;
- Criminal activities;
- Drinking or drug problems, past or
- Mood swings;
- Discourages your successes;
- Jealousy;
- Abusive family members or spouses of
- Attempts to control your whereabouts;
- Disrespect toward your publicly or
- Violations of others rights;
- Irresponsibility;
- Attempts to keep you isolated;
- Persistent lying;
- History of truancy, delinquency and running
- Highly reactive;
- Streaks of meanness toward others for no
- For women, threatened by relationships with
men, past, present or imagined.
- For men, threatened by relationships with
women, past, present or imagined.
In order to recognize early abusive signs, a
woman must stop rationalizing abusive
behaviors as normal. If she sees ONE
abusive behavior, regardless of how small, she
needs to remind herself that it IS abuse. Period!
With this new skill, she will soon be dating men
who treat her with dignity and respectthe way
all women deserve to be treated.
The Kiss
Whether you are married or single, before a date
ends, be sure to tell your date that you are
looking forward to kissing him or her on the front
doorstep. By telling your partner this, it will
make him or her excitedly look forward to what kind
of kiss you are going to deliver. More than
anything, your partner will think it's very
For those of you who are married or living
together, a kiss at the end of a date is important
too. Even if you park the car in the garage, walk
to the front door to say goodnight. Stand at the
door the way you used to and look deep into your
partner's eyes with either your arms around him or
her or holding hands. Even if you've been married
for 30 years, looking deep into someone's eyes can
sends a chill up your spine. My Grandma Brown said
she always felt this way about her husband, Grandpa
Brown, and they were married 63 years and had eight
If you want to make your kiss goodnight extra
romantic, follow these tips:
- Hold your partner's hand as you walk to the
- Take your time getting to the kiss.
- Let your partner know what a good time you
had and that you'd like to do it again.
- Tell your partner you've been looking
forward to this kiss all night. Even if you've
kissed all night, this traditional moment is
- Caress your partner's cheek as you look deep
into your partner's eyes in a long gaze.
- Cup your partner's face in both your hands
and tell her how beautiful she is.
- Slowly move in for a very long, passionate
- For the sake of romantic drama, if you are
holding a sweater, keys, or something
nonbreakable, let it drop to the ground in the
middle of the kiss. Your date will love this
display of a loss of control.
- Keep talking to a minimum. Let your eyes and
body language talk for you.
Dealing with Shyness
Shyness is a common by-product when you see someone
you are attracted to. Unfortunately, if you appear
too shy, not only will you come across as less
approachable but also as less attractive. The way
to avoid this is to find ways of calming your body
down when your anxiety rises. Below are several
techniques to try out; they are sure to crush
shyness and help meet the partner of your
Techniques for dealing with shyness:
1. Retreat: Leave the situation temporarily
until anxiety subsides.
2. Talk to another person: Redirect nervousness
and conversation to someone you are not attracted
3. Move around: Force your body to move. This
will get rid of excess energy that nervousness
Let's Meet There
A woman can never be too safe, especially when she
is meeting an attractive stranger for a first date.
The smart choice--meeting in a public place--is not
always the decision women make, but should.
The next time you offer your home address to a
new man, consider the following reasons not to:
Safety: A new man is really someone you know
nothing about. Until you get to know him, public
meetings offer a cushion of safety that being alone
in your house with him does not.
Alcohol: People vary in their view of drinking
and driving. it's not a good idea to put your life
in the hands of a man who might drink one too many
before he drives you home. When you drive yourself,
you are in charge of how much alcohol is consumed
before you get in the car at the end of the
How Long the Date Lasts: Nothing is worse than a
date that drags on too long. Meeting your date puts
you in control of your arrival and, especially,
your departure times.
You Don't Have to Clean: Why clean when you
don't have to? If you invite a date to your house,
you're more likely to feel the need to clean up
before he arrives. On the other hand, if you meet
him elsewhere, there is no need to spend
unnecessary time cleaning.
Sex: As it is, the pressure of sex comes too
soon for most people. The temptation to progress to
intimacy becomes more likely if a man drives you
home. An innocent walk to the door can easily turn
into premature sex.
All hoties are not alike--protect yourself by
keeping your home address private. That way, if he
turns out to be a creep, you won't have to fret
over who is knocking on your door each time your
bell rings.
Break the Pattern of
Abusive Women
According to the United States Justice department,
over one third of all "reported" cases of domestic
violence involve a violent woman as the
perpetrator. And, because of the stigma for a man
reporting his woman" beats him, the number is
probably much higher.
Men who get involved with abusive women are
typically those who had abusive childhood home
environments. This kind of upbringing tends to
normalize abusive behavior in all relationships.
What this means is that men from this kind of a
background are not as keen to the subtleties of
abuse the way healthy men are.
On a positive note, there is a silver lining
hereall behavior can be relearned, including
the ability to recognize early signs of abuse as
unacceptable behaviors in a relationship. Once this
is learned, a man will be able to break free from
unhealthy relationships with women who are no good
for you.
