Frustrated, Jealous and Suspicious: What To
Do Next...
Today we want to put your fears to rest...We're
going to show you how to tame wild suspicions and
jealous thoughts.
We are also going to tell you how to rebuild a
relationshi when there's a lack of trust..
This sounds like a lot to get done in one email
so let's get started...
We've been highly criticized for coming out with
our latest relationship information product:
Where There's Smoke There's Fire: How To Tell If
Your Man Is A Cheating Liar... that is available
Some men are wanting to know if we are going to
come out with a program like this for them
Frankly, some men have written to us expressing
how upset, ANGRY and even outraged they are
becausewe created this program.
We've been called, "biased," "sexist" and told
that we're treating men "unfairly."
What about women?
Great numbers of women have written to thank us
for creating a program that is helping them ease
their suspicions.
They are telling us how valuable this program is
to help them know whether they have anything to be
jealous or upset about in their relationships and
But there's also a BIG problem brewing...
There is a FEAR coming up with many of our women
readers that if they have jealousy issues, mistrust
and suspicions, a program like this will only make
the problem worse and not better.
Here is an example of what we're talking about
including our response to this concern...
Question From A Reader
Hi Susie and Otto,
Your new book title Where There's Smoke There's
Fire: How To Tell If Your Man Is A Cheating Liar
really intrigues me.
However, I feel like I already have so many wild
negative suspicious thoughts-- always being
suspicious of my man-- that if I read your book and
see how other men are getting away with cheating,
then I'll suspect him even more. I feel like I am
constantly on an emotional roller-coaster trying to
make myself not voice my suspicions....
I usually find out later that it wasn't true
anyway....But our biggest problem is that he avoids
telling me about his "encounters" with other women,
because he knows I get then when I
find out he has been somewhere that he doesn't tell
me about, I get more suspicious.... He outright
lies to me even though I really don't think he is
cheating on me.....
It is so frustrating... sometimes I feel like I
am going insane.
Anyway.... I may buy your book later. If I find
out that some of my suspicions are true, then I
would love to read your book. For now, I feel so
vulnerable, it feels like your book would intensify
my suspicions....
Am I wrong?
Frustrated and Suspicious
Dear Frustrated and Suspicious,
Thank you for writing to us about your concerns.
Please know that you are not going insane and we
are here to help you.
If you're with a man who is having "encounters"
with other women and he won't tell you where he's
been, what he's been doing or who he's been with,
then we would say that your suspicions, fears and
jealous thoughts are certainly justified.
You say that he outright lies to you, but you
don't really think he is cheating.
You also say that you may buy our book later if
you find out if your suspicions are true.
Pardon us for being so bold but...
We think you've got it backwards.
ANY woman who wants truth, honesty and a real
commitment from a man would shutter and cringe to
think that it's OK to put up with behavior like
If you're worried that our book and audio
program would only intensify your suspicions,--we
would say that in your case our program may not be
right for you and here's why....
Our new book and audio program is for women who
want help getting to the truth about whether or not
a man is lying to them or cheating on them.
Our information and strategies have has helped
women find out the truth in as little as 12 hours.
Based on what you wrote, the problem in your
situation is that you already know the truth.
Your man is already lying to you and, by your
own admission, is "having encounters" with other
Not good.
In your particular case, you need to figure out
what you want in your relationship and life and
work towards having that.
If you want truth, honesty and a relationship
with a man who's committed to you and ONLY you...
...Then you're probably going to want to not
only rethink this relationship with your current
man, but commit to creating some new boundaries
that you really enforce in your life as you move
forward (whether it's with him or someone else).
If you're jealous...
Our "No More Jealousy" program is the
best-selling program in the world for stopping
jealousy and it will help you get relief very
quickly. You can get it here...
The reason we created our new program focused on
cheating and lying is this...
The first step in being able to heal any
jealousy or mistrust issues is to find out whether
or not the other person is really lying and
cheating or not.
Many women and men go through much of their
lives suspecting, thinking - and wondering about
whether their partner is being truly faithful to
them, but they don't really know for sure. .
By going through our program, you won't have to
worry any more.
You'll be able to let go of your fears or
suspicions because the goal of the program is to
help you get to the truth once and for all.
If you go through our program and find that your
partner really isn't cheating, then it's time to
look at other issues that you need to change and/or
One final thing...
If you read about our program or even go through
it and are worried that it will only make your
suspicions worse...
We believe that the only way that our program
could make your suspicions worse, is if you go
through our program but don't take any action.
In other words, people who are suspicious need
to get to the truth so that they can make
deliberate and fully conscious decisions.
This is the ONLY way to heal this issue...
With awareness and truth.
We also say that it's not enough to get to the
You must do something about it if what you find
out isn't acceptable to you-- this applies whether
or not your man truly is cheating and lying.
We're here to help you.
Our best to you,
©2010, Susie
& Otto Collins
Other Relationship Issues,
and Otto Collins are spiritual and life partners
who are committed to helping others create
outstanding relationships of all kinds. They
regularly write, speak and conduct workshops and
seminars on love, relationships and personal and
spiritual growth to audiences all across the USA.
They are the creators of the "Relationship Toolkit"
which has helped people in over a dozen countries
improve their relationships. It includes a video
called Spiritual
Partnerships plus two
booklets Love
and Relationship Success
Secrets and
Relationship Quotes Worth a Million
Dollars! You can also
read more articles like these and subscribe to
their weekly newsletter on love and relationships
by visiting their web site at
new E-book Should You Stay or Should You Go?
has just been released and is now available
See Archives 2009,
and 2001.
Other Relationship Issues,

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