Father's Day
Menstuff® has compiled information on Father's Day 1999.
Father's Day Story: A Teddy Bear's
Adventure at the Dump
Father's Day 1999
Father's Day Story: A Teddy Bear's
Adventure at the Dump
In 1999 the public radio show, This American Life, published
an audio story of a man who went to extraordinary lengths to search
for his 7 year old's lost teddy bear. It's a wonderful story, not
only because it shows the dedication of a dad who would do almost
anything for his child. But it also makes us aware of all the
extraordinary things our dads did for us as kids that we didn't
appreciate. Even if we said thanks we probably had no idea of what he
really had to go through to make our lives a bit more comfortable or
reduce some of the suffering that was our natural karmic consequence.
This story (in audio format) is worth listening to (5 min long). It
may inspire you to think of your own father and some of the reasons
for honoring him this Father's Day.
You can find it (and several other good stories) on This
American Life's website: www.thislife.org/Radio_Episode.aspx?episode=132
Go to #132: Father's Day '99 Click on "Full Episode"
Source: www.todoinstitute.com/30KDays/

Father's Day 1999
A review of the June, 1999 issue of Seville "parent" type
magazine's (like Parent magazine) revealed no mention of
Fathers or Fathers Day, even in their calendar of events sections.
This isn't unusual, since many of these publications that inply
parenting in their name like "Parent" or "Family", are really
directed to women and children. We do want to give special
recognition to Life magazine for their June, 99 issue for
publishing several excellent and positive articles about fathers.
"Steven Spielberg and his dad: Healing a 15-year rift,"
plus "What makes a good dad?" and "Life's fatherhood test", and
"Family tales from Doug Flutie, Rob Reiner and
others." Thanks for a head-start on some positiveness
around fathering. It helps us prepare for the Sunday,
June 20 newspaper campaign against fathers. If it's anything like
the past, the major newspapers will be sure to carry at least one
negative story about dads - dead beat, distant dads, violent dads,
you name it. I can't remember the last time I saw a similar story in
any newspaper on Mother's Day about mothers (and the fact is that
there are a bigger percentage of Dead Beat Moms than Dads and moms
who abuse their young children than dads). But, the press loves to
dig at men, and will use the only real day men get to be honored, to
do just the opposite. No time like the present to write or call or
email your local papers asking them to just do positive stories on
fathers in their June 20 edition and save the other stories for
another day, possibly about mothers and fathers that fall into the
those negative categories. Also, take this time to get something
special for your dad (you all had one), or a call, if he is still
alive. A visit, if it is at all possible. And, atleast take some time
to bring back at least one good memory about your dad. (Also check
out our "Books" sections on Fathers,
& Daughters, Fathers
& Sons, Gay
Fathers, Single
Fathers and Step Fathers
and the "Issues" sections around Fathers,
Fathers & Daughters,
Fathers & Sons, and Father's
* * *
Father's Day - A time to give love and thanks to all fathers,
grand fathers, great grand fathers; day for all fathers to celebrate
fatherhood and contemplate their sacred duty to provide for the
physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual needs of their
children and the other children of this world.

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