Below is a list of common abusive behaviors to
watch for:
- Criticism about your good qualities;
- Past abusive relationships;
- Criminal activities;
- Drinking or drug problems, past or
- Mood swings;
- Discourages your successes;
- Jealousy;
- Abusive family members or spouses of
- Attempts to control your whereabouts;
- Disrespect toward your publicly or
- Violations of others rights;
- Irresponsibility;
- Attempts to keep you isolated;
- Persistent lying;
- History of truancy, delinquency and running
- Highly reactive;
- Streaks of meanness toward others for no
- Threatened by relationships with
exspast, present or imagined.
In order to recognize early abusive signs, you
must stop rationalizing abusive
behaviors as normal. If you see ONE
abusive behavior, regardless of how small, you
needs to remind yourself that it IS abuse. Period!
With this new skill, you will soon be dating women
who treat you with dignity and respectthe way
you deserve to be treated.
Marriage Material
What are the qualities you look for in a
potential wife?
Have you ever dated someone you were crazy
about, yet wished you could change this one little
thing about her? Have you reveled in the fact that
you and your sweetie had almost everything in
common, yet you still broke up? Just what is it
that we really need to look for in order to promote
a successful future with someone?
Perhaps the best way to determine whether she is
wedding-worthy is to ask yourself a few questions.
There are five basic elements that you need to
really look at before any relationship can progress
towards something truly successful. These elements
are as follows: emotional, sexual, intellectual,
financial, and spiritual.
Emotional: Take the emotional aspect of a
persons makeup. This area includes a person's
psychological characteristics, emotional styles and
expressions. Perspective on the world, level of
self-esteem, confidence, intimacy, ability to
share, commit. Weaknesses, strengths, respect of
self and others, vanity, attitude. The list goes
Sexual: Sexuality means different things
to different people. For some, it means the
physical act itself, perhaps something wild, while
for others, romance and expression play an
important part. A few traits to keep in mind when
looking for a partner might be level of interest,
romance, attraction, love, variations, response,
monogamy, communication, risk taking, playfullness,
awareness of STDs, and physical appearance.
Intellectual: How a person thinks about
the world he or she inhabits, and how they interact
day to day. Some people are casual and some thrive
on being type A personalities. A person's
intellectual style influences would include
expression of ideas, level of education, sense of
humor, goals, skills, hobbies, mistakes,
converasation and learning styles, interest and
quickness of thought.
Financial: Money affects everyone. How
one treats it tells much about him or her, and can
make the difference between a comfortable life and
a life of living Hell, so it's important to be
compatible in this area. Pay attention to spending
style, lifestyle, goals, retirement, savings and
ideas about money and debt in general.
Spiritual: Spiritually doesn't
necessarily mean a person's religious orientation,
rather a basic belief system about life in general.
A sense of self, a reason for living. It includes
beliefs about ethics, the importance of religion,
purpose of life, optimism, acceptance of others,
integrity, honesty, responsibility and social
Using the Core Elements to Make a
Whenever you are interested in someone, it's
important to know her views on each of the five
components. The more areas of comparability, the
stronger the foundation of the relationship will
be. People can have differences, but it adds strain
to a relationship. Observe and communicate, and
hopefully, you will be able to catch differences
early on, to avoid pain later.
Romance and Pitter
Patter: A Successful Mix
No two people showed their love more than Jim and
Della in the story of The Gift of the Magi by O.
Henry. If you dont remember the story, it was
about a poor couple at Christmas. The only two
possessions of value in their home were
Dellas long, beautiful hair and Jims
watch that had once been his grandfathers. As
the story goes, Della sells her hair to buy Jim a
chain for his watch, and Jim sells his watch to buy
Della combs for her hair. This story is about
giving for the sake of love, even if you have to
sacrifice the one thing you treasure the most.
The Gift of the Magi illustrates what this
article is about: romantic gestures. A romantic
gesture is a physical way to show your partner you
care. The important aspect of the gesture
isnt its grandness or cost. The intent behind
the gesture is the true present. Romance boils down
to making the extra effort, even when you think you
dont have the time or the energy to show your
love. This is especially true when children are
added to your love life.
To make it a successful transition, all you need
to do is learn a few final points about how to keep
your romance alive by paying attention to the
little things. Everyday gestures of love show your
partner how much you appreciate him or heras
a partner, in addition to being a parentand
demonstrate that the relationship is a top
priority. When you learn how to protect your
investment in your relationship, you and your
partner will bask in the rewards of a romantic life
Make Your Partner a Part of Your Life
One day over lunch, Bridget told her friend that
she felt as though she and her husband of 12 years
were just strangers living together under the same
roof. They got along like two roommates, or
co-parents, without any problems, but something was
missing. Bridget reminisced about how close she and
her husband had once been and had no idea when
things changed. She missed the closeness and had no
idea how to get it back. Her friend sympathized
with her because she felt the same way about her
husband, too.
