
Being a Bartender - Part II
Red's Reply: Thanks for the input on the bar girls.
I thought the "coke-tail" waitresses were just
working their way through school.
STEELE SEZ: Many waitresses ARE working their
way through college. Few of them are in bars or
clubs. I met Joanna when she was working at Bob's
Big Boy three blocks from my house. She was going
to college, majoring in math.
If you have a day or two a week you can work
there, I say go for it. With all of the female
customers and female employees, just follow the
step-by-step instructions How to Date Young Women.
Above all, be friendly but aloof and always
maintain The Right Attitude. Bars and club workers
socialize together on their days off and after
closing time. They stay up until 7 or 8 in the
morning drinking and doing speedy drugs at one of
the co-workers homes. It didn't kill me to hang in
those circles for about six months while I was
figuring out being divorced. I won't kill you.
Remember, the young women who work there think they
are "inside" the "cool" universe and believe they
are really on to something. 99% of them are going
RED'S RE-REPLY: Would a nice hotel or restaurant
be better? O it's all the same mentality?
STEELE SEZ: A cocktail waitress is usually not a
college girl wherever she's cocktailing. If she's
not into how "cool" and "hip" she is, she's waiting
for a handsome, 35 year old millionaire driving a
Red Porsche who will find her and take her away
from all this. She thinks, just like most recently
divorced and inexperienced men that bars are places
to meet potential lifetime partners. In reality,
bars and clubs are gathering spots for losers and
people who cannot meet, talk with and date people
from work, church, social clubs, service clubs,
school, activist organizations.
You may have a shot at ONE of the waitresses,
but that situation is worse than an office in that
the catty competitiveness is doubly rampant among
the women. If you screw up and make a move on a
Rapo Player you're dead meat with all the others.
Re-read Volume Two of How to Date Young Women for
details on not making this FATAL mistake
©2006 R. Don Steele
Other Relationship Issues,
Don Steele has worked
for more than 20 aerospace, defense and engineering
companies as well as many political campaigns both in LA and
in Hawaii. He became a Marriage, Family and Child Counselor
in 1976. Beyond writing, other passions include a deep,
abiding hatred for hypocrites, bureaucrats, poverty pimps
and nearly all politicians; a lifelong devotion to
anthropology, philosophy; astronomy and cosmology plus a
long-term love affair with Hawaii, consummated in 1996. He
and Joanna Bardot Lopez live in Whittier CA, with their
number one dog Wolfie, number two dog, Tootsie, Peaches The
Rabbit, Puppy Cat, Princess Cat, Snookums Cat and Bebe Cat.
Don is the author of Date
Young Women: For men over 35 -
Revised, How
to Date Young Women: For men over 35, Volume
II, and most recently,
Language Secrets.
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