Tiger Woods Talks: Reveals Great
Relationship Advice From Wife Elin
If you were to have asked us back on November 27th,
when the now infamous Tiger Woods late night car
crash happened what we thought the biggest question
he and his wife were facing in their relationship,
we're not sure it's all that much different from
what it is today...
The biggest question they both have been living
with is whether to stay in or leave their marriage.
Whether you're Tiger and Elin Woods or any other
couple who's living with this question of whether
to stay or go--the best resource we know of
anywhere for making this decision is our "Should
You Stay or Should you Go?" book and audio program.
It's been all over the national news and the
internet today and in case you missed it...
Today, Tiger Woods broke his silence about his
infidelity that's been in the news for the last
several months.
Although you may be tired of hearing about his
affairs and cheating, what his wife Elin told him
is certainly worth paying attention to.
According to Tiger during his message to the
world today, his wife Elin told him that his real
apology will not come in words but in his behavior
over time.
This is very, very good advice for anyone who is
dealing with a similar situation.
Elin is essentially saying to Tiger that it's
going to take time to prove to her that he is
trustable or not!
An apology in words only that is not followed up
by trustable actions over time is worthless.
WOW, what a great insight and excellent advice.
Elin's words are also good advice where trust
has been violated in other ways.
Recently, we had a message from a woman who told
us that she had snooped in her husband's email (he
hasn't been cheating on her) and he found out.
She apologized but he lost trust in her.
She realized that because of her suspicions, he
wasn't the one who was untrustable--she was.
Now of course, sometimes it does pay to snoop--
there are concrete reasons for your suspicions--but
in some cases, it can certainly harm a
The point is that this woman realized that she
had to be DOING certain things (or in her case NOT
doing the snooping) to prove that she is
If there's been cheating, the other relationship
(or in Tiger's case, other relationships) has to
clearly end before trust can be built.
There have to be clear guidelines as to what
being trustable means. If you're the one who has
been cheated on, you have to come up with those
guidelines. And your partner has to agree to
The catch is that if your partner is doing what
the two of you have agreed being trustable means,
as the one who was cheated on, you have to stop
bringing up your pain even though it's more than
likely still there and maybe overwhelming at
In order to give your relationship a chance, if
he or she is DOING instead of simply saying the
apology, you have to stop the punishment.
If your world has been totally turned upside
down because of infidelity, we know that it's
easier said than done to quit punishing your
partner or even yourself.
Our advice--Figure out what being trustable
means, agree to behaviors that create trust, take
it slow and watch what happens.
We don't know about Tiger's and Elin's future
together but we do know that trust can be rebuilt
if both people want to create the same kind of
relationship and future together.
Our best to you,
©2010, Susie
& Otto Collins
Other Relationship Issues,
and Otto Collins are spiritual and life partners
who are committed to helping others create
outstanding relationships of all kinds. They
regularly write, speak and conduct workshops and
seminars on love, relationships and personal and
spiritual growth to audiences all across the USA.
They are the creators of the "Relationship Toolkit"
which has helped people in over a dozen countries
improve their relationships. It includes a video
called Spiritual
Partnerships plus two
booklets Love
and Relationship Success
Secrets and
Relationship Quotes Worth a Million
Dollars! You can also
read more articles like these and subscribe to
their weekly newsletter on love and relationships
by visiting their web site at www.collinspartners.com
Their new E-book Should You Stay or Should You
Go? has just been released and is now available
See Archives 2009,
and 2001.
Other Relationship Issues,

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