These two women share a very common problem in
long-term relationships. Fortunately, this problem
is easily fixed: Just remember to make your partner
a part of your life.
When a relationship passes the honeymoon stage
and into the comfortable stage, people often stop
sharing things with their partners. This tendency
is a normal process of growing closer. People just
get busy in their normal routine and dont
take the time to share like they did early in their
relationship. The remedy is to devote a certain
time every day to share the highs, lows, passions,
frustrations, memories, hopes, and everything else
you go through every day. Keeping the lines of
communication open will keep the romance burning
bright in your relationship, and thats the
key to feeling close to your partner.
Talk Time
Knowing someone takes a lifetime, so you need to
keep the lines of intimate conversation going.
These important conversations will prevent the two
of you from ever feeling like strangers living
Encourage these conversations by reserving
nightly time together before you fall asleep to
have talk time. You dont have to verbally
arrange a time to talkits better to
keep it casual by creating a habit of talking each
night. Talk time isnt a time for serious
discussions or conversation about the children;
its more a time for relaxed, fun conversation
to get to know each other better. The following are
some good questions for you to ask your partner at
talk time:
- Tell me about your favorite pet when you
were a child.
- Who has been your best friend the
- Whats a holiday tradition that you
- When you are old, what will be the highlight
of your life?
- If you could be the creator of any invention
throughout time, what would it be?
- Tell me about your first day in high
- What are your favorite smells of each
Keeping Life Balanced
In most couples today, both people have careers.
Dual-career couples often experience an increase in
relationship stress and a decrease in the amount of
time they have for each other. As long as the
relationship is well-organized, and nothing
unexpected comes up, work and relationships run
smoothly. However, life usually doesnt work
that way.
Couples must keep their lives in balance. If
they dont, their relationships will suffer.
You wont fall out of love just because
youre a workaholic. But continually putting
your other responsibilities ahead of your
relationship means that you and your partner will
pay in terms of emotional neglect for each
others needs. Get a sitter if you need some
time alone. Take a sick day to put your
relationship back in good health. Do whats
necessary to balance the needs of your life with
the needs of your relationship.
Making Your Dreams Come True
Too often obligations in life keep you from
maintaining the closeness you originally sought in
your relationship. You can combat this by focusing
on sharing your life with your partner.
Real romance isnt about flowers and candy,
its about daily expressions of love.
Its about your commitment to your partner and
the actions that prove your commitment. Expressing
love is not about the big things you do for your
mate, but the small things. These little gestures
make your partner feel appreciated, cared for, and
special. For those times when you dont feel
up to giving, just remember that its hard to
have a vibrant, growing relationship with someone
when you are more deeply committed to something
Even if you arent comfortable expressing
your love, you still need to do it. Be realistic;
its all right if you start out slow. The
point is to start. In a great country song called
Me Too, a husband struggles to tell his
wife he loves her, but he can only manage to say,
Me too. Of course, she urges him to
say, I love you, but he cant. To
reassure her, he talks about all the things he does
to say I love you, but she misses all
of them.
Let this song be a reminder that sometimes your
partner may be trying his best to show you he loves
you. Sadly, some people find it difficult to
express their love verbally. But this difficulty
does not mean they do not show their love in other
ways. You just have to learn the ways your partner
shows you he cares. Just think of how good it will
make your partner feel to know you see how he
expresses his love for you. Every effort either of
you make to be romantic and to show love
Make your relationship a top priority in your
life by keeping your full attention on it.
Relationships dont stay strong and happy
because of mere proximity. Instead, your
relationship is happy because you care enough to
make it work.
Will You Marry Me?
There is no other time, than the beginning of a
relationship, when couples verbally express their
love for each other. This is especially true for
wedding proposals.
Proposals and vows are words said to your
special statements that summarize the
entire relationship. They are significant because
once they are said, the course of the relationship
changes from casual to serious.
The beauty of proposals and vows is in their
brevity. They capture the essence of your love,
devotion, and commitment in just a few words.
I Want to Spend The Rest of My Life With
Because a wedding proposal is a story that will
be told and retold, it needs to be done in a way to
create a storybook tale of the event. Basically,
something that you will be proud to tell people the
rest of your lives. Here are some guidelines to
help you propose with style:
- Choose a meaningful date that is easy to
remember, such as Valentines Day.
- Choose a place that has personal meaning,
such as the first place you went on a date.
- Incorporate details that personalize the
history of your relationship.
- Plan the proposal for a day that your
partner wont be too rushed or stressed to
enjoy the moment.
- Select a private place, unless you
dont mind others watching.
Is a Breakup Near?
Not all relationships are guaranteed to last...even
if you think they are perfect. All you can do is
keep an eye on your behaviors as well as his to
recognize-and fix-problem areas as soon as you see
them. The longer you wait to address them, the more
difficult they will be to repair.
Research shows that the majority (96 percent) of
breakups are initiated by women. Although this
statistic may seem comforting, for the women who
have been dumped, it is anything but.
