Hey 19! Hot the Song - Continued
Question: This is my version of what he is
asking. I am attracted to a 19 year old, what do I
Answer: Short version: Same thing you do
with any woman who is interested in you. Long
version below his long explanation.
This is PART 2
I get so many questions about dance classes it
is unreal! The women in dance classes are all there
to meet men they can use and control, which is what
women want to do no matter where they meet men.
Well its not really what they want, they want
a Man, a strong, dominant Man and if they
cant have that, they want someone they can
control so they dont get hurt, again.
If you want to date a woman from dance class you
must pick one and live with your choice because
once you show interest in one, all others will have
nothing to do with you because as I explained in
Body Language Secrets, nobody wants to be second
Since the 19 year old is attractive to all the
other men, you must be different and not be
attracted to her! To quote my favorite author,
Different works.
If you want to take a chance with the 19 year
old, heres the plan of attack. You ignore her
except for polite acknowledgment of her existence.
You watch and you wait. Now and then when you make
eye contact, show intense lust, burning lust, in
your eyes. When you are standing around waiting,
face her with the front of your body but dont
look at her. Wait for her to make a move. When she
does, you must be strong, firm and manly. You must
not be swept off YOUR feet. You MUST treat her like
shes just another woman in your life.
FINAL ADVICE. Do what I said above about
ignoring her and waiting until she makes a move.
That lesson will serve you well in the coming
You cant mess that up, and you can learn
something extremely useful while doing it.
CAUTION! Some Rapo players are as young as 14.
There are 19 year old Rapo players, too. How do I
know? Ive been had by them! If its too
good to be true, it aint.
Aloha, RDS Thanks for the opportunity to be
©2008 R. Don
Other Relationship Issues,
Don Steele
has worked for more than 20 aerospace, defense and
engineering companies as well as many political
campaigns both in LA and in Hawaii. He became a
Marriage, Family and Child Counselor in 1976.
Beyond writing, other passions include a deep,
abiding hatred for hypocrites, bureaucrats, poverty
pimps and nearly all politicians; a lifelong
devotion to anthropology, philosophy; astronomy and
cosmology plus a long-term love affair with Hawaii,
consummated in 1996. He and Joanna Bardot Lopez
live in Whittier CA, with their number one dog
Wolfie, number two dog, Tootsie, Peaches The
Rabbit, Puppy Cat, Princess Cat, Snookums Cat and
Bebe Cat. Don is the author of Date
Young Women: For men over 35 -
to Date Young Women: For men over 35,
Volume II, and most
recently, Body
and steelballsRadio.com
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