Menstuff® features web sites that we feel fit our parameters
of positive change in male roles and relationships. The following
group represent the Top 100 drawn from four years of our Web Site of
the Week series 2001,
or 2004.
The categories are: Fatherstuff,
Issues, and Sexstuff.
Adults and
Children Together--Against
School Alliance
The Alliance for
Children Concerned About
Rights Council's
Dads and
Families Like
Father's World
Fight for Your
Grateful Dads
The Guidance
Against Circumcision
Fatherhood Initiative
Organization of Circumcision Information Resource
Organization of Restoring
Organization to Halt the Abuse and Routine
Raising Deaf
Stay at Home
Talking With
Kids Campaign
HCV (Hepatitis
C) Anonymous
Foundation International
Awareness Month
Men's Health Week
The Joint United
Nations Programme on
Cancer Awareness Week
Prostate Cancer
Research Institute
Cancer Awarenss Week
La Leche
The National
Association of Students Against Violence
The National
Runaway Switchboard
Youth Violence Prevention
No Name
Calling Week
the Children
Youth Web
Zero to
Brain Injury
Association of America
Campaign to
End Homophobia
The Candie's
Men Collection
Disorder Referral and Information
End male
genital mutilation
Elders Care
Men's Month
National Exchange
for Urban Leadership
The National
Organization for Men Against
National Poison
Prevention Week
The New
Intimacy No
More Rape
Nature For the Guys
Steps to
Recovery from Bible Abuse
Stop Prisoner
College Sex
Families Like
Getting It
Society of North America
Society for Human
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The New Intimacy is all
about helping you acquire a new vision of relationship --
simple, practical and yet passionate and spiritually
fulfilling. You'll open yourself to a rich field of
possibilities -- where the magic of real romance and the
profound potential of real life love waits to be
awakened...and, it's in the differences!
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MenAlive seeks to improve
awareness of male menopause and men's health, and act as an
influential source of timely information, resources,
products and community centered events on male menopause and
men's health, for men and the women who love them. According
to Jed Diamond, author of Male Menopause, male menopause is
not just about men's health or men's issues. Male menopause
is about men's health and men's issues and about living long
and well in the second half of our lives.
The Father's World mission is to promote and celebrate fatherhood and family as the leading source of information, resources, support and education for all types of fathers and their families. We strongly aim to be an open environment, a place where
many sides of an issue can be viewed. It is important for us
to focus on fathering issues, whether that is for the family
or nuclear father, the at home father or the single father,
for fathers with babies or fathers with older children, for
fathers with children with disabilities. As you see, we will
try to cover all aspects of fatherhood and fathering issues.
At the same time we will also be focusing on men's issues
such as health, diet, and exercise.
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National Poison Prevention Week.
Over 2,000,000 people will be poisoned this year, over
half of them children. There are three ways on the American
Association of Poison Control Center's site to find out
about Poison Centers in your area. You can click on a map
and find out about Poison Centers in that state, enter your
zip code, or look in a direcetory to find out which Poison
Center serves your area. Do this now, before you have an
The Grateful Dads is a
way to bring together a community of men who share the same
desire to enjoy the richness and bounty of the natural
surroundings in which we live and instill in our children
the same mindset. To provide a safe and casual environment
for men to be together who are experiencing the same
feelings and concerns about fatherhood and its limitations
and celebrations. By virtue of its reason for existence, the
Grateful Dads has brought together a broad spectrum of men
of all professions and ages, all of whom are committed to
being successful, nurturing Dads. Thanks to this common goal
no one has ever felt like a stranger; the friendships are
immediate and the camaraderie sincere for both fathers and
Fathers Direct provides
information for fathers: 200+ articles about FD in the media
during 2000. They advocate joined-up thinking on fatherhood
across all government departments. Conferences on
fatherhood. Ministerial roundtable at the Department of
Trade and Industry. Fathers go Free Day. A day out for
fathers and kids - take a day off work to spend with your
kids and get into some of the UK's leading leisure
attractions free! Fatherhood is important for fathers.
Fathers commonly say that being a father is the most
important thing in their lives.