In retrospect, most people realize that the
signs were there all along, but chose to ignore
them. The most significant sign was a 'gut' feeling
that something was wrong. A person's gut is never
wrong, its purpose is for protection. So, whatever
you feel it telling you, you need to listen, even
if your partner denies it.
Other common signs include the following:
- Visiting dating Web sites;
- Not marry you within three years of
- Being secretive;
- Needing more time and space away from
- Forgetting important dates;
- Behaviors do not follow words
- Continued friendship with ex partners
- A change in routine;
- Picking fights about insignificant
- Spending less time together;
- Going out with friends more;
- Not expressing love as often;
- A sudden burst of devotion of love (this is
usually a guilt response to an upcoming
Understanding the unspoken is key to knowing how
strong a relationship is.
Average Size
Q: Im embarrassed to admit it, but I
have a small penisits only two inches
when its erect and about the same when
its not. My girlfriend tells me that I
satisfy her, but how can that be true when all I
hear in the media is, Bigger is
A: As long as a mans penis is long
enough to reach the first one-third of a
womans vagina, sex will feel pleasurable for
both the woman and the man. This is because the
opening of a womans vagina has the most
pleasure-producing nerve endings. The further back,
the fewer the nerve endings. During orgasm, the
muscle spasms here are extremely intense.
More important than length is the girth. The
thicker a mans penis, the more stimulation a
woman will feel each time he thrusts. This should
explain why size does not matter.
The most reliable way to gauge a lovers
satisfaction is to pay particular attention to her
clitoris. The more you touch it, the more pleased
shell be. A clitoris is basically an
undersized penis with all the same sensations of
one. Think about it, how much satisfaction would
you get if yours was ignored during sex. Probably
not too much! With this in mind, make sure to give
ample stimulation to her clitoris rather than
worrying about how deep your penis reaches.
Just for the record, the average size of an
erect penis is a little over six inches. The
longest erect penis ever medially verified measured
13 ½ inches long and six and one-forth inches
around. In that case, size would
Aroused by Smells
Q: During lovemaking I get turned on by
smells but they don't seem to affect my girlfriend
at all. I feel like she's missing a vital part of
the whole experience. Is there anything I can do to
increase her sensitivity?
A: Everyone has a different level of
olfaction sensitivity. Still, increasing your
girlfriend's is definitely something you can work
on. To help you do so, try using the following
three suggestions:
Massage her with oil: The combination of massage
and scented oils heighten arousal.
- Take advantage of pheromones: Pheromones are
also called 'human sex hormones.' They are
odorless chemicals the body releases that can
sexually excite a partner when inhaled through
the nose. They are secreted through the skin and
especially in areas known for sweating
arm pits and genitals. To only way to get her to
breathe your pheromones is to get her close to
Deprive her other senses: Naturally, when one of
the five senses is blocked, it causes the other
senses to become stronger. To increase your
partner's sense of smell, try blocking out all
senses except for that one.
Turn a Woman on with
Sexual fantasies are an intriguing subject...and
not only men have them. The truth is, women have
them too, but they are limited to three general
types. Women can be just as sexual as a man if he
learns what fantasy buttons to push.
In order to rouse a womans fantasies, it
takes a little work. First of all, when you set out
to stimulate your partner, you need to narrow your
focus down to the three specific types of
fantasies: 1. Women with women, 2. Women in
Control, and 3. Sexually insatiable.
Too often, when using fantasies, men include the
things that turn themselves on rather than what
arouses a woman. Unfortunately, this is the
quickest way to turn a woman off. Women have
specific requirements in their fantasies,
primarily, a slow building pace before and after
the sex act. As a matter of fact, the non-sexual
touching is equally arousing to a woman. When using
fantasies with your partner, pay close attention to
the core elements in each of the types listed below
and include those details during fantasy talk.
Fantasy one: Women with Women. This fantasy is
alluring to women because its primary activities
consists of two aspects of sex that women crave:
oral satisfaction and tenderness. The key to this
fantasy is slow seduction. It begins with caressing
and holding, builds to passionate, mutual orgasms,
and finishes the way it began-tenderly.
Fantasy Two: Women in Control. The central theme
in this fantasy is a woman who has the power to
maker her partner cum. This is the woman who plays
the controlling seductress whether its
through the role of dominatrix, exhibitionist, or
any number of controlling women roles that turn a
man on. Her arousal comes from watching a man lose
his control to her.
Fantasy Three: Sexually Insatiable. Unlike the
other two types of fantasies, this one is more
manly because the focus is on the sex
act. Common themes in these fantasies are: engaging
in forbidden love, oral sex, multiple orgasms,
orgies, public sex, and anything involving sexually
adventurous actions.
The easiest way to begin is to start out slowly.
You might, for instance, bring up the topic of
sexual fantasies. All you need to say is,
Which of the following three would turn you
on more? At that time, mention the fantasies above.
