Am I Being Used?
Q: Ive been involved with a man for a
few months and I recently noticed that hes
pulling away from me. One night he called me and
acted strangely so I asked why he was calling. He
said it was just a booty call. Im
not sure what he meant by this, but by his tone, I
knew Id been demoted from. What did he mean
by this?
A: Youre right, a booty
call is not a good thing. This derogatory
term refers to the act of calling someone solely
fro soliciting sex. Thats it. Its a
call that usually comes in late at night, as an
after thought. Basically your role in that kind of
relationship is to be their sexual
It sounds like its time to move on. Once
someone becomes nothing more in their
partners life than a means for sexual
release, all hope of resurrecting the relationship
is over. As you well know, that is an insulting
place to be.
Your partner has put you in a temporary holding
place until he finds a replacement for you. Once he
does, hell stop calling altogether. Save
yourself the unnecessary anguish and end it before
you get hurt any more. The next time he calls
asking for a bootie call, tell him
your booty is looking for someone new and no longer
available to him.
© 2007
Other Relationship Issues,
Nancy Fagan is
the best-selling author of 'The Complete Idiot's
Guide to Romance' and 'Desirable Men: How to Find
Them' has appeared on several hundred radio and
television shows including Ricki Lake, Men are from
Mars/Women are from Venus, ABC News, NBC News, CBS
News, The Berman & Berman Show, FOX News. She
has been featured in most major newspaper in the
United States and worldwide as well as regularly
mentioned in the nation's top magazines such as
Ladies' Home Journal ('Can this Marriage be
Saved?'), Cosmopolitan, Glamour, Men's Health,
Bride's, Seventeen, Women's Day, Family Circle,
Women's Own, BBW, Complete Women and dozens of
others. To read more, visit
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