Menstuff® features a web site that we feel fits our parameters of positive change in male roles and relationships. Selections to date are listed below. Because of reduced funding and staff, this has become more periodic than weekly. Hopefully things will return to weekly soon. See also Web Sites of the Week 2001, 2003 or 2004. Also see Top 100.
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Youth Web
Online |
The Second Nature For the Guys sampler is a
special sampler just for those special guys from on Father's Day and after. It includes screen
saver images from some of their most popular collections!
Check it out at
Second Nature Software is the producer of screen saver collections and, since 1993, a proud supporter of The Nature Conservancy. In a unique partnership between business and conservation, 100% of all after tax profits go to support The Nature Conservancy, an international non-profit membership organization founded in 1951. To date, more than $2.3 million dollars has been contributed to The Conservancy. The Nature Conservancy's mission is to preserve the plants, animals, and natural communities that represent the diversity of life on Earth by protecting the lands and waters they need to survive. Over the past half century, the Conservancy has helped protect more than 10 million acres of the most ecologically significant habitat in the United States, and more than 55 million acres in Canada, Latin America, the Caribbean, Asia and the Pacific. Second Nature Software, Inc, 1325 Officers' Row,
Vancouver, WA 98661, 360.737.4170, or fax 360.693.7869 or
This is International
Men's Health Week, part of International
Men's Month. We wanted to share what kids in France see
on television about condoms. It is somewhat graphic, so if
you are extremely sensitive or under 18, be advised.
Starting off International
Men's Month - since men don't talk about, much less look
at another man's penis, we thought we would bring you this
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The Fathermag provides some great on-line information for
and about fathers. See
The Hepatitis Foundation International is cultivating a
community that helps people with hepatitis concerns o manage
and fulfill their lives. Organizations interested in
strategic partnerships for hepatitis C testing, contact Andi
Thomas 877.435.7443x101. For general hepatitis C info, call
Hep C Connection at 800.522.HEPC
This web site is set up to raise public awareness and
concern of, and assist people affected by, hepatitis C. They
also have a plan for low-cost testing for Hep-C nationally.
Call (877.435.7443) for a confidential
health-risk assessment and information about the blood test
or go to
HCV Anonymous sponsors a program of Positive
Attitudes Anonymous is a fellowship of persons who have
found that living with a potentially terminal illness
(Hepatitis C) is a major challenge. They are individuals who
meet regularly as a group, assisting one another in this new
way of life. They have no outside affiliations. Their past
is kept in confidence within the group. They dont
thrive on their past, but concentrate on what they want for
today and their future. For many of them, the realization of
their present condition left them feeling dejected and
depressed. They could no longer live life to its fullest.
They became disoriented, and their peace of mind was
displaced by uncontrollable emotions. They have learned from
their group experience that those who come to the meetings
on a regular basis, and work the program with diligence, are
those who experience spiritual transformation.
Intersex Society of North America (ISNA) is a public
awareness, education, and advocacy organization which works
to create a world free of shame, secrecy, and unwanted
surgery for intersex people (individuals born with anatomy
or physiology which differs from cultural ideals of male and
female). Examples of medical diagnoses which result in
intersexuality are: clitoromegaly, micropenis, hypospadias,
ambiguous genitals, early genital surgery, adrenal
hyperplasia, Klinefelter Syndrome, androgen insensitivity,
testicular feminization.
Mothers Against Circumcision, (MAC), was created
in January 1997. They maintain a website listing the many
benefits of remaining intact and the physically,
psychologically, and sexually damaging effects of
circumcision. They are dedicated to ending circumcision of
non-consenting children by educating parents. Members
communicate online through an e-mail list. They post current
news, exchange ideas, implement strategies to end
circumcision, and provide support to one another. Members,
including men, are of all ages, religions and walks of life.
