Relationship Blocks, Barriers and
Last week, we began a series of articles we're
calling "Relationship Blocks, Barriers and
Blunders" to having the love, connection and
relationships you really want.
This newsletter article below is the 2nd article
in the series. If you missed part one you can find
it here
We've been talking a lot lately about barriers
to love, connection and closeness in your
relationships and...
One thing we've discovered that's important
in creating close, connected relationships is
not only how we feel about ourselves but also how
we feel about our body.
Think about it...
Do you love yourself?
Do you love your body?
Do you like your physical appearance?
These days, almost everyone we talk to wants to
look and feel better about their body and the worst
part for most people is they let their body and
their appearance be a barrier to the love,
connection and intimacy that they really want.
Since we want to help you eliminate ALL barriers
to connection and closeness in your relationships,
we just HAD to let you know about this...
Our good friend Andrea is a weight loss coach
with one of the most fantastic and positive
approaches that we've ever heard of... and her
client success rate is incredible.
What we like about her is her encouraging,
heart-centered approach. She used to be overweight
too, so she really "gets it".
It's our belief that no matter what your body
size or type, you can have the love, passion and
connection you really want.
However, if your weight or appearance is an
issue for you and're interested in learning
a completely different, but proven way to lose
weight in time for summer, we think you will really
enjoy the fantastic video that Andrea posted here:
We know that not everyone who gets our emails is
interested in losing weight... but this video is so
good, and so right on target, that we felt like we
had to pass it along.
If you're not interested in losing weight in a
conscious, healthy way, but you know someone who
is, you might want to forward this to them.
Yes. It's THAT good.
Here's the link to that video again:

Don't allow a poor body image to keep you from
the love, passion and connection that you want.
Take steps to make a positive change in your life
that will lead you to the love and relationships
that you want.
©2008, Susie
& Otto Collins
Other Relationship Issues,
and Otto Collins are spiritual and life partners
who are committed to helping others create
outstanding relationships of all kinds. They
regularly write, speak and conduct workshops and
seminars on love, relationships and personal and
spiritual growth to audiences all across the USA.
They are the creators of the "Relationship Toolkit"
which has helped people in over a dozen countries
improve their relationships. It includes a video
called Spiritual
Partnerships plus two
booklets Love
and Relationship Success
Secrets and
Relationship Quotes Worth a Million
Dollars! You can also
read more articles like these and subscribe to
their weekly newsletter on love and relationships
by visiting their web site at
new E-book Should You Stay or Should You Go?
has just been released and is now available
See Archives 2007,
and 2001.
Other Relationship Issues,

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