Nice-Guyitus Causes Deadly LJBF!
Q: How do you deal with women who say
Lets just be friends?
A: Say in a non-angry, yet firm
statement-of-fact voice, I have plenty of
friends. Follow that with deadly silence and
strong, sensual, direct eye contact.
Steel Balls Principle? Silence is a powerful
tool during any negotiation, romantic or
Poker face. Just sit there. Do not get angry or
gruff because she translates anger to, I win!
He wants me.
What does she win?
Safety:. Because now she doesnt have to
take a chance and go out with an powerful,
mysterious, sensual MAN, not a boy.
Ego Boost. She wants the gratification of
knowing that you are dying to go out with her, that
you find her sexy and desirable. Why? Because MOST
of them DO NOT know that about themselves! They
think you are the catch until you screw it up!
In short, shes testing you to see how
youll react. Read Reluctance,
Resistance And Tests in Body Language Secrets
for the grisly details about this delicate part of
the courtship ritual.
If shes not testing you, shes a game
player who has been leading you on. MOST LIKELY.
Your disease, NICE-GUYITUS caused you to blow it
quite sometime ago. Gifts, fawning, too many
compliments, been accommodating and other such
puke-producing stuff. NICE-GUYITUS shows her you
are not different, just another boy, not a Man,
which is what she really wants. Its what they
all want!
The other possibility is that she has decided
for whatever reason that youre not all that
attractive, and Lets just be
friends is her way of saying, I
dont find you sexually attractive. Beat
But, since females dont want to hurt
anyones feelings, she says LJBF.
In my personal world, a fourth of the women who
tried, LJBF yielded to the strong,
silent treatment and ended up being my lover. The
rest were either afraid or not interested.
Important! You cant talk her into anything
once this stage is reached. Just say your piece and
shut up.
If youre not all that experienced, when it
gets to this stage you have probably demonstrated
that youre just another boy or you showed her
that youre strongly attracted to her. You
must read, then re-read, then practice everything
from How
To Date Young Women in the chapter The Right
Attitude. She must see you as strong, manly,
powerful, slightly dangerous, somewhat mysterious,
possibly attainable if SHE plays her cards
©2009, R. Don
Other Relationship Issues,
Don Steele
has worked for more than 20 aerospace, defense and
engineering companies as well as many political
campaigns both in LA and in Hawaii. He became a
Marriage, Family and Child Counselor in 1976.
Beyond writing, other passions include a deep,
abiding hatred for hypocrites, bureaucrats, poverty
pimps and nearly all politicians; a lifelong
devotion to anthropology, philosophy; astronomy and
cosmology plus a long-term love affair with Hawaii,
consummated in 1996. He and Joanna Bardot Lopez
live in Whittier CA, with their number one dog
Wolfie, number two dog, Tootsie, Peaches The
Rabbit, Puppy Cat, Princess Cat, Snookums Cat and
Bebe Cat. Don is the author of Date
Young Women: For men over 35 -
to Date Young Women: For men over 35,
Volume II, and most
recently, Body
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