I Saw Him Masturbating
Q: Recently I saw my boyfriend masturbating
to pornography while he was in the bathtub. He had
no idea that I saw him and now I'm worried that he
prefers pornography to me. Do you think I should
say something to him about this?
A: There is no reason for you to 'talk'
to your boyfriend about what you saw. It's common
for men to use fantasy, of various kinds, for
sexually stimulation during masturbation. A
pornographic magazine is one form of fantasy. Some
men prefer reading erotic stories, while others
enjoy watching X-rated movies. Regardless of the
type, the purpose is usually the sameto
relieve sexual tension.
The act of solo-sex meets certain needs that
partner-sex doesntits a sexual
experience when performance is not an issue.
Instead, it is a time for a man to release sexual
tension without having to be a good lover to anyone
else but himself. So, don't give it a second
thought, this, in no way, will decrease his sexual
interest in you. If it does, then you have
something to be concerned about.
© 2007 ExpertDatingAdvice.com
Other Relationship Issues,
Nancy Fagan is
the best-selling author of 'The Complete Idiot's
Guide to Romance' and 'Desirable Men: How to Find
Them' has appeared on several hundred radio and
television shows including Ricki Lake, Men are from
Mars/Women are from Venus, ABC News, NBC News, CBS
News, The Berman & Berman Show, FOX News. She
has been featured in most major newspaper in the
United States and worldwide as well as regularly
mentioned in the nation's top magazines such as
Ladies' Home Journal ('Can this Marriage be
Saved?'), Cosmopolitan, Glamour, Men's Health,
Bride's, Seventeen, Women's Day, Family Circle,
Women's Own, BBW, Complete Women and dozens of
others. To read more, visit www.ExpertDatingAdvice.com
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