Menstuff® lists here a description of various social action events. Check out the local calendar by month which includes all international, national, and regional events. Get out of the box!
Bridges & Boundaries, a ManKind Project approved Multi-cultural training. Chicago at the Kuempel Mens' Center. (4/28-30/06)
California AIDS Ride 7. What is it about the AIDS Ride that makes people say it was the most inspiring time in their lives? Why do so many who want to change the world end up changing themselves as well? Maybe it's because the AIDS Ride shows riders the true nature of their drams, which is that they are possible. Always. No matter how bold they seem, how outrageous. On the Ride, people actually help others, tirelessly, cheerfully, even exuberantly, expecting nothing in return. Just like during a blizzard or a blackout - when there's no time to think, only to act, in the fundamental human way, with kindness. 2,700 riders, 570 miles, San Francisco to LA. (6/4-10/00) W&M 800.825.1000 or
Celebration of Vision: Pride Ride 2000. The ultimate celebration of the vision of The Experience "By the year 2000 it will be absolutely OK to be lesbian or gay, and diversity will be valued and celebrated. Having bicycled a distance of 3,300 miles in 65 days, the Pride Ride 2000 traveled from Los Angeles to Phoenix, Santa Fe, Dallas, Atlanta, and small communities in between, connecting the people while sharing our enthusiasm and pride. Arriving at the Lincoln Memorial in Washingtonk, DC on the Fourth of July, we will stand before the statue of the great man who dreamed of a nation undivided and untainted by fear and hatred. Celebrating the diversity and strength of our nation and the vision of The Experience, we will honor our heritage and our future as LGBT and allied people togethering. Washington, DC. (7/4/00) W&M 800.966.3896
Child Support Seminar. Learn your legal rights. Learn how to get the child support agency to work for you and your children. Learn how to organize an effective group in your community. Learn about the new federal child support laws. Daycare provided. Make sure you receive a free packet of information. Sponsored by the ACES State Office. Location: The Family Center, 539 Flume St, Sky Room in Chico. 10a-2p (6/24/00) 800.739.ACES
Circumcision, International Symposium. Univeristy of Washington (8/24-26/06)
Crimes Against Nature, Chris Kilmartin. It is a humorous and compelling solo theatre performance which looks at the social pressure to be masculine. Using a good deal of autobiographical material to illustrate universal gender themes, it points out the absurdities and contradictions of masculine demands and leaves the audience with a heightened awareness of the nature of these demands and a sense that one has choices about whether or not to accede to them. As education, it delivers a strong point of view without being overly didactic. W&M Generally presented on college campuses.
DADs by the Bay Join us for a special DADs event at 7pm on Thursday, December 2, 2004 at the Jewish Community Center in San Francisco. Its your chance to meet the entire DADs staff and Board of Directorswhile celebrating the great things fathers and daughters can do together! Michael Pritchard, winner of the San Francisco International Standup Comedy Competition, will also be there to entertain. For more information, go to or RSVP directly to John Ball at (12/2/04)
Dealing With an Angry Public: Protecting your reputation and your market share. Resolving conflicts and disputes with dissatisfied customers, potential litigants and concerned interest groups. The MIT-Harvard Public Disputes Program. Cambridge(5/9-10/02, 11/14-15/02)
Demonstration Against Infant Circumcision (16th Annual), U.S. Capitol * Washington D.C. See event schedule at 321-243-0178 or or eMail
Earth Day - Day to honor the Earth and to meditate on Deity manifesting as Mother Earth. 4/22/00 is 30th Anniversary. (Local celebrations may be on different dates.
