
How do I get a Date with a Clerk?
There is this girl who works at the Mens
Wearhouse near my home. She helped me pick out a
new suit that I really like. I have to go back
there tonight and pick up the suit. I think
shes interested. I have to talk to her but I
don't know what to talk about.
STEELE SEZ: Have her check your taste in ties!
Take the suit and go over to the ties. Lay it down.
Put a tie on it, study it, stroke your chin as if
thinking, walk over to her and say, You did such a
good job with the suit, hows about a little help
picking out some ties that work with it? (use my
wording) Shell walk over with you. Mention
that you are changing jobs and want to develop a
better look. (Use my words) Wait a few beats, then
say, Frankly, I dont know much about dressing
to be attractive. (Use my words) Then
dont say anything for a bit. The next thing
you say is Im reading Dress For Success by
John Molloy. He says women have kinda of an
instinct about clothes. Do you have an instinct for
what makes a guy look good?
Let her answer that and after shes selected the
first tie, ask Why did you pick that one? Let her
show you how brilliant she is.
That gets the ball rolling. Talk about clothes.
Keep your physical distance. Do not check out her
tits. During the entire time be alive and
energetic. After three ties, say GREAT! Thanks for
the help! as you extend your hand to shake.
This next sentence is important: Follow the
handshake instructions to the letter as given in
How To Date Young Women. Dont forget to say,
I'm Chuck Davidson, smile, and wait.
Shell say, Hi! Im Debbie. Walk over
to the cash register. Use your credit card so she
sees your name once more. While she's filling out
the paperwork, say, Whats it like working
here? Let her answer. Then say something like,
Going to college? Whatever she says, tell her you
are taking Acting 101 at San Jose State, but have
to drop the class because youre changing
jobs. Add that you were nervous at first but now
you like it.
The essence of initial conversations is to
reveal things about yourself so she feels free to
reveal things about herself. End it all with, "Nice
meeting you, Debbie. I'll see you in a week or so.
I've got to get some new casual clothes.
©2007 R. Don Steele
Other Relationship Issues,
Don Steele has worked
for more than 20 aerospace, defense and engineering
companies as well as many political campaigns both in LA and
in Hawaii. He became a Marriage, Family and Child Counselor
in 1976. Beyond writing, other passions include a deep,
abiding hatred for hypocrites, bureaucrats, poverty pimps
and nearly all politicians; a lifelong devotion to
anthropology, philosophy; astronomy and cosmology plus a
long-term love affair with Hawaii, consummated in 1996. He
and Joanna Bardot Lopez live in Whittier CA, with their
number one dog Wolfie, number two dog, Tootsie, Peaches The
Rabbit, Puppy Cat, Princess Cat, Snookums Cat and Bebe Cat.
Don is the author of Date
Young Women: For men over 35 -
Revised, How
to Date Young Women: For men over 35, Volume
II, and most recently,
Language Secrets.
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