Bars-Night Clubs
This is from a 43 year old who went to a bar in
spite of my extremely strong warning in How to Date
Young Women.
Bar Question? A friend of mine plays in a band
so I went to this lounge. My friend and I were
sitting outside on his break and a woman of 30
walked out and said to a guy, "There's just too
many OLD guys in there!" Just before that, I was
reflecting on how bad I feel about being 43 with my
buddy and that damn sure didn't help.
Would you say this is the rule with bars and to
just stay the hell away from them?
ANSWER: Damn! Re-read How To Date Young Women
especially the topic, WHERE NOT TO LOOK. If you
missed that gigantic warning, you should do what
most guys do and re-read the entire book with a
highlighter in hand AFTER you re-read the Foreword.
Guys get so excited by the prospect of dating young
women when they first read it, they miss some key
Bars and night clubs are NOT where you can find
a young woman interested in an older lover. They
are all looking for Randy Redporsche or Harvey
HumVee. You are nothing but background clutter in a
Meet young women any-damn-place they are not
looking to meet Mr. Rite. Wedding receptions,
Sierra Club and Save The Whales type meetings,
Walk-For-Hunger, college classes. Stay outta
Learn from my mistakes. When you re-read, you
will see that I acknowledge wasting a year plus
looking for her in a bar!
ABOUT FEELING 43. It is crucial that you get
past this feeling of inequality! You must, and
that's an absolute MUST, feel deep in your bones
and in your heart that you are attractive to young
women BECAUSE OF your age and experience and all of
the other things an older man can "bring to the
party." Get your copy of How to Date Young Women.
Re-read what I say on page 70. Then follow the
advice given elsewhere in this issue about
re-reading the whole damn book with a highlighter
in hand.
If you feel that young women are not going to be
interested in you because you are 43, then I
GUARANTEE YOU THAT they are not going to be
interested in you. Why? Because you will radiate,
"I'm not interesting or attractive to young
Women of all ages instinctively and
automatically react to what you are radiating. It's
calledWomen's Intuition and it is for real. (See
Body Language Secrets for a thorough explanation of
how it works and what you have to do about it.) In
How To Date Young Women, I clearly explain how to
get past this stage. Why? Because I was there.
Worse, I was stuck there for months on end. Do what
I say to do in the book! I cannot tell you how
crucial this is. Re-read!
©2007 R. Don
Other Relationship Issues,
Don Steele
has worked for more than 20 aerospace, defense and
engineering companies as well as many political
campaigns both in LA and in Hawaii. He became a
Marriage, Family and Child Counselor in 1976.
Beyond writing, other passions include a deep,
abiding hatred for hypocrites, bureaucrats, poverty
pimps and nearly all politicians; a lifelong
devotion to anthropology, philosophy; astronomy and
cosmology plus a long-term love affair with Hawaii,
consummated in 1996. He and Joanna Bardot Lopez
live in Whittier CA, with their number one dog
Wolfie, number two dog, Tootsie, Peaches The
Rabbit, Puppy Cat, Princess Cat, Snookums Cat and
Bebe Cat. Don is the author of Date
Young Women: For men over 35 -
to Date Young Women: For men over 35,
Volume II, and most
recently, Body
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