Equality - Millennium March on Washington. To energize and galvanize the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered and supportive communities to work for equality at all levels and to inspire voters for the 2000 elections. The National Mall, Washington, DC (4/30/00) or 202.467.8100
Equlaity Rocks Rock Concert, Melissa Etheridge, Ellen DeGeneres, Ann Heche, Kristen Johnston and others celebrate equal rights for all. Robert F Kennedy Stadium, Washington, DC or 800.498.0382
Expose of Marin and Los Angeles Family Courts, 3-part series. Among the featured stories will be in depth examinations of alleged miscarriages of justice in the Alanna Krause case, the use and misuse of the Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) in family court, alleged conspiracies to commit and cover up child abuse, and allegations of extensive cronyism among elite family court lawyers, social workers, psychologists, court evaluators and judges that resulted in abused children being forced to live with their abusive parent. KCAL-9, DIRECT-TV and WWW. (11/14-15/00)
Father's Day Celebration/Father's Rights March (6/18/00) Join the thousands of Fathers-their families/friends and Fathers Rights advocates/activists that are expected to gather in Washington, DC on Fathers Day, tentative schedule to begin to gather at The Ellipse (behind the White House). at 9a. Entertainment- music/clowns at 11a. 12:00 Commencement speeches 12m. At 1p begin the march up Constitution Ave. to the west Steps of the US Capitol building. At 2p Fathers Day Celebration at Capitol building. There is a list of contact people for every state and more information at
Gas Out: Don't Buy Gas the Weekend of 4/7-9/00. Remember, the Gas Out last year on April 30? "They" say it worked. "They" are suggesting another one this each from Friday am to Sunday midnight. The so-called oil cartel decided to slow production to drive up gasoline prices. Let's see how many Canadian\American people we can get to band together for this three day period in April, NOT TO BUY ANY GASOLINE, during those three days. Buy what you need before Friday, but try not to buy any during the GAS OUT. This doesn't mean stocking up and driving the same amount. Take the weekend off. Do a workshop, stay around the house. Meditate. Fast. Be with the family and/or friends. Eliminate as much driving as possible. See how incredibly relaxing it can be. WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!! If you want to help, just copy this and send it to everyone you know and ask them to do the same. Even if you receive this 100 times keep passing it around, this way you know everyone is being informed and no one will forget!!!
Genital Integrity (8th International Symposium on Human Rights and Modern Society). Georgetown University Conference Center, Washington, DC. The symposium will focus on the genital rights and body integrity of all children. International experts will address medical, legal and human rights aspects of male and female genital cutting, the right of children to genital integrity, and social activism for cultural change. MORE All presentations in English. $375+Room & Board. NOCIRC, POB 2512, San Anselmo, CA 94979 (4/4-7/02)
Genital Integrity Awareness Week. Genital Integrity is a health and human rights issue. Weeklong events include information fair, marches and demonstrations. Male Circumcision/Male Genital Mutilation (MC/MGM) is a culturally determined, body mutilation ritual that has been practiced on an estimated 650 million men and boys worldwide and 77 million in the United States. Each year 1.2 million boys in the United States undergo MC/MGM. Fifty-eight percent of all newborn boys are at risk of undergoing MC/MGM. Legislators, policy makers, psychologists, therapists, doctors, nurses parents and spouses should be aware of the consequences of MC/MGM. The International Coalition for Genital Integrity (ICGI) in cooperation with the National Organization of Circumcision Resource Information Centers (NOCIRC) and Stop Infant Circumcision Society (SIC Society) sponsor the Genital Integrity Awareness Week in Washington, D.C. during the first week of April, Child Abuse Prevention Month. Dan Bollinger, ICGI Director, 765.497.0150ET or or MORE (5/1-7/04)
Genital Integrity Awareness Week 10th Annual March Against Circumcision. A week of special events in Washington, D.C., is being sponsored by an international community of individuals and organizations committed to raising public awareness about the rights of all human beings to genital integrity. Various events are planned: Education on the Steps of the Capitol - Marches to the Capitol Building - Demonstrations - and planning sessions. See: for details, schedules and brochure. Please come and make Genital Integrity a men's issue. MORE (4/1-7/02), (4/1-7/03)