The mere act of talking about it will arouse
So, if you want to turn your partner on through
sexual fantasies, all you have to do is start
talking about the subject. It may be a slow
process, but its guaranteed to create an
insatiable woman!
You Have A Message
Leaving a phone message for your partner can be a
creative way to express your feelings. All you have
to do is call your partner when you know he isn't
home. If you're at a loss for what to say, use one
of the short messages I suggest below. Go ahead and
try one out on your partner. You may be surprised
by the response you get!
- I didn't think about you once today.
Twice, three, six times maybe, but not
- Hi, I just called the hotline, and
they said you are on duty tonight. My romantic
side needs first aid; what is your prescription?
Please return this call ASAP.
- I always wondered where the missing
part of my heart was until I found
- I never quite understood how time
could stand still until I met you.
- You're your, and I'm me, but I like
we better. I can hardly wait to see
- I was walking in the garden a few
minutes ago and smelled an incredible flower and
thought about you. It's beautiful to see our
love blossom.
- Hi! This is the person who's crazy
about you. Please be ready for a warm hug when I
see you tonight.
- No one has ever touched my heart the
way you have. Please keep touching
Each day is another opportunity to express your
ever-evolving feelings of love. With all of life's
ups and downs, you will be able to express your
feelings a million different ways if you go with
what you're feeling at any given moment. The
important part is letting the one you love know
that you care.
Avoid Him/Her or
Q: After dating for six months, my boyfriend
stopped calling me and will not return my calls.
How could he be so spineless and not break up with
me face-to-face? I have to see him next week at a
school dance. Do you think I should cancel my plans
to avoid him?Debbie, St. Louis, MO
A: Break ups don't always happen in
textbook fashion. Sometimes they happen the way
yours did. The end result is the sameyou
don't see each other.
As for how you will actbe polite and
respectful. If you see him, make your way over and
say, 'I just wanted to say hello. How have you
been.' If you don't want to go that far, don't
ignore him, it will only make the situation more
tense. Instead, if you meet eyes, be polite and
wave to acknowledge him. Break ups happen all the
time; there is no reason for you to avoid social
situations just because he will be there.
Honey, Darling, Sweetie
Nothing is more endearing than the first time your
partner calls you by a pet name.
One thing is sureit signifies that your
partner is comfortable with you. When you
hear the name, it makes you feel special because it
sets you apart from the others in his or her life.
Its amazing what a little phrase of fondness
can do.
Anyone can call you by your first name, but only
a special person can make up his or her own name
for you. Even friends and family cant use pet
names on you. Sure, they can call you something
other than your name, but its not the same as
when your partner says it. Whats in a
Some pet names are easier to use than others.
The easiest terms are the ones that sound more like
compliments. The following table has a few pet name
ideas to help you get started:
Categories of Pet Names
Sweet pea
Sugar plum
Hot Tamale
Pet Names Can Be Awkward
Using pet names is a difficult thing for some
people. For some, it almost feels like they are
making a commitment by using anything other than
their partners first name. For others, they
just feel too reserved to use an affectionate term.
If this describes you, dont feel like you are
the only one, because others are uncomfortable with
this form of intimacy as well. For some, using a
pet name flows easily, and for others, it takes a
little practice.
Its always easier to practice over the
phone if you are the slightest bit uncomfortable.
All you have to do is answer the phone, and when
you hear your partners voice, without
hesitation, say, Hi there, handsome/
beautiful! Then take a deep breath and know
that the next time will be easier. You can bet your
partner, on the other end, will be smiling from ear
to ear. Shell feel so special just because
you called her something special. It works every
time; test it out for yourself.
Bringing Romantic Fantasies to
One of the most enjoyable parts of having a
relationship is being able to fulfill your romantic
fantasies. You know, the one about being swept off
your feet by a knight in shining armor or rescuing
the damsel in distress?
Knights and damsels are a thing of the past, but
romantic fantasies still exist. A romantic fantasy
is something important to you that is missing in
your love life. Its what you think about in
your quiet time. If only you had it, your life
would be more complete.
In this article, you will learn how your
romantic fantasies can come true by learning how to
make them happen. All dreams need work to become
realities. Whether you are in a relationship or
not, you can still formulate your plan of action to
make your romantic dreams come true.
Romantic fantasies are different for everyone.
Each fantasy takes on a life of its own with a
unique feeling, tone, and theme. Some people have
simple fantasies; other peoples fantasies are
very detailed. One thing that is common with all
romantic fantasies is the element of desiring
something that you dont already have in your
life and that can only come through a romantic
Sharing Your Fantasy
Many times, both partners in a relationship have
fantasies that they would like to share with their
partners, but they dont reveal them. Sharing
a fantasy can make you vulnerable. Fantasies also
can evoke strong emotions. For these reasons,
fantasies are usually kept private. To present your
secret thoughts to someone can take courage.
One of the biggest barriers to sharing a fantasy
with your partner is erroneous assumptions. No one
can read another persons mind. Yet its
easy to come up with many reasons why you think
your partner would not want to live out a fantasy
with you.