NOHARMM - National Organization to Halt the Abuse
and Routine Mutilation of Males, informatin that news media
needs concerning latest scientific research and emergingin
social, legal andhuman rights developments relevant to the
non-therapeutic genital alteration of unconsenting chidren.
The mission is to raise public awareness about male genital
cutting (MGC) practices and increase public understanding of
genital integrity as a fundamental human right.
The National Organization of Restoring Men is a non-profit support group for men who have concerns about being circumcised, are considering foreskin restoration, or are in the process of restoring their foreskins. Our aim is to help men regain a sense of self-directedness -- physically as well as emotionally. NORM is dedicated to providing an arena in which
circumcised men can share their concerns without fear of
being ridiculed for a desire to be intact and whole again. A
safe place is provided to discuss goals and learn about
methods and techniques of restoration and to discover those
methods that will work best for each individual.
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NOCIRC, National Organization of Circumcision
Information Resource Center. is an organization of
musicians who support the work of the National Organization
of Circumcision Information Resource Centers. NOCIRC is an
organization of diverse individuals committed through
research, education and advocacy to securing the birthright
of male and female infants and children to keep their sex
organs intact. NOCIRC has over 100 centers throughout the
world. NOCIRC-PA is the Pennsylvania branch of NOCIRC.
The National Exchange for Urban Leadership created
the African American Male Empowerment Summit (AAMES) in 1998
to promote entrepreneurship, fatherhood and youth leadership
programs, while celebrating the accomplishments of
individuals and organizations which enhance the lives of
Urban Americans through mentoring, community development and
partnership creation. It was inspired by the vast number of
untapped, entrepreneurial opportunities and the strong, yet
largely unknown, network of urban male mentoring, family and
community development organizations across the U.S. It was
created to profile young urban leaders and the elements
which enable their success.
Fight for Your Rights: Take a Stand Against Discrimination (FFYR) is MTV's yearlong campaign to educate our audience about discrimination and to help them fight it within their communities and in themselves. The initiative addresses some of the most prevalent types of discrimination in our communities today, including those based on race, religion, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation and physical and/or mental ability. The campaign is integrated into virtually every aspect of MTV. It includes specials and programming events, news segments, a free action guide, public service announcements and this Web site - the most comprehensive, youth civil rights destination on the Internet. As part of the campaign, MTV has partnered with some of the nation's most renowned civil rights and other non-profit organizations to provide ways for young people to get involved locally through anti-discrimination workshops, petition signing campaigns, and thousands of volunteer opportunities with civil rights groups across the country. This Web site is produced in partnership with SHiNE
(Seeking Harmony in Neighborhoods Everyday). Through this
site our audience can find local anti-discrimination
volunteer opportunities, e-mail members of Congress or the
President urging them to pass comprehensive hate crimes
legislation, read FFYR-specific news stories, participate in
online discussions, and much more.
This weekly documentary series examines true-life crimes
rooted in discrimination, whether based on race, sexual
orientation or mental ability. Criminal focuses on the lives
of both the perpetrators and victims, exploring the social
and cultural influences that incited the aggressors and
giving voice to the grief, anger and confusion of the
victims' families and communities.
The Harvard Men's Health part of the Harvard
Medical School. The goal of all of their publications is to
bring the public, around the world, the most current
practical, authoritative health information, drawing on the
expertise of the 8,000 faculty physicians at the Harvard
Medical School and its world-famous affiliated hospitals.
This includes information about health and wellness through
all types of media: newsletters, books and this website. In
addition, Harvard Health Publications has editorial
responsibility for one of the worlds largest and most
heavily visited consumer health websites: InteliHealth. Our
mission is to be the worlds most widely recognized and
trusted provider of high-quality information about health.
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Career Gear is a nonprofit organization that fills
the gap between job-training programs and employment by
providing men with the interview clothing, motivation and
follow-up support that helps them get jobs and keep jobs.