Global Manwave of meditation, Rudran Brannock, Scott Taylor. As part of the 'MANSHINE' Men's Festival in Queensland Australia, the organisers are organising a worldwide meditation by men. Men from around the world will be participating in a meditation on masculinity. As each time zone passes into the next, other men will begin meditating when the others in the preceding zone finish, therefore creating a wave of meditation that will circle the world. The purpose of this meditation is to effect a shift in the collective unconscious. This shift is not to change masculinity, but to ENRICH it . For those men who can feel the power of meditation personally, it will affect their own lives, and those who they connect with afterward. For those who believe that we are all connected at a deep energetic level, it will affect the deeper strata of our subconscious at a global level. At the very least, the act of promoting this intention will bring to light the need for something different. Either way, connecting at a global level will bring us closer together in our intention to have the richness of masculinity promoted and honoured in the worldwide community. This is quite an open meditation. Each man will meditate on what HE wants to enrich the masculinity of his society , or his own masculinity, or that of mankind in general. As examples, you may want something general for yourself like wholeness or beauty; or a quality like compassion or integrity; or simply to be more passionate or empowered. You may want these things for your whole society. You may want to resolve a particular issue like your relationship to your father, son or letting go of mother. You may want all men to be calmer, or more loving. You may want to heal the wounds of war, or the abuse from the excesses of feminism. You may simply want to participate in the calmness of meditation with many men. It is totally up to you.(4/30/00), 5-6P Want more information check out or call 07. 54854406 or
The Great Dance,: Gifts, wounds and making community with Michael Meade. Portland State University. or Portland, OR (5/18/02)
Infant Circumcision, 12th Annual Demonstration/March Against Infant Circumcision, US Capital Building. or (3/29-4/3/05) San Francisco demonstrationi at the annual Amercian College of Obgyns (ACOG) conference. (5/7-11/05)
The Inside Circle Foundation (ICF) is a not for profit organization (501c3) dedicated to the inner personal growth of men in prison. The goal of the ICF is to create environments in which prisoners can work and explore the issues in their lives that have prevented them from living up to their full potential as human beings. In these environments the ICF primarily utilizes self-help discussion groups and creative writing techniques such as journaling, autobiography, and poetry to achieve the inner development necessary to become healthy contributing members of our society.
Men's Work: Gender, Race, and Sexism, Rodney Patterson and Brent Bilodeau, is a workshop facilitated by men for men will offer an in-depth exploration of how men can challenge and heal sexism. Through dialogue, experiential activities, and reflection, participants will examine the pervasive effects of sexism on their lives and the terrible impact it has had on women and children. The workshop will explore the ways that men, too, are harmed by sexism. Facilitators and participants will ask themselves, how they, as men, can challenge and heal sexism. Held at the Leaven Center, a retreat center in mid-Michigan, is committed to nurturing the relationship between social justice and spirituality. Center Lyons, MI. Friday, 7pm - Sunday, 1pm. $185, 989.855.2606 or or (1/28-30/05)
The Million Dads March. A series of
events sponsored by a network of fathering organizations. These
events are designed to bring attention to fathering issues and
provide information on various organizations that help fathers. These
Million Dads Marches are spread out over a 2-week period beginning
the weekend BEFORE Fathers' Day USA. See the Events Page for more
details on the Marches. We do not support any particular political
parties or religious affiliation except those who work to help
fathers and children. Participants of the March come from diverse
political, religious and cultural backgrounds. We encourage
diversity; after all without it comes stagnation and ruin set in. We
are not a single powerful organization. We are a NETWORK of
organizations and people working TOGETHER to accomplish our mutual
goals. If you are interested in helping us all reach our goals then
work WITH us!
or 785.230.4546 or 4121 NE Brier Rd, Topeka, KS 66616 or
No Name Calling Week. New Moon Publishing, the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), Simon & Schuster Childrens Publishing and over thirty other partners, are pleased to announce an initiative called No Name-Calling Week. A discussion forum is availble at . Educators and partners can now exchange stories and activities about No Name-Calling Week in their school