Would Burt Reynolds Care if She Lied about Her
Age? Hey Doc, I discovered your columns a couple of months ago and have been addicted ever since. I must say that you have quite a great deal of insight into the male-female thing and I wanted to compliment you. Youre really quite funny, too I dont know if anyones ever mentioned that. Its refreshing to see someone deal with dating and relationships in such a lighthearted manner and be so serious and profound at the same time. Anyway, heres what Im writing about. I am a 50-year-old man. Ive had a crush on Sienna since I was 12. (I know this sounds weird, but its true.) She recently lost her parents, who she cared for because they were elderly. Sienna is 51, was never married or had kids. I recently discovered her profile on a computer-dating network. Years ago she used to be plump and had very poorly dyed hair and bad teeth. Now shes drop-dead gorgeous. Her hair has been done beautifully, her teeth have been fixed and shes lost 105 pounds! In other words, shes had a very expensive makeover. But heres what disturbs me. Sienna is saying on her profile that she is 37 years old, and I have to admit that she does look like she could pass for that age. She doesnt know that I know about her deception, by the way. Sienna and I have not been in touch for a long time, Doc, but I could never get this woman off my mind. We never had a romantic relationship, by the way. I feel that this is the time to finally try and make something happen, but I keep thinking about the fact that shes lying about her age. Do you think that its ever too late to hook up with someone that youve always been interested in? Would the fact that shes lying about her age disturb you? Can you give me some coaching? Remington - who was shocked to see the new her Hi Remington, The reason I use humor in my work is because I have to get past the male ego. And I have found that if you can get a guy to laugh at himself -- hopefully when hes not in a big crowd -- he will accept the truth more readily. Its much easier to listen to somebody who can make you laugh rather than to a psychiatrist, who can be very serious and boring. Lets move on to your question. And before we begin, remember that youre not a 50-year-old man. Youre a young man, Remington. Youre 50 years young. So youve got a thing for Sienna, a 51-year-old lady whos never in her life found a guy to love her. And shes never in her life found a guy that she could love. Dont you find this a little unusual, pal? To me, this is a huge RED FLAG. Im the biggest opponent of divorce in the western world, but like my cousin Sal The Fish Love says, I wish she had at least one under her belt. And like my cousin Rabbi Love adds, My son, you have to wonder about a woman whos never been kissed. But now shes drop-dead gorgeous. Well, like my cousin Fast Eddie Love from East L.A. says, Its amazing what $25,000 and Doctor 90210 can do! Now this is something to remember for all those women out there who look like a mess. If you really want to improve yourself physically, think of all the things you can do nowadays to help yourself. Like my cousin Brother Love down in Watts says, Look at what a person has available in America today! So if Sienna has gorgeous hair and straight white teeth and the rest of her body is all buffed up now, she probably could pass for 37. Good for her. But a large segment of women in this country lie straight through their teeth about how much they weigh, which is a lot worse than lying about their age. But you have to realize too that everyone in America lies about their age because were a youth-oriented society and most people are desperately trying to hold on to their youth. What I have to wonder, though, is whether Sienna is after some 24 to 35-year-old guys by pretending to be 37 years old. Thats the second big RED FLAG I see here. Lets face it, dude: the only reason shes fibbing about her age is to attract younger men not some 60-year-old geezer. What I would do if I were you, Remington, is keep your mouth shut about the age issue. Dont even bring it up. Dont make it into a big deal. But remember that the fact that shes lying about it is indeed a red flag. Lots of women lie about their age. And to be fair about it, lots of guys lie about themselves too. On the Internet dating sites theyre saying that theyre five feet nine when theyre really five feet seven. Its the same thing. So Id let that one slide for now. But Id keep an eye peeled for any type of exaggeration she makes in the future, and Id listen very closely to every word she says. Like my Uncle Jethro Love says, When she starts telling people that shes the past Miss South Carolina, you know shes a loon. So go ahead and contact her through this dating web site and get her to Starbucks. Remington, its never too late to hook up with someone youre interested in as long as you didnt have a relationship with her on a romantic level in the past. Put her lies about her age into cold storage, at least for the time being. That said, I dont like people who lie. On the other hand, in America if shes five feet six and she weighs 140, shes going to say shes five feet seven and weighs 130. Thats just the way it is. Remember, guys: as long as youve never dated her, you can always take a shot at her. © 2007, DocLove Dot Com Other Relationship Issues, Books I present myself to you in a form suitable to the relationship I wish to achieve with you. - Luigi Pirandello Doc Love is a talk show host, entertainment speaker, and coaches men in his seminars. For the past 30 years he has asked thousands of women, "Why do you stay with one man versus another?" Archives for 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, and 2000. DocLove will answer all of your romantic
love questions from a mans perspective. So set your
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