Telling Your Partner What You Want
How do you tell your partner about your romantic
fantasies? Its easy. All you have to do is be
clear about what you want and then tell your
partner. I know it sounds easier to do than it is,
but what do you have to lose? If you have someone
who loves you, that person may be more eager to
make you happy than you think.
The first step to telling your partner about
your romantic fantasy is to think about what you
want. Then write the fantasy down in one sentence.
Have your partner write his or her fantasy down,
Do you see how easy that was? Now that you have
written it down, you should be clear about what you
want. The next step is to share the fantasy with
your partner. Go ahead, he wont bite! I
An Affair of the Heart, Mind,
and Soul
A romantic relationship is an emotionally intimate
bond between two people. Such a relationship is
best when it is with someone who knows you,
understands you, and accepts you. It is enhanced
through talking intimately about feelings,
thoughts, and needs.
Sometimes when the qualities of a romantic
relationship are not met, one or both partners seek
them outside the relationship in an affair. An
affair can be as exhilarating as it is destructive
to the relationship. When a person in a
relationship feels the temptation to have an
affair, its usually because the romance in
the relationship has stopped being important. Keep
this thought in the back of your mind as you search
for ways to inject more romance into your
Make Your Relationship an Affair to
When you think of an affair, what comes to mind?
Passion? Romance? Attachment to another person?
Thats exactly what an affair is; however, the
downside is that it is typically associated with a
limited duration, not to mention, causing a great
deal of pain to your primary partner. But, what if
you could extend an affair and make it an everyday
and lifelong occasion with your partner? You can do
it; its just a matter of decision.
The way to make this happen is to turn your
relationship into an affair. The first step to
doing this is to know just exactly what needs are
met by an affair: feeling desired, being loved,
feeling needed, sexual fulfillment, being
understood, close friendship, intellectual
stimulation, feeling complete, attachment, and
being listened to.
Look over these characteristics and ask yourself
which of these qualities you provide for your
partner. The ideal way to use this list is to sit
down with your partner and take turns putting this
list in order of which characteristics you feel the
strongest, down to those you feel the least.
When each of you has completed your list,
compare notes with your partner to see the order
you put the characteristics in. Pay special
attention to the last few items because they will
tellyou the areas that you need to work on with
your partner. The goal of this exercise is to
identify the areas that are holding you back from
having an affair with your partner.
You can do the same with your partner. Look at
the feeling that he put on the bottom of the
ranking list. Then ask him what he needs that would
help him get a stronger sense of that feeling.
Youll be surprised at how this simple
exercise will illuminate important feelings that
your partner has been experiencing. This exercise
many times reveals feelings that are new to both
partners. When you are able to strengthen your weak
areas, your relationship will be the love affair
you always wanted.
Making Your Relationship a
Fairy tales have become a part of our image of what
romance is supposed to be like. This image not only
deceives women, but also men. One of the
definitions of the term fairy tale in
Websters is a made-up story, usually
designed to mislead.
On one hand, everyone k-nows that fairy-tale
romances are make-believe. On the other hand, fairy
tales inspire us to believe in happy love stories.
For this fact alone, they have given us something
we need for building our own love affair: hope.
Many people have lost hope, and its time to
get it back.
Modeling Love on Fairy Tales
Some people think that fairy tales create a
false image for a real partner to live up to. The
next time you read a fairy tale about a love
affair, look to see the characteristics that form
the foundation of these stories. What you will find
are characteristics such as the
- Looking for unconditional love
- Wanting to be loved by someone
- Seeking understanding
- Looking to be accepted by another
These stories also show that life is happier
with someone as opposed to being without someone.
What they show is the humanness in having a mate.
People innately gravitate to others for a sense of
completeness. We are relational beings, with a need
to relate to others. In a fairy tale, these themes
are conveyed simply in a fantastical setting. In
fact, fairy tales serve as wonderful models to use
when deciding on what you want in your
Regaining a Belief in Fairy Tales
How can we make romance just as magical as it is
in the fairy tales? All you have to do is create
your own love story, the greatest love story ever
known. This means cherishing the one you love as
though he were a prince or she were a princess. It
means making your relationship a priority by
including romance as one of its basic ingredients.
An apple a day may keep the doctor away, but a kiss
a day keeps others away!
Creating the Greatest Love
Story Ever
Its easy to be fascinated by other
peoples love affairs and desire to have what
they have, especially if the relationship is
intense, happy, and seemingly problem-free. These
great love stories epitomize an ideal that everyone
would love to attain.
However, keep in mind that you are seeing only
the public image of the relationship. You
dont see the work that goes on behind closed
doors. All relationships take effort to be
successful, especially great love stories.
