The 24-hour relationship wake-up call...(How
Will You Respond?)
Assuming you're in a relationship or marriage with
someone you love and really want to be with....
If you knew it would end in 24 hours, and you
wanted to make those 24 hours as special as
What would you do or what would you do
differently to make that happen?
We recognize that this is certainly the kind of
question that nobody really wants to think about
We're asking you to think about it right now
because it's important and here's why...
It's important because your answer could change
the course of your relationship and life
Because our relationship is the most important
thing in the world to us, we thought about this
question when we watched a movie recently.
The movie was one we had seen many times but
its impact on us is always big.
The movie we're talking about is the 1998 Meg
Ryan and Nicolas Cage film "City of Angels."
Without spoiling the plot for you, it's about
death, loving and living life to its
fullest--appreciating the preciousness of every
This beautiful story caused us to ask the
question "If we knew our relationship would end in
24 hours, what would we do differently?" of
ourselves...and we're asking it of you.
If you're in an intimate relationship, we invite
you to answer the following questions and take our
"24-hour wake-up call" challenge...(If you're not,
choose another relationship that's important to you
that may be somewhat troubled)
Again, the question is...
"If you knew your relationship would end in 24
hours, and you wanted to make those 24 hours as
special as possible, what would you do or what
would you do differently to make that happen?"
Would you let go of blame and judgment?
Blame and judgment show up because of our
differences, our expectations of what the other
"should" have done or do.
They show up in sarcastic, harsh words, a cold
tone of voice and in actions that push the other
person away--showing the other how wrong he or she
It might be that we withhold love or
appreciation to demonstrate our
disapproval--sometimes in very small ways but they
all add up to disconnection.
Even if you have more than 24 hours together,
how would it be if you didn't blame or judge?
How much kinder would you be? Would you
treat your partner in a way that shows how precious
he or she is to you?
Stopping to look in your partner's eyes and
listen is one way to show kindness.
Would you make connecting with your partner
more important than spending a few extra minutes on
Facebook tonight? While connecting with lots of
other people is important, how important would it
be if you only had 24 hours with your partner?
Even though you may have years more with your
partner, become conscious of how you spend your
time and who you spend it with.
Would you tell the truth that's in your heart
or hold back? We all hold back some things from
time to time for all sorts of reasons but what
would you say to your partner if you only had a few
hours left?
Saying it now might be what your relationship
needs to breathe new life into it.
Would you make love with an open heart and
body like you've never done before? Many of us
don't really know what making love with an open
heart and body might feel like.
As an experiment, take a moment and think of a
newborn baby you've seen recently or a puppy.
What's the feeling in your heart right now?
Is it joyful and open--soft and tender?
If you got something like those feelings, what
would it feel like if you carried that feeling into
love-making with your partner? What might that look
Instead of perhaps looking like obligation, it
can look precious and cherishing the moment.
We invite you to experiment with this idea.
Would you forgive yourself and your
partner? During that 24 hours with your
partner, would you start all over without the
shadow of the past?
Would you let go of whatever resentments you've
been holding on to that has kept the two of you
from being as close as possible?
You can do that now even though you may have
much more time together. Just decide to.
At one point in the "City of Angels", Nicolas
Cage's character Seth was asked whether it was
worth it or not. (We're not telling you what the
"it" was.)
Seth said this about his love for Meg Ryan's
character Maggie...
"I would rather have had one breath of her hair,
one kiss of her mouth, one touch of her hand, than
eternity without it. One."
We wish you many years together but our wish
also for you is that those years be precious and
lived in love.
Our best,
P.S. If you're a man and you haven't yet gotten
Otto's FREE Ebook for Men..."10 Keys To Lighting Up
Your Woman", you can get it a no charge when you
sign up for his newsletter for Men at
©2010, Susie
& Otto Collins
Other Relationship Issues,
and Otto Collins are spiritual and life partners
who are committed to helping others create
outstanding relationships of all kinds. They
regularly write, speak and conduct workshops and
seminars on love, relationships and personal and
spiritual growth to audiences all across the USA.
They are the creators of the "Relationship Toolkit"
which has helped people in over a dozen countries
improve their relationships. It includes a video
called Spiritual
Partnerships plus two
booklets Love
and Relationship Success
Secrets and
Relationship Quotes Worth a Million
Dollars! You can also
read more articles like these and subscribe to
their weekly newsletter on love and relationships
by visiting their web site at
Their new E-book Should You Stay or Should You
Go? has just been released and is now available
See Archives 2009,
and 2001.
Other Relationship Issues,

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