A Man, Not Just Another Boy, Has Biz
Q: What is on the business card you always
talk about?
A: I get tons of mail on this subject.
Every type of guy wants me to design his
interesting, conversation-starting business card
[ICSBC]. See below for who the best
designer is.
First of all it must LOOK, FEEL, READ like a
real business card. Second of all you must have two
different business cards. One for young women and
another for the business world.
Get out the yellow pages and find a female. Give
her the specifications right from How
To Date Young Women Volume 2. Do not show her
the book! Female? Yes. She has the eye for what
females see in you and knows how to make you
interesting to females using symbols.
Talk about yourself and what ideas you have for
the card. Hand her an engraving of Ben Franklin or
two or even three! Then a few days later, look at
what she created. If you like it pay her and take
what she develops to a printer and youre in
business. Pun accidental.
MANDATORY! In addition to your business phone
and address, put your home phone and home address
on the card. Do not use a voice mail or post office
box! Because that says to her: Im married,
looking for some fun. Do NOT put your cell phone
number on for that reason and others, to be
explained in a future column.
Your home address invites the woman to drive by
and check out where you live, thus your income
level, plus shell be hoping to
accidentally " bump into you! Definitely
include your office phone but make certain it is so
designated. If you have e-mail, put it on there. It
has to be real email fredsmith@businessman.com not
fred_smith99@hotmail.com because that says, "My
wife checks my email at home."
What works is an ICSBC that says who you are.
The graphics female is to design a classy,
tasteful, interesting business card. Once again, it
must look, feel, and read like a business card.
The most common objection is, and rightfully so,
I am a programmer, what should be on the card? My
response. Be a consultant, such as Smith Consulting
Services, Fred Smith, Owner. Symbols and graphics
then enable you to have anything about yourself
that can help her have something to talk about.
Gary sells insurance. His card is a photo.
Printed in white is Gary Smith Insurance, yada yada
Residence: 555-1212 Office 555-3322 yada yada
Residence: 1234 Anystreet Office 4567 Anystreet
The conversation she starts is always about the
beautiful photo/scene not insurance. He reveals, my
hobby is photography. I took that picture out at
the Yada Bridge at sunset. I love watching the
ducks fly south. Have you ever been out to the Yada
Bridge? And from there . . .
WARNING: A very common mistake is the guy
designs his own card. The kindest thing I can say
is that his card looks it! The fatal mistake--he
copies using his new, expensive 7-color printer!
That card says to the woman, I am
an amateur dweeb!
Express yourself thru the female graphic
designer. First impressions are lasting
impressions! Your ICSBC is a gift to her, your
first. It separates you from the boys and makes her
feel important. Make it something to talk about.
Colorful, graphic, different, unusual.
©2008 R. Don
Other Relationship Issues,
Don Steele
has worked for more than 20 aerospace, defense and
engineering companies as well as many political
campaigns both in LA and in Hawaii. He became a
Marriage, Family and Child Counselor in 1976.
Beyond writing, other passions include a deep,
abiding hatred for hypocrites, bureaucrats, poverty
pimps and nearly all politicians; a lifelong
devotion to anthropology, philosophy; astronomy and
cosmology plus a long-term love affair with Hawaii,
consummated in 1996. He and Joanna Bardot Lopez
live in Whittier CA, with their number one dog
Wolfie, number two dog, Tootsie, Peaches The
Rabbit, Puppy Cat, Princess Cat, Snookums Cat and
Bebe Cat. Don is the author of Date
Young Women: For men over 35 -
to Date Young Women: For men over 35,
Volume II, and most
recently, Body
and steelballsRadio.com
or E-Mail.

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