Would you like to make your relationship the
greatest love story ever? Of course you would;
everyone would. If you would, just keep reading
along and learn how to do it. Before you know it,
you will be transforming your good relationship
into a great one. Learn from Happy
The best way to learn about how to have the
greatest love story ever is to listen to how other
happy couples do it. All you have to do is ask or
read about happy couples, and you will learnthe
tricks. For instance, in the book The 30 Secrets of
Happily Married Couples, author Paul Coleman tells
how happy couples stay happy. His findings are
based on many research studieson marital happiness.
Basically, his 30 secrets can be summarized into
three main goals that all couples should
- Practice good communication. Communication
skills include considering the part you play in
the problem, trying not to be defensive, and
seeing the issue from your partners
- Have realistic expectations for a long
relationship. Realize that change involves ups
and downs and appreciate the effect that major
changes, such as having children, will have on
your relationship.
- Make time for each other. Make regular
dates, have fun together, and take every
opportunity to be affectionate.
These three goals sound like such a simple
recipe for living happily ever after, but they
require something that many people forget: daily
Daily Commitment Is a Privilege
How many times have you heard someone say any of
the following: I have to remember to get her
a card, I must buy him a present,
I should take her out for dinner, or
I need to call him? Couples commonly
say these phrases. Having the greatest love story
ever is not built on things you have to
do. Rather,its based on feeling
privileged to be able to do them. This difference
in perception isthe difference between a happy
couple and a super-happy couple.
Building the greatest love story ever is work
that is never complete. Love is a living, breathing
thing that requires daily attention to keep it
alive. Just remember, if you put in the minimum
work, it will be reflected in the degree of
happiness and satisfaction you feel in your
relationship. If you put in 100 percent, you will
have a relationship that gives you 100 percent
fulfillment. This is the kind of relationship
others admire and strive for. Taking part in the
greatest love story ever requires a ifetime of
privileged workand what an honorthat is to
take on!
Using Music to Draw Out
I love you; you love me; were a happy
. Do you remember that song from
childhood? You may even recognize it as the popular
song Barney sings. Through music we explore and
learn about myths, ideals, and the parameters of
With each year, our understanding of what we
hear and feel in music deepens, especially as we
begin to experience love. We hear thoughts similar
to ours being sung on the radio. We listen with
curiosity and hope of happy endings or perhaps
guidance to help us.We learn that music intensifies
our feelings, triggers emotions, and binds memories
forever to songs that are associated with our love
lives. We learn that music is our friend and our
teacher. Because of this, music has attained a
central importance in the world of romance and
romantic relationships.
Musical Inspiration
Music can inspire or influence romance in so
many ways. Its hard for music not to inspire;
it stirs the emotions when singers sing about
loves emotional extremes. When you hear a
song that says, Im in the mood for love
simply because youre near me, its
hard to resist having an emotional reaction to what
you hear. Music facilitates romance between you and
your partner by moving both the intellect and
Music: A Course in Love
Now that you know how music can naturally foster
romance, the following tips will help you to use
music in your own relationship to increase romance
between you and your partner:
If you are out and about doing something with
your partner and you hear your partner say,
Wow, I love that song, dont just
let the moment pass.
Find out what the song is and buy it. Add it to
your romantic collection.
If you attend a Broadway show or a romantic film
that moves you emotionally, buy the soundtrack.
This way, youll be able to bring back the
intense emotions you experienced again and again
with your partner.
Jump at the chance to dance together when music
moves you.
Going to concertsespecially by singers
well known for romantic ballads can put you
in the middle of emotional moments that are bigger
than life.
A Book in the Hand for the
Romantic storytelling came into vogue about the
time that the troubadours began to composesongs of
love and yearning. As time passed, the invention of
the printing press produced massquantities of
books, making them available to just about
everyone. With this change, many people became
literate and took up reading as a form of
Couples also began to use reading in their
courting. Both men and women took turns reading
their favorite passages or poems aloud. Through
books, lovers found the words they couldnt
say on their own. Lovers would spend hours
searching the texts for just the right words for
theirpartner and an equal amount of time reading it
to them.
Books were given as gifts with special words
highlighted and dedications written to make them
more special. Lovers had discovered a way to tell
each other their thoughts, feelings, hopes, and
dreams through printed words.
Reading Builds Good Communication
Why not pick up reading as a new aspect of your
courting? It will make life more interesting.
Reading is a form of communication training that
naturally develops effective listening and
communication skills. When you know how to
communicate effectively, your relationship will
stand a better chance of being a happy
If you think about what reading to your partner
teaches you, its worth more than anything you
can do for your relationship. It teaches each
partner how to take turns listening, and then
speaking, and then giving feedback about what
youve heard. This is a wonderful way of
communicating. Reading to your partner will not
only make you feel closer, but it will strengthen
your relationship as well.
Encouraging Your Partner to Read to
People have different comfort levels with
reading out loud, so you need to be sensitive to
this. The best way to get your partner to read to
you is to first let him or her know its what
you would like. Second, encourage him or her to do
If your partner is uncomfortable reading or you
suspect that he or she is, follow these tips to
make reading to you more desirable for your
- Dont read over your partners
- Dont correct your partners
mispronunciations of words.