How does it work? A variety of job-training programs refer
men to Career Gear. When a client arrives, he is greeted by
a personal shopper who helps him put together his entire
interview outfit. He gets grooming tips and coaching on his
upcoming interview. Each man leaves ready to meet
prospective employers not only looking his best, but also
radiating the self-confidence needed to get the job. More
than a suit: New clothes are just the beginning. Career Gear
also strives to give these men the confidence and support
they need to see themselves as successful individuals. The
Career Gear Alumni Program brings former clients together to
discuss issues regarding job retention. Alumni meetings
feature guest speakers who cover topics such as budgeting
money and time, stress management and job advancement.
Adopt-A-Minefield® engages individuals, community
groups, and businesses in the United Nations effort to
resolve the global land mine crisis. The Campaign helps save
lives by raising funds for mine clearance and survivor
assistance and by raising awareness about the land mine
problem. The Campaign seeks national and international
sponsors to adopt minefields that the United Nations has
identified as being in urgent need of clearance. Sponsors
raise funds in their communities to clear their adopted
minefields and return land to productive use. Every dollar
raised for Adopt-A-Minefield® is earmarked for mine
clearance projects.
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Condomania, America's first condom store, was established
June 1991, in New York City. Condomania OnLine assists
customers of every age, sex, culture and sexual orientation
in the purchase of condoms and safer-sex products. At
Condomania, we believe that the best way for the public to
make educated choices about safer-sex products is through
access to accurate, nonjudgmental information. Condomania's
vision is crucial to the prevention of unwanted pregnancies
and sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV. Happy
VD Day!
KidsHealth is one of the largest sites on the Web
providing doctor-approved health information about children
from before birth through adolescence. Created by The
Nemours Foundation Center for Children's Health Media, our
mission is to provide the best children's health information
on the Internet! Only KidsHealth has separate areas for
kids, teens, and parents - each with its own design,
age-appropriate content, and tone. There are literally
hundreds of in-depth articles and features, and the site
continues to grow every week.
This is the first health and wellness site dedicated to
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered men and women.
Staffed by professionals from within our own community, the
site provides easy access to accurate, current and vital
health information. Your privacy is our priority.
Torah Tots: As this is the start of the Jewish New
Year, and the 10 days of Atonement, we felt this web site
was the best to learn about the various Jewish holidays
during the year. It's safe for kids, acts as a quick
refresher course for Jews and is an informational, easy to
understand site for interested non-Jews. Check it out!
| We are looking to
expand on that essential one-on-one contact. Through our
network of doctors and health institutions, writers and
editors, celebrities and community members, we are creating
a space where everyone shares a part of their lives in hopes
of helping others. Some of this information will be straight
fact; some of it will be personal stories; and some will be
a mixture of the two. At, we look forward to
providing information that is difficult to access to the
public. We offer a place to answer your questions and
encourage you to share something from your own life as well.
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Fathers' Forum: From the pregnancy on, there were
very few services both educationally or socially to meet
with other men and hear about their experiences as fathers.
In 1983 with a few other new fathers Bruce Linton started a
mens group for new dads. From that experience he
became aware of how essential having a dialogue between men
about fatherhood is to understanding and valuing are roles
as parents. The Fathers' Forum is an experiment to help
fathers connect with each other and reflect on what it means
to become a parent. At the Fathers' Forum the specific focus
is on expectant and new fathers. This On-line version offers
electronically some of the information and materials used in
classes, workshops and groups with fathers. It is an attempt
to offer a virtual community for expectant and
new dads.
No Stigma: There are many reasons why people do
not get help for mental health problems. Fear, Shame and
Embarrassment often prevent individuals and their families
from doing anything. Mental health problems are real, and
they deserve to be treated. It is not a person's fault if he
or she has a mental health problem. No one is to blame.
Mental health problems are not a sign of weakness. They are
something you can't just "snap out of" even if you try.
Whether you're male or female, it's OK to ask for help and
get it. There's hope. People improve and recover --with the
help of treatment, and they are able to enjoy happier and
healthier lives.
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