Strange Sexual Practices
What's perverse to one person may be normal to
another. The world of sex is replete with
titillating and sometimes curious acts that keep
intimacy new.
If nothing less, below is a list of strange
sexual practices that are interesting to read
about. As you will see, there are no boundaries to
what people conceive. And...if daring enough,
follow through does not have to be reserved for
only the brave.
Hot Wax: Hot wax in sex play is used to increase
adrenalin and thus arousal. The most famous
enthusiast was St. Pazz, a 16th century nun who
would have others drop hot wax on her body while
she was tied to a bed post and humiliated.
Blood Sports: 'Blood sports' are those sex
activities in which skin is broken. This would
include activities such as cutting, phlebotomy,
cicatrisation, piercing, carpet burns, abrasions,
shaving, scratching, vampirism, flagellation,
caning, branding, burning, and so on.
Cutting the skin or drawing the blood creates an
adrenalin rush, trust for partner, and a sense of
personal conquest for the participant. It may also
help relieve stress in some people.
Autagonistophilia: This refers to those who are
aroused by being on stage or performing for a
© 2007
Other Relationship Issues,
Nancy Fagan is
the best-selling author of 'The Complete Idiot's
Guide to Romance' and 'Desirable Men: How to Find
Them' has appeared on several hundred radio and
television shows including Ricki Lake, Men are from
Mars/Women are from Venus, ABC News, NBC News, CBS
News, The Berman & Berman Show, FOX News. She
has been featured in most major newspaper in the
United States and worldwide as well as regularly
mentioned in the nation's top magazines such as
Ladies' Home Journal ('Can this Marriage be
Saved?'), Cosmopolitan, Glamour, Men's Health,
Bride's, Seventeen, Women's Day, Family Circle,
Women's Own, BBW, Complete Women and dozens of
others. To read more, visit
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