- Listen without interrupting.
- Praise your partner afterwards for reading
to you. (For example, say, You made me
feel so special by reading that to me.
You have a great reading
- Close your eyes as your partner reads to
- Give your undivided attention to your
When encouraging your partner to read, make his
or her attempt as rewarding as possible. Sometimes
people are uncomfortable reading out loud because
of bad experiences in the past. By following the
preceding tips, you will show your partner that
reading to you is a positive experience.
The Magic of Three Little
Saying I love you is the most beautiful
gift you can give to your partner. These words are
the most treasured a person can hear. You can say
it a million times, and your partner will still
want to hear it again, and again, and
The First Time
Does anyone know when the perfect time is to say
I love you for the first time?
Its hard to say if it should be said after a
week, month, or year after knowing your partner.
Logic doesnt seem to be a part of it.
Instead, this is one decision that is usually
dominated by pure emotion. You will know when the
time is right. Like a baby thats ready to be
born, theres no holding it back. If you are
at that point in your relationship and feel unsure
about doing it, just use these tips to help guide
- If there is a strong affection or warm
attachment (not just sexual), love is not far
- Choose a quiet moment so your partner can
hear you.
- Be sober when you say it.
- Say it as you are either holding your
partners hands or stroking his or her
- Look your partner straight in the eye and
say it.
- Mean it when you say it.
- Dont waste any time once you realize
how you feel.
- Be sincere.
- Say it in a foreign language first if you
dont want her to understand you. This way
you will be able to test it out and see how you
Uniquely Yours: Wedding
The wedding vow is the most well-known
demonstration of verbal love. A vow is a line of
words that are a solemn promise, or assertion,
someone makes that binds him or her to an act,
service, or condition. In the case of a wedding,
it's a declaration of love.
Because religion plays a significant role in
many people's lives, some of the more traditional
vows were created by individual churches. Each vow
has a slightly different way of phrasing the
dedication words to make them fit each belief
system better. The following are some of the more
common religious vows:
- Roman Catholic: I, Olivia, take you,
Craig, to be my husband. I promise to be true to
you in good times and bad, in sickness and in
health. I will love you and honor you all the
days of my life.
- Muslim: I pledge in honesty and with
sincerity to be for you an obedient and faithful
wife. I pledge, in honesty and
sincerity to be for you a faithful and helpful
- Jewish: The groom says, Behold thou
art consecrated unto me by this ring according
to the law of Moses and Israel. The bride
remains silent, as is customary, and they are
- Carpatho Russian Orthodox: I, Craig,
take you, Olivia, as my wedded wife and I
promise you love, honor, and respect: to be
faithful to you and not to forsake you until
death do us part, so help me God, one in the
Holy Trinity and all the Saints.
- Traditional Hindu Mantra Baha'i Faith:
I am the word, and you are the melody. I
am the melody, and you are the word.
- Protestant: I, Olivia, choose you,
Craig, to be my husband, my friend, my love, the
father of our children. I will be yours in
plenty and in want, in sickness and in health,
in failure and in triumph. I will cherish you
and respect you, comfort and encourage you, and
together we shall live freed and bound by our
- United Church: Olivia, I take you to
be my wife, to laugh with you in joy, to grieve
with you in sorrow, to grow with you in love,
serving mankind in peace and hope, as long as we
both shall live.
Personalizing Vows
Many couples choose to continue with tradition
and repeat the vow just as others in love have done
for thousands of years. However, a contemporary
trend has been for couples to write their own
Because the heart of the wedding ceremony is the
exchange of vows, creating your own can be a
wonderful opportunity to share aloud just why you
have chosen your mate. This declaration of intent
is specifically what the ritual is about anyway. To
help you begin to formulate your ideas about what
you will eventually write as your wedding vow, use
the following tips. They will guide you to the most
beautiful, loving words designed for your wedding
- You don't have to completely rewrite the
traditional vows; you can simply replace certain
words, phrases, or sentences to fit your
- Ask the officiator about ideas he may have,
guidance he might offer, or what's acceptablein
a vow.
- The library offers many books on how to
write personalized wedding vows. Read as many as
you can so that you get a good feeling about how
to write yours.
- Collect phrases that you like.
- Attend weddings and make notes about the
words you liked in others' vows.
- Sit down with your partner and write your
vows together. Even if you don't share what you
are writing, the collaborative effort will be
- Begin early before the crunch of the wedding
consumes you and you no longer have time to
write something meaningful.
Saying traditional vows is nerve-wracking
enough, but the thought of reciting personal vows
can be absolutely terrifying for some people. The
fear of forgetting something causes some people to
choose not to write personal vows at all.
You don't have to let this fear come between you
and what you want to say to your partner in a vow.
It's common to have the person performing the
ceremony to read the vow and have you repeat it
after him. Most wedding ceremonies are performed
this way, so you won't have to worry about fully
memorizing your lines.
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