La Leche League was founded to
give information and encouragement, mainly through personal
help, to all mothers and fathers who want to breastfeed
their babies. While complementing the care of the physician
and other health care professionals, it recognizes the
unique importance of one parent helping another to perceive
the needs of her child and to learn the best means of
fulfilling those needs. LLL believes that breastfeeding,
with its many important physical and psychological
advantages, is best for baby and mother and is the ideal way
to initiate good parent-child relationships. The loving help
and support of the father enables the mother to focus on
mothering so that together the parents develop close
relationships which strengthen the family and thus the whole
fabric of society. LLL further believes that mothering
through breastfeeding deepens a mother's understanding and
acceptance of the responsibilities and rewards of her
special role in the family. As a woman grows in mothering
she grows as a human being, and every other role she may
fill in her lifetime is enriched by the insights and
humanity she brings to it from her experiences as a mother. or
amfAR's mission is to prevent
HIV infection and the disease and death associated with it
and to protect the human rights of all people threatened by
the epidemic of HIV/AIDS. Offices: 120 Wall Street, 13th
Floor, New York, NY 10005-3902. 212.806.1600 or 1828 L
Street, NW, #802, Washington, DC 20036-5104. 202.331.8600 or
5900 Wilshire Boulevard, #3025, Los Angeles, CA 90036-5032.
323.857.5900 or 800.39.amfAR (392.6323). To find out about
HIV/AIDS resources in your local area, call the 24-hour CDC
National AIDS Hotline at: 800.342.2437 English or
800.344.7432 Spanish, 800.243.7889 TTY.
More John D. Foubert, NO MORE President, Assistant Dean of Students, University of Virginia, Dabney House, P.O. Box 400320, Charlottesville, VA 22904. 804.924.3736 or |
Adult forum is dedicated and developed for adults who have been affected by their own tragedies. Maybe they have lost a parent, spouse or child, have suffered from abuse or are dealing with the pain of divorce or severed relationship. All of these situations can create emotions that are sometimes overwhelming. This section of the site is intended to be a safe place for adults to come and share their feelings and experiences with other adults that may have gone through or are in a similar situation. You are welcome to share and express your feelings with others here at LATRA in the form of written quotes, poems, stories or artwork. |
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Just the best for Stay at Home
Dads. This site provides dads with a searchable
collection of articles and media clips written by, for and
about primary caregiving fathers. It also has an extensive
collection of links to sites for all fathering issues.
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Thrive Online: This web
site features Bronkie, a green dinosaur and his friends who
talk to kids about asthma, because he has asthma too.
There's a delightful story about Bronkie, and he answers
lots of kids questions like "Why can't I get a cat?" "Dad
smokes. What can I do?" "How can I get an inhaler if my mom
won't take me to a doctor?" "How can I grow out of
asthma?" And much more. Also includes a page for
parents' page and lots of links.
KidsHealth is one of the
largest sites on the Web providing doctor-approved health
information about children from before birth through
adolescence. Created by The Nemours Foundation Center for
Children's Health Media, our mission is to provide the best
children's health information on the Internet! Only
KidsHealth has separate areas for kids, teens, and parents -
each with its own design, age-appropriate content, and tone.
There are literally hundreds of in-depth articles and
features, and the site continues to grow every week.
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Career Gear is a nonprofit
organization that fills the gap between job-training
programs and employment by providing men with the interview
clothing, motivation and follow-up support that helps them
get jobs and keep jobs. How does it work? A variety of
job-training programs refer men to Career Gear. When a
client arrives, he is greeted by a personal shopper who
helps him put together his entire interview outfit. He gets
grooming tips and coaching on his upcoming interview. Each
man leaves ready to meet prospective employers not only
looking his best, but also radiating the self-confidence
needed to get the job. More than a suit: New clothes are
just the beginning. Career Gear also strives to give these
men the confidence and support they need to see themselves
as successful individuals. The Career Gear Alumni Program
brings former clients together to discuss issues regarding
job retention. Alumni meetings feature guest speakers who
cover topics such as budgeting money and time, stress
management and job advancement.
Fight for Your Rights: Take a Stand Against Discrimination (FFYR) is MTV's yearlong campaign to educate our audience about discrimination and to help them fight it within their communities and in themselves. The initiative addresses some of the most prevalent types of discrimination in our communities today, including those based on race, religion, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation and physical and/or mental ability. The campaign is integrated into virtually every aspect of MTV. It includes specials and programming events, news segments, a free action guide, public service announcements and this Web site - the most comprehensive, youth civil rights destination on the Internet. As part of the campaign, MTV has partnered with some of the nation's most renowned civil rights and other non-profit organizations to provide ways for young people to get involved locally through anti-discrimination workshops, petition signing campaigns, and thousands of volunteer opportunities with civil rights groups across the country. This Web site is produced in partnership with SHiNE
(Seeking Harmony in Neighborhoods Everyday). Through this
site our audience can find local anti-discrimination
volunteer opportunities, e-mail members of Congress or the
President urging them to pass comprehensive hate crimes
legislation, read FFYR-specific news stories, participate in
online discussions, and much more.
This weekly documentary series examines true-life crimes
rooted in discrimination, whether based on race, sexual
orientation or mental ability. Criminal focuses on the lives
of both the perpetrators and victims, exploring the social
and cultural influences that incited the aggressors and
giving voice to the grief, anger and confusion of the
victims' families and communities.
The National Exchange for Urban
Leadership created the African American Male Empowerment
Summit (AAMES) in 1998 to promote entrepreneurship,
fatherhood and youth leadership programs, while celebrating
the accomplishments of individuals and organizations which
enhance the lives of Urban Americans through mentoring,
community development and partnership creation. It was
inspired by the vast number of untapped, entrepreneurial
opportunities and the strong, yet largely unknown, network
of urban male mentoring, family and community development
organizations across the U.S. It was created to profile
young urban leaders and the elements which enable their
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NOCIRC, National Organization
of Circumcision Information Resource Center. is an
organization of musicians who support the work of the
National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource
Centers. NOCIRC is an organization of diverse individuals
committed through research, education and advocacy to
securing the birthright of male and female infants and
children to keep their sex organs intact. NOCIRC has over
100 centers throughout the world. NOCIRC-PA is the
Pennsylvania branch of NOCIRC.
The National Organization of Restoring Men is a non-profit support group for men who have concerns about being circumcised, are considering foreskin restoration, or are in the process of restoring their foreskins. Our aim is to help men regain a sense of self-directedness -- physically as well as emotionally. NORM is dedicated to providing an arena in which
circumcised men can share their concerns without fear of
being ridiculed for a desire to be intact and whole again. A
safe place is provided to discuss goals and learn about
methods and techniques of restoration and to discover those
methods that will work best for each individual.
NOHARMM - National
Organization to Halt the Abuse and Routine Mutilation of
Males, informatin that news media needs concerning latest
scientific research and emergingin social, legal andhuman
rights developments relevant to the non-therapeutic genital
alteration of unconsenting chidren. The mission is to raise
public awareness about male genital cutting (MGC) practices
and increase public understanding of genital integrity as a
fundamental human right.
Mothers Against Circumcision,
(MAC), was created in January 1997. They maintain a website
listing the many benefits of remaining intact and the
physically, psychologically, and sexually damaging effects
of circumcision. They are dedicated to ending circumcision
of non-consenting children by educating parents. Members
communicate online through an e-mail list. They post current
news, exchange ideas, implement strategies to end
circumcision, and provide support to one another. Members,
including men, are of all ages, religions and walks of life.
Intersex Society of North
America (ISNA) is a public awareness, education, and
advocacy organization which works to create a world free of
shame, secrecy, and unwanted surgery for intersex people
(individuals born with anatomy or physiology which differs
from cultural ideals of male and female). Examples of
medical diagnoses which result in intersexuality are:
clitoromegaly, micropenis, hypospadias, ambiguous genitals,
early genital surgery, adrenal hyperplasia, Klinefelter
Syndrome, androgen insensitivity, testicular feminization.
The Second Nature For the
Guys sampler is a special sampler just for those special
guys from on Father's Day and after. It
includes screen saver images from some of their most popular
collections! Check it out at
Second Nature Software is the producer of screen saver collections and, since 1993, a proud supporter of The Nature Conservancy. In a unique partnership between business and conservation, 100% of all after tax profits go to support The Nature Conservancy, an international non-profit membership organization founded in 1951. To date, more than $2.3 million dollars has been contributed to The Conservancy. The Nature Conservancy's mission is to preserve the plants, animals, and natural communities that represent the diversity of life on Earth by protecting the lands and waters they need to survive. Over the past half century, the Conservancy has helped protect more than 10 million acres of the most ecologically significant habitat in the United States, and more than 55 million acres in Canada, Latin America, the Caribbean, Asia and the Pacific. Second Nature Software, Inc, 1325 Officers' Row,
Vancouver, WA 98661, 360.737.4170, or fax 360.693.7869 or
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Web Online |
No Stigma: There are many
reasons why people do not get help for mental health
problems. Fear, Shame and Embarrassment often prevent
individuals and their families from doing anything. Mental
health problems are real, and they deserve to be treated. It
is not a person's fault if he or she has a mental health
problem. No one is to blame. Mental health problems are not
a sign of weakness. They are something you can't just "snap
out of" even if you try. Whether you're male or female, it's
OK to ask for help and get it. There's hope. People improve
and recover --with the help of treatment, and they are able
to enjoy happier and healthier lives.
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Fathers' Forum: From the
pregnancy on, there were very few services both
educationally or socially to meet with other men and hear
about their experiences as fathers. In 1983 with a few other
new fathers Bruce Linton started a mens group for new
dads. From that experience he became aware of how essential
having a dialogue between men about fatherhood is to
understanding and valuing are roles as parents. The Fathers'
Forum is an experiment to help fathers connect with each
other and reflect on what it means to become a parent. At
the Fathers' Forum the specific focus is on expectant and
new fathers. This On-line version offers electronically some
of the information and materials used in classes, workshops
and groups with fathers. It is an attempt to offer a
virtual community for expectant and new dads.
Torah Tots: As this is the start
of the Jewish New Year, and the 10 days of Atonement, we
felt this web site was the best to learn about the various
Jewish holidays during the year. It's safe for kids, acts as
a quick refresher course for Jews and is an informational,
easy to understand site for interested non-Jews. Check it
KidsHealth is one of the
largest sites on the Web providing doctor-approved health
information about children from before birth through
adolescence. Created by The Nemours Foundation Center for
Children's Health Media, our mission is to provide the best
children's health information on the Internet! Only
KidsHealth has separate areas for kids, teens, and parents -
each with its own design, age-appropriate content, and tone.
There are literally hundreds of in-depth articles and
features, and the site continues to grow every week.
engages individuals, community groups, and businesses in the
United Nations effort to resolve the global land mine
crisis. The Campaign helps save lives by raising funds for
mine clearance and survivor assistance and by raising
awareness about the land mine problem. The Campaign seeks
national and international sponsors to adopt minefields that
the United Nations has identified as being in urgent need of
clearance. Sponsors raise funds in their communities to
clear their adopted minefields and return land to productive
use. Every dollar raised for Adopt-A-Minefield® is
earmarked for mine clearance projects.
HCV Anonymous sponsors a
program of Positive Attitudes Anonymous is a fellowship of
persons who have found that living with a potentially
terminal illness (Hepatitis C) is a major challenge. They
are individuals who meet regularly as a group, assisting one
another in this new way of life. They have no outside
affiliations. Their past is kept in confidence within the
group. They dont thrive on their past, but concentrate
on what they want for today and their future. For many of
them, the realization of their present condition left them
feeling dejected and depressed. They could no longer live
life to its fullest. They became disoriented, and their
peace of mind was displaced by uncontrollable emotions. They
have learned from their group experience that those who come
to the meetings on a regular basis, and work the program
with diligence, are those who experience spiritual
Hep-C-Alert. This web site is
set up to raise public awareness and concern of, and assist
people affected by, hepatitis C. They also have a
plan for low-cost testing for Hep-C nationally. Call (877.435.7443) for a confidential health-risk
assessment and information about the blood test or go to
The Hepatitis Foundation
International is cultivating a community that helps
people with hepatitis concerns o manage and fulfill their
lives. Organizations interested in strategic partnerships
for hepatitis C testing, contact Andi Thomas
877.435.7443x101. For general hepatitis C info, call Hep
C Connection at 800.522.HEPC
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The Fathermag provides some
great on-line information for and about fathers. See
This is International
Men's Health Week, part of International
Men's Month. We wanted to share what kids in France see
on television about condoms. It is somewhat graphic, so if
you are extremely sensitive or under 18, be advised.
This is International
Men's Month (September). Since men don't talk
about, much less look at another man's penis, we thought we
would bring you this opportunity.
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Matters |
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Changing Men Collection at
Michigan State University. A recent and most important
addition to the collections is the Changing Men Collections
(CMC), which has grown from an initial donation from the
National Organization for Changing Men to a major research
collection representing all activities of the contemporary
men's movements. This includes materials devoted to father's
rights, the National Organization of Men Against Sexism,
mytho-poetic groups, and groups representing men's issues
from all over the world. The CMC also features a large
collection of periodicals and newsletters. A great deal of
effort has already been committed to building the
collections as a whole and it is the intent of the MSU
Libraries to continue to support the CMC. Received materials
are first organized and when appropriate cataloged to
improve access and research. Since the growth and quality of
the CMC depend almost solely on donations, individuals and
groups are encouraged to contribute materials. If you or
your group wish to make a donation, please contact the Head
of Special Collections. All aspects of the men's movements
are collected and made available for use. While it was last
updated 9/15/00, it provides an emense library of research
materials on the various segments of the men's movement for
in-library reference and use.
| We are looking to
expand on that essential one-on-one contact. Through our
network of doctors and health institutions, writers and
editors, celebrities and community members, we are creating
a space where everyone shares a part of their lives in hopes
of helping others. Some of this information will be straight
fact; some of it will be personal stories; and some will be
a mixture of the two. At, we look forward to
providing information that is difficult to access to the
public. We offer a place to answer your questions and
encourage you to share something from your own life as well.
![]() | In 1992
concerned students and administrators at the University of
New Hampshire formed a group called the MJTF
(multi-jurisdictional task force) with the sole purpose of
passing an anti-hazing law in New Hampshire. In order to
educate the NH legislature and public on the topic of
hazing, the MJTF prepared books of educational materials,
held press conferences, gave lectures and testified at the
NH legislature. After a large effort involving students
across the state the NH law was successfully passed in 1993.
In 1998, two of the original members of the MJTF, Brian
Rahill and Elizabeth Allan noticed the lack of hazing
information available on the web. They quickly gathered the
materials they had developed during the effort to pass the
NH law and co-founded the group with the
mission to eliminate hazing through education. The main
purpose of is to serve as a resource for
accurate, up-to-date hazing information for students,
parents, and educators. now helps to educate
over 30,000 visitors/month.
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COLAGE is the only national and
international organization in the world specifically
supporting young people with gay, lesbian, bisexual, and
transgender parents. Our mission is to foster the growth of
daughters and sons of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender
parents of all racial, ethnic, and class backgrounds by
providing education, support and community on local and
international levels, to advocate for our rights and those
of our families, and to promote acceptance and awareness
that love makes a family. Colage, 3543 18th ST #1, San
Francisco, CA 94110. Located on the 4th floor of the San
Francisco's Women's Building on 18th St. between Valencia
& Guerrero. 415.861.KIDS (5437) or
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Earth Share is a federation
of America's leading non-profit environmental and
conservation organizations. Their members work hard every
day to safeguard your health and the environment. Their goal
is to continue expanding opportunities for working people to
have an easy and effective way to help the environment, and
in doing so, help ensure the preservation of our natural
| The web site is
filled with sexuality and relationship information that you
can trust. It's from Planned Parenthood Federation of
America and is directed to teens and above. It offers gobs
of information plus answers from experts to real teen
questions about sex, body, dating, birth control and much
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The mission of The
Compassionate Friends is to assist families in the
positive resolution of grief following the death of a child
and to provide information to help others be supportive. It
is a national nonprofit, self-help support organization
which offers friendship and understanding to families who
are grieving the death of a child of any age, from any
cause. There is no religious affiliation. There are no
membership fees or dues, and all bereaved family members are
welcome. If you are missing a loved one during this holiday
season, don't go alone. Contact this organization.
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Steps to Recovery from Bible Abuse web site is a response to the abusive use of the bible against gays and lesbians and all others oppressed and alienated by religion. Religious terrorists have distorted the Bible and used it to abuse and oppress Gays and to hold hostage the spirituality and sexuality of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender People! This web site is intended to give encouragement and hope to the multitude of homosexuals and others who have suffered from unrelenting attacks by religious leaders. Jesus taught that God loves and accepts you as God's children, just as you are. Being gay does not cut you off from God. The information in this web site will help you to answer the ignorance that represses and wounds the human spirit. Give yourself the time it takes to study all of this site. It will equip you to feel good about yourself and to help others do the same. One main puspose of this web site is to encourage people
who have been abused by the Bible and religion to take a
fresh look at the Bible for themselves. Discover the
spiritual help there that has been a source of encourgment
and peace of mind for many multitudes of people in many
different cultures and religious traditions.
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Getting It
On: This is the web site for a book they
published called The Guide to Getting It On! It is
one of the few books about sex that you actually want to sit
down and read. Like the book, the site is easy, fun and
informative and is our pick for this week.
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On October 9, 2003, more than 5,000 communities will rally for afterschool by participating in the fourth annual Lights On Afterschool! The event will call attention to afterschool programs and the resources required to keep the lights on and the doors open. Lights On Afterschool! is the only nationwide event celebrating afterschool programs and their important role in the lives of children, families and communities. Afterschool programs keep kids safe, help working families and improve academic achievement. Lights On Afterschool! is a project of the Afterschool
Alliance, a nonprofit organization dedicated to ensuring
that all children have access to afterschool programs by
2010. The National Presenting Sponsor of Lights On
Afterschool! is the JCPenney Afterschool Fund. Additional
support is provided by the C.S. Mott Foundation, Ewing
Marion Kauffman Foundation and the Open Society Institute.
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The web site is sponsored by the National Mental Health Association (NMHA) as part of NMHA's Campaign for America's Mental Health. The mission of this web site is to educate people about clinical depression, offer a confidential way for people to get screened for symptoms of the illness, and guide people toward appropriate professional help if necessary. |
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Ethnic Elders Care - presents a comprehensive presentation of information about Alzheimer's disease and related dementias among ethnic minority elders in the United States. It is devoted to promoting research, treatment, education and support for ethnic minority elders with dementia, their families and caregivers. The site contains articles, news, links and a monthly news letter. |
November is Impotency Awareness
Month. With this in mind, we selected this important
segment of this government web site at Web Site of the Week.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Pfizer, Inc.
are advising doctors about new warnings and information in
the prduct labeling for Viagra (sildenafil) in response to
postmarketing reports of serious adverse events. The new
information augments the original drug labveling which
warned against the concomitant use of Viagra and nitrates.
Be fully informed about the benefits and risks of using
Viagra, know that consideration must be given to the
cardiovascular status of patients prior to prescribing
Viagra, and know how to safeuly use the drug.
Eating Disorder Referral
and Information Center dedicated to the prevention and
treatment of eating disorders.
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Silicone Holocaust. This site should be visited by any man who wants his significant other to get breast implants, but be prepared. It isn't a pretty site. Thousands of women are suffering and many are dying, because the FDA didn't do their job. This site will show some of the horrors of disease, and disfigurement, associated with toxis breast implants. This is to alert you to the dangers of implants (in spite of the Science Panel's findings) and will help present the side of the story that your plastic surgeon and the media don't tell. This site should be mandatory viewing for any man who
wants his significant to get breast implants! This is
Informed Concent, something your plastic surgeon and their
media don't want you to see.
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Kids' Turn is a program that
helps kids learn about divorce. Hopefully, Kids' Turn will
help some kids feel better about divorce, too. You can learn
how other kids feel about divorce, and there are games to
play, and activities to help you learn about divorce. If you
want, you can show your parents this Website, and maybe they
can learn something, too. Like to get their bi-annual
newsletter? Sign up at:
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Families Like
Ours, Inc. purpose is to establish the means for an
ongoing community of support for such families. Clearly
adoptive families of all types have resources available to
them through out the United States; Alternative families
have unique issues that are not fully addressed by those
traditional resources.
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4 Kids team of educators, writers, artists,
technology specialists, and students produces a weekly
newspaper article and maintains the 4Kids Web site. Their
vision is to pursue more effective ways of creating learning
environments for all children regardless of gender, race,
ethnicity or disability, particularly through advancing
technologies such as the Internet. Your link to the latest
tecKNOWLEDGEy on the Web." 1122 West Campus Road, Ste 236,
University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045
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The Guidance Channel® is
an educational publishing and media company whose mission is
to provide children, students, parents, adults and
professionals with timely and effective tools that help them
or their clients make critical life choices. Guidance
materials and other publications, products and resources are
offered over the Internet at the company's many web sites
and through specialized direct mail catalogs. The company
offers over 5000 proprietary publications and other
products, many of them national and international
award-winners, including multimedia programs, videos,
curricula, information handouts, therapeutic games,
prevention-awareness items and more.
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The Brain Injury Association of
America was founded in 1980 by a group of individuals
who wanted to improve the quality of life for their family
members who had sustained brain injuries. It encompasses a
national network of more than 40 chartered state affiliates,
as well as hundreds of local chapters and support groups.
The Association envisions a world where all preventable
brain injuries are prevented, all unpreventable brain
injuries are minimized and all individuals who have
experienced brain injury maximize their quality of life.
Parents and caregivers of children with special needs will
find links to help begin their search for information,
services, and support. Also, there are lots of things kids
can do to stay safe! Check out the "Kids Corner" page and
test your safety knowledge!
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The National Runaway
Switchboard operates a confidential hotline for runaway
youth, teens in crisis, and concerned friends and family
members. All services are free and available 24 hours every
day. and include: Crisis Intervention, Message relay between
runaways and their parent/legal guardian, Referrals and
conference to community-based resources such as counseling,
support groups, alternative housing, and health care, Home
Free program in partnership with Greyhound Buslines, Inc. to
help runaways return home to their families, Education and
outreach services, Free NRS promotional materials for
distribution at community events, school assemblies, and
health fairs.
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TheMensCenter: The mission
is to assist men in finding male positive resources,
information, and support. We are a non-profit educational
service of The Men's Resource Network, Inc (MRN). MRN is a
501 (c) (3) non-profit corporation created to educate and
inform the public about men's issues. MENSIGHT Magazine is
another free service of The Men's Resource Network, Inc.
(MRN). It has grown out of the response that we have
received from articles posted on (TMC),
our official web-site. The first issue went on-line on May
1, 2000. (Archive) MENSIGHT is dedicated to publishing
diverse articles for and about men. We believe that there
are valuable lessons to be learned from the advocates of all
the various men's issues. The website is
The url is
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Sponsor of a bill to end male genital mutilation in the U.S. submitted to Congress on February 23, 2004. To learn more about the physical and psychological effects of male circumcision, visit the site's resource pages. Also, learn how to help the bill become law by taking personal action. |
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The National Organization for Men
Against Sexism is an activist organization of men and
women supporting positive changes for men. NOMAS advocates a
perspective that is pro-feminist, gay-affirmative,
anti-racist, and committed to justice on a broad range of
social issues including class, age, religion, and physical
abilities. We affirm that working to make this nation's
ideals of equality for all people a reality is the finest
expression of what it means to be men. Men can become
happier and more fulfilled human beings by challenging the
old-fashioned roles of masculinity that embody the
assumption of male superiority.
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VolunteerMatch is a
non-profit that utilizes the power of the Internet to help
individuals nationwide find volunteer opportunities posted
by local nonprofit and public sector organizations.
VolunteerMatch's powerful online database allows volunteers
to search thousands of one-time and ongoing opportunities by
zip code, category, and date. Then signup automatically by
email for those that fit their interest and schedule.
Contributing organizations post their own opportunities,
giving volunteers easy access to an accurate and diverse
source of activities. VolunteerMatch is available
nationwide. It benefits from strong local support in San
Francisco, San Jose, Seattle, Boston, Washington, D.C.,
Charlotte, New York, and Los Angeles. The service is free
and powered by you!
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The Alliance for Children
Concerned About Move-Aways (ACCAMA) believes that
childrens need for frequent and meaningful contact
with both parents after a divorce is paramount. Present
efforts by certain members of the California Legislature to
attempt to weaken or abrogate altogether the new California
Supreme Courts decision in In re Marriage of LaMusga
(2004) run counter to this need. They recognize that there
are some situations where custodial parents should be
allowed to move, particularly in cases of dire economic need
or domestic violence, or when noncustodial parents show
little interest in their children or do not avail themselves
of their visitation time. What they do oppose are frivolous,
selfish, vindictive, or bad faith moves which tear children
away from loving noncustodial parents.
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Stop Prisoner Rape (SPR)
seeks to end sexual violence committed against men, women,
and youth in all forms of detention. "The horrors
experienced by many young inmates, particularly those who
are convicted of nonviolent offenses, border on the
unimaginable. Prison rape not only threatens the lives of
those who fall prey to their aggressors, but it is
potentially devastating to the human spirit. Shame,
depression, and a shattering loss of self-esteem accompany
the perpetual terror the victim thereafter must endure.
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The Candie's Foundation
mission is to educate teens about the consequences of
teenage pregnancy, bringing it into the national
consciousness through a public awareness initiative, which
aims to reduce teen pregnancy in the United States. For more
information go to
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SEX ETC's: For years, teens
have said that their sex ed classes were "too little, too
late," their parents didnt talk to them about sex and
they were left on their own to figure out all this confusing
stuff. They also said they'd like to read about stuff like
love, sex, relationships, HIV/AIDS, violence and other
issues, especially if teens wrote those stories. Walla - a
sexuality and health newsletter written by teens for teens.
Copies are sent in bulk to high schools and organizations
that serve young people and has become a staple in schools,
churches, teen pregnancy prevention programs, juvenile
justice centers, clinics and other programs around the
country. Get your own free
subscription. This web site gives teens a place to go in
cyberspace where they can get accurate, up-front information
about their sexuality and also gives teens a place to get
their questions answered. SEX, ETC.'s success proves that
teen-to-teen communication about sex and health issues
really works. Its sure better than groping in the
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Campaign to End Homophobia: The purpose of the Campaign is to build and support a network of people working together to end homophobia and heterosexism through education. Homophobia is the irrational fear of homosexuality and the hatred, disgust, and prejudice that fear brings. Oppression of lesbians and gays, as well as bisexual women and men, is based on homophobia. But it also hurts heterosexuals by maintaining rigid definitions of "approporate" sex-role behavior and sexual relationships. We believe that education about homophobia and heterosexism is most effective when done in connection with other oppressions based on race/ethnicity, ability, class, age, sex, gender identification, sexual orientation, and religion or spiritual beliefs. |
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Gay Today. Just what it says.
Edited by Jack Nichols, one of the "fathers" of gay
activism, Gay Today offers a broad perspective on news and
issues affecting gays and lesbians.
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As a men's social action group
dedicated to ending the violence of men against women,
BrotherPeace Twin Cities occupies a critical niche
among Minnesota organizations. Founded in 1988, BrotherPeace
Twin Cities continues to assert that the violence of men
against women is a men's issue requiring the efforts of all
men to stop the violence. We believe it is critical for men
to help each other develop a sense of male identity that is
vigorous and robust, and not violent or abusive.
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One of the best things about is that each of us can help decide what issues the organization stands for, using a unique, online discussion forum. Everyone can post suggestions, and everyone can rate all the other suggestions. Those that receive the highest ratings can become the focus of's action campaigns. It's a promising idea: choose our priorities collectively, then act on them collectively., PO Box 9063, Berkeley, CA 94709-9063. |
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Wildaid. One of our goals is
to decimate the illegal wildlife trade within our lifetime.
Our innovative solutions to conservation threats are
credible, efficient, cost-effective, and deliver direct and
measurable results. Working with governments, local groups,
consumers - and with your support - we can succeed in
changing the world.
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PCRIs highest priority is
to improve the care of men with prostate cancer and increase
both quality and quantity of life. PCRI believes patient
education about prostate cancer can empower men to seek an
earlier diagnosis and know the pros and cons of their
treatment options. The objective of the PCRI is to educate
patients and their families about prostate cancer and its
treatment. This includes new advances in diagnosis,
treatments, available resources, leading-edge treatment
centers and assistance in treatment choices. Understanding
his disease and treatment aids the patient in his everyday
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The National Association of Students
Against Violence Everywhere (S.AV.E.) is a student
driven organization where they learn about alternatives to
violence and practice what they learn through school and
community service projects. They learn conflict management
and mediation skills and the virtues of good citizenship,
civility, and nonviolence. The key to S.A.V.E. is that it is
student initiated-started by students for students. Started
in 1989 by a group of students after a violent incident that
left one of their classmates dead, S.AV.E. has spread from
coast to coast with chapters in 37 states involving over
97,000 students.
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Gay Health is the first
health and wellness site dedicated to Lesbian, Gay,
Bisdexual and Transgendered men and women. Staffed by
professionals from within our own community, the site
provides easy access to accurate, current and vital health
information. Your privacy is our priority.
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The Talking With Kids Campaign
is a collaboration between Children Now and the Kaiser
Family Foundation. Children Now is a nonpartisan,
independent voice for America's children. Using innovative
research and communications strategies, Children Now
promotes pioneering solutions to problems facing America's
children. Recognized nationally for its policy expertise,
up-to-date information about the status of children, and
leading work with the media. Children Now is financed
through foundation grants, individual donations, and support
from the corporate community.
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National Youth Violence
Prevention Week, March 29-April 2, 2004. The goal of
this campaign is to raise awareness and to educate students,
teachers, school administrators, counselors, school resource
officers, school staff, parents, and the public on effective
ways to prevent or reduce youth violence. During this
week-long national education initiative, various activities
will demonstrate the positive role young people can have in
making their schools and communities safer. With the support
of several national premier youth-serving organizations,
each day of the week will focus on a specific violence
prevention strategy. These include promoting respect and
tolerance, anger management, resolving conflicts peacefully,
supporting safety, and uniting in action.
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Almost 20 years of struggle against
AIDS have underlined the need for the concerted, focused
efforts of a wide range of actors. The Joint United Nations
Programme on HIV/AID (UNAID) was created in 1996 to help
meet that challenge. UNAIDS serves as the leading advocate
for global action against HIV/AIDS. Its mission is to guide,
strengthen and support worldwide efforts to turn the tide
against the epidemic. Such efforts are aimed at:: preventing
the spread of HIV; providing care and support for those
infected and affected by the disease; reducing the
vulnerability of individuals and communities to HIV/AIDS;
and easing the socioeconomic and human impact of the
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National Fatherhood
Initiative: serves as a catalyst for engaging America in
a public and forthright discussion about the necessity of
reversing the trends that are removing fathers from their
children. NFI encourages and supports family and
father-friendly policies, develops national public education
campaigns to highlight the importance of fathers in the
lives of their children, provides motivation for national
and local coalition building, and provides information to
individual men to help them be better fathers ensuring that
more children grow up with involved and committed fathers,
as well as involved mothers. This is the best way to ensure
that every child has what should be their birthright: a
happy and secure childhood
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Save the
Children celebrates the role of sponsorship in improving
the lives of children. More than 60 years of experience
working hand-in-hand with families and communities at home
and abroad has taught us that poverty need not be a life
sentence. Operating with
the efficiency of a successful business, we remain
faithfully committed to directing the lion's share of our
resources to serving children and families in need. We work
in 18 states across the United States and in 46 developing
nations around the world.
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Name Calling Week During March 1 5, 2004,
schools serving grades five through eight across the nation
will be asked to take part in a week of education activities
aimed at stopping name-calling and verbal bullying
of all kinds. This weeklong event seeks to focus national
attention on the problem of name-calling in schools and to
provide students and educators with the tools and
inspiration to launch an on-going dialogue about ways to
eliminate name-calling in their communities. A resource
guide with lesson plans, a video for classroom use and other
promotional materials are available for educators to assist
in facilitating the weeks activities. For more
information on this weeklong event, visit
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Dads and Daughters. DADs
provides tools to strengthen our relationships with our
daughters and transform the pervasive messages that value
our daughters more for how they look than who they are. They
are a national, nonprofit membership organization of fathers
with daughters.
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Creativity Explored member
artists come from diverse backgrounds and bring with them a
wide variety and range of experience, ability, and
sensibilities. Some of our artists just turned 20 years old,
and some of our artists are in their eighties. Some have
lived a life of previous isolation or institutionalization,
while some have lived their entire lives with their families
in a supportive and accepting environment. Many of our
member artists speak different languages, or do not speak,
and are unable to communicate with each other using spoken
language. At Creativity Explored, visual art is language
everyone can use to share culture, to share experience, and
to share feelings. Visit their sutios in San Francisco,
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Condomania: America's first
condom store, was established June 1991, in New York City.
Condomania OnLine assists customers of every age, sex,
culture and sexual orientation in the purchase of condoms
and safer-sex products. At Condomania, we believe that the
best way for the public to make educated choices about
safer-sex products is through access to accurate,
non-judgmental information. Condomania's vision is crucial
to the prevention of unwanted pregnancies and sexually
transmitted diseases, including HIV. Happy VD Day!
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Children's Rights
Council's Website works to strengthen families through
education and advocacy. We favor family formation and family
preservation, but if families break up, or are never formed,
we work to assure a child the frequent and continuing
contact with two parents and extended family the child would
normally have during marriage. Our motto is "The Best Parent
is Both Parents". Our site contains names of parenting
support groups, resources on single parents, marriage,
custody, access/visitation/parenting time, parenting
education, prevention of abuse and neglect of your child,
job sources, and parentage establishment. Formed in 1985 by
concerned parents who have more than 40 years collective
experience in custody and reform and early childhood
education, CRC has chapters in 32 states and is affiliated
with CRC: Mothers Without Custody (MW/OC) and the Stepfamily
Association of America (SAA).
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Zero to Three's mission is
to promote the healthy development of our nation's infants
and toddlers by supporting and strengthening families,
communities, and those who work on their behalf. We are
dedicated to advancing current knowledge; promoting
beneficial policies and practices; communicating research
and best practices to a wide variety of audiences; and
providing training, technical assistance and leadership
development. Zero to Three is a national non-profit
organization. Zero to Three, National Center for Infants,
Toddlers and Families, 2000 M Street, NW, Suite 200,
Washington, DC 20036, 202.638.1144. For Publications from
our bookstore:800.899.4301 or
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Kids-In-Mind, the movie reviews are objective,
non-critical assessments of the potentially objectionable
material contained in movies and are primarily addressed to
parents. They don't tell parents whether a movie is good or
bad, they don't tell them whether it has any social or
political significance -- they don't even bother with
whether it has artistic merit. They simply list material
that parents may not want their kids to watch or hear. Then
parents can decide whether a movie is OK for their own kids,
according to their own criteria. The writing style is
straightforward and quite neutral, and they take great pains
to describe a film's content without actually revealing any
plot elements. This is not religiously-based movie reviews.
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Adults and Children Together--Against Violence is a violence-prevention campaign composed of a national multimedia campaign and community-based training programs. The campaign focuses on adults who raise, care for, and teach children ages 0 to 8 years. It is designed to prevent violence by providing young children with positive role models and environments that teach nonviolent problem solving. ACT Against Violence Project Rationale: Violent behavior
is largely learned--often early in life; Violence prevention
can be learned--starting early in life; Adults shape the
learning environment for young children; Adults can learn
how to model and teach young children constructive ways to
cope with anger, frustration, and conflict.
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The Society for Human
Sexuality is a social and educational organization whose
purpose is to promote understanding and appreciation for the
many forms of adult intimate relationships and consensual
sexual expression. Participation is open to anyone over the
age of 18, regardless of gender or sexual orientation. This
web site is devoted solely to sexuality education and
information, and is completely free. It meets its operating
expenses through five carefully-chosen associate's programs.
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