KS - Jan 7 - Mother's Shadow, Kansas City
CA - Jan 8 - Reclaiming the Man in the Mirror: For Gay & Bi Men, Esalen
Jan 12-14 - New Warrior Training Adventure, Houston
CA - Jan 12-15 - Exploring our spirit a weekend of meditation!, Saratoga Springs
ASL - Jan 13-21 - Sydney Mens Festival, Australia
FL, Jan 19-21 - Father & Son Retreat, Gainesville
Jan 22-26 - No Name Calling Week
Jan 26-28 - New
Warrior Training Adventure, AZ (Gay/Bi), Chicago,
(Dates may change for January, 2007) January is: Birth Defects Prevention, National Voluteer Blood Donor; Bald Eagle Watch; Celebration of Life; Fat Free Living; International Get Over It; International Life Balance; It's Okay to Be Different; Love Yourself; March of Dimes Birth Defects Prevention; National Be On-Purpose; National Book; National Clean Up Your Computer; National Environmental Policy Act; National Eye Care; National Glaucoma Awareness; National High-Tech; National Personal Self-Defense Awareness; National Poverty in America Awareness; National Reaching Your Potential; National Yours, Mine and Ours; Senior-Spirit; Sew for the Cure Month. 12/26-1/1: Kwanzaa. 12/31-1/6: Celebration of Life; Diet Resolution; National Lose Weight/Feel Great; New Year's Resolution; Silent Record Week; 1/5-13: Wilderness Wildlife Week of Nature. 1/6-12: Someday We'll Laugh About This Week.1/7-11: National Graves' Disease Awareness Week. 1/7-13: Universal Letter-Writing Week. 1/10-17: International Thank You Days. 1/13-19: Fire the Boss, International Printing, Let Men Be Our Heroes, Special Education Week. 1/14-18: Manwatchers Week. 1/20-26: Healthy Weight, National Creative Frugality, National Nurse Anesthetists, Solo-Preneuring Week. 1/21-25: Direct Deposit Week. 1/22-28: No Name Calling Week 1/29-2/4: *National Consumer Protection Week. 1/31-2/3: Mid-Winter/Candlemas/Groundhog's Day. 1/1: Attention to Dreams and Desires; Get a Life; Saint Basil's; Z Day. 1/2: Happy New Year for Cats; National Thrift with Flair Day. 1/6: International Respect-full Living Day; National Smith Day. Jan 7: United Kingdom Solid Gold Hat Day. Orthodox Christian Christmas. 1/8: National Bubble; Clean-Off-Your-Desk; Joygerm: Saint Gudula's Feast; Show & Tell at Work Day. 1/12 - National Handwriting Day. 1/15 - Humanitarian, Moliere, National Thank God It's Monday Day. 1/16 - Psychiatric Technicians Day. 1/18: Get to Know Your Customer Day. 1/19: International Sing-out Day. 1/20: Penguin Awareness Day. 1/21: National Hugging, World Religion Day. 1/22: World Religions Day, Celebration of Life Day. 1/23: Rid the World of Fad Diets and Gimmicks Day. 1/24: Just Do It Day - Make the Connection, National Compliment Day. 1/25: A Room of One's Own Day. 1/26: Fun at Work Day, Toad Hollow Day of Encouragement; Spouse's Day. 1/29: Freethinker's, National Puzzle Day. 1/30: Inane Answering Machine Day.
* Means a Presidential Proclamation has been made.
28% of liberals and 15% of conservatives say they've gone skinnydipping. But not very often in January.
In the Omo River region of Ethiopia, Karo men decorate themselves lavishly to attract young girls at courtship dances. Paints, made from chalk, yellow mineral-bearing rock, iron ore, and charcoal powder, are applied in intricate imitation of the plumage of the guinea fowl, the Karos' favorite bird. Clay hairbuns distinguish those who have killed an enemy or dangerous animal; feathers provide a finishing touch. Men of the African Ark calendar, Pomegranate
State codes appear to the far left of the first line of each listing. If there is an event in the state this month, a click on the state code will bring up the first one. You will have to scroll down from there to see if there are other events in your state during the month. Using our internal search engine in the left sidebar will bring up everything with the state code, including events and even your state representatives. Click on where it says "Men's Events - (the month). When it brings up the month, click on the state code. If you would like more information about an event, click on the title and it will provide what we have. See Men's Councils and Other Organizations that have regular monthly meetings. All events presumed Men Only unless noted with a W&M. +R&B = + room & meals. +B = + meals.
This Calendar lists mens events around the world through the next 12 months and beyond? Are you doing anything in this world involved with a positive change in male roles and relationships? Let people know here. It's all free. Click on Feedback for the appropriate form. Do you have a website or email? Well also hyperlink your event to appropriate websites and emails for free.
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