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Question: I get many first dates with young
women but never get a second date. Why?
Answer: Never, ever go to the movies.
First dates are for talking with one another. It
gives you the chance to demonstrate that you are a
Man, what she has been dying to meet. Women all
must convince themselves you are worthy of them,
before they can proceed. You will be tested and
resisted and she will be reluctant. You have to
deal with all of that on the first date, and even
more so on the second date.
Given this is a continuing problem, I believe
you did not maintain The Right Attitude during the
date. And, or, or both, you did not follow my
primary mandate to NOT suggest a second date while
on the first date. Instead, plant the ideas and fan
the possibilities for interesting, fun second dates
while on the first date.
A third possibility is that you went on too long
of a first date, or too romantic of a first date. A
fourth possibility is that you went on Friday or
Saturday night and what that tells the woman is,
you do not have a LIFE! Another common FATAL
mistake is looking at other women. Another, being
negative or cynical, or serious. Or trying for a
kiss at the END of the date. We have a file for
MOSBs. The ways to screw up are endless.
The all time DATE DESTROYER is being a NICE GUY.
You must be a Man of Steel Balls. You have to have
a life, and ideally, you are dating and having sex.
That alone gives you a major dose of The Right
Excerpts - First Dates:
Lunch at the park, like adults do it impresses
her and she feels like a woman, not a girl. There,
you're both equally distant from home base. No one
is too defensive. But it's more of a commitment
unless you add, "I've got to be back by 2." You
only need an hour, the first time.
Sunday brunch at an expensive hotel is great, if
during the suggestion it's clear you have to be
somewhere at 3 PM. This puts on the time limit,
making it easier to accept.
A dinner date is even a bit much for a woman to
bite off. It implies dinner and. Save it for third
or forth dates. Your place is verboten. She has to
be on guard. Suggesting her place makes her think
you're married. She's not so dumb, she reads
Don't plan and scheme. Let things happen
naturally. Just enjoy her company. The more relaxed
you are, the more she'll relax. Don't try to
impress her. Be yourself. Expect nothing.
Starving students can get a bookstore return
copy of How
To Date Young Women
by clicking below the new version and you'll see a
marketplace version! This book is without doubt for
men of all ages no matter how young or old the
woman is.
©2010 R. Don
Other Relationship Issues,
Don Steele
has worked for more than 20 aerospace, defense and
engineering companies as well as many political
campaigns both in LA and in Hawaii. He became a
Marriage, Family and Child Counselor in 1976.
Beyond writing, other passions include a deep,
abiding hatred for hypocrites, bureaucrats, poverty
pimps and nearly all politicians; a lifelong
devotion to anthropology, philosophy; astronomy and
cosmology plus a long-term love affair with Hawaii,
consummated in 1996. He and Joanna Bardot Lopez
live in Whittier CA, with their number one dog
Wolfie, number two dog, Tootsie, Peaches The
Rabbit, Puppy Cat, Princess Cat, Snookums Cat and
Bebe Cat. Don is the author of Date
Young Women: For men over 35 -
to Date Young Women: For men over 35,
Volume II, and most
recently, Body
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