Does Mick Jagger ever have Trouble Finding Women? Hey Doc, I am a regular reader of your columns, which I like very much. To cut to the chase, heres my problem. Unlike most of the men who write you for advice, Im not young. No one out there offers advice for guys 60 years of age and over, including you. Before you tell me that Im probably a walking disaster and thats why I cant find women, let me tell you that Im very successful, youthful and still like to rock. I have a young persons mentality and am full of life for my age. But let me be honest about what us older guys face out here. There are no women unless we go chasing younger babes around, and that can get dangerous. Most single women who are 45 and older look like hell. (Theres no more gentle way to put it.) Theyve let themselves go for so many years that they flat-out look terrible. Im not saying that all of them look bad, but I dont have any idea where to find the ones who look good. Doc, Id like to date women closer to my own age, frankly, because wed have more in common than I would with a 20-year-old, but most of these women are very fat. Im slim and handsome. I dont want a pudgy, out-of-shape woman hanging on my arm. So how about some advice for guys over 60? Where do we go to find attractive women? What should we say and do? Are we dead because were members of AARP or collecting pensions and/or Social Security? Should we just stay at home and watch TV instead of going out there and living to the full? There are more of us out here looking for dates than you might think. So any helpful hints would be appreciated. Luca - who doesnt think hes over the hill Hi Luca, You got one thing right, pal youre not young anymore. But that has nothing to do with anything. Because if youre 60 and you meet a beautiful, svelte 54-year-old nurse, you still have to say Caprice, whats your home phone number? The same as if youre 19 and youre drinking beer with a sorority girl -- you still have to say Caprice, whats your home phone number? To you Psych majors, THE PRINCIPLES ARE ALWAYS THE SAME NO MATTER WHAT AGE YOU ARE. Luca, I DO offer advice for guys over 60. Are you sure you read my book? As I said up above, its all the same thing. Why do you insist that its not? What should you do and say to a woman? The same thing you should always do and say. Youre going to keep the conversation light and funny. Youre going to smile. Heres what youre not going to do. Youre not going to stare at her chest. And youre not going to tell her how much you hate your ex-girlfriends and ex-wives. Dude, you dont have to convince me that youre youthful for your age. What you have to do is find your counterpart in a female. Its going to be a little tougher, though, because of your age. But if youre patient youll get there. Look at the statistics, my friend. America is 52% women to 48% men. Women outlive men by seven years. So theyre out there, all right. But you say that lots of women look like hell. Like my cousin Rabbi Love says, My son, youre not practicing the falsehood of unconditional love! And yes, its true that lots of them also look terrible. Like my Uncle Jethro Love says, Boy, you aint never gonna be no guest on Oprahs show! But there happens to be a large percentage of women who do take care of themselves, and thats what you need. Im going to show you where to find the ones who look good. But first, Luca, you have to open your mind and not be so judgmental. Of course youre going to have more in common with a woman your own age than you would with Lindsay Lohan or Paris Hilton. Not to mention that the Reality Factor says that theyll take one look at you and say Hi, Grandpop! So you cant be too upset when the young babes look at you like youre a telephone pole. Or like my cousin Fast Eddie Love says, You know youre in trouble when they start calling you Sir. So where do you find attractive women? You go to the same places that the 22-year-old guy goes to. Or the 32-year-old or the 42-year-old. You want to think that the rules are different for us guys over 60. But theyre not. You came charging in with your agenda, but you dont know what youre talking about, buddy. Like I said before, open your mind up. Since you want a gal whos in great shape, you have to do something PHYSICAL. Join a few outdoor clubs. You have to hang around the ladies who like to go hiking, or get yourself into some dance events or classes. Try the Sierra Club or join a tennis league if you play tennis. Then take a look at the women who are involved in those activities. Theyre all skinny! Like my cousin Brother Love down in Watts says, Maybe Oprah should dance! Eventually youll see a 54-year-old who looks like Christie Brinkley and youre on your way. What you do then is ask for the home phone number. Then you meet her at Starbucks. Then youre going to take her on your first big date, just like the 20-year-olds. In other words, its all the same whether youre wet behind the ears or a geriatric case. And dont forget that youre going to make her laugh, and youre going to show her manners and class. Luca, youre not dead because youre just a few years away from assisted living. The odds are just going to be a little rougher when she sees your false teeth or your walker. But even some of those really old guys do all right. Youll get over it with my coaching. And dont forget, you only need to find one good one. You have to make sure, though, that youre prepared and that you have all the important information memorized when you do find her, otherwise youre going to get some great opportunities, and then make all the same boo-boos. Then youll be lonely again and blame it on the fact that youre over the hill, when in fact you just turn the girls off in spite of your great looks and success. Remember, guys: when you meet her, youd better be prepared to keep her. © 2008, DocLove Dot Com Other Relationship Issues, Books I present myself to you in a form suitable to the relationship I wish to achieve with you. - Luigi Pirandello Doc Love is a talk
show host, entertainment speaker, and coaches men in his
seminars. For the past 30 years he has asked thousands of
women, "Why do you stay with one man versus another?" He is
the author of the Master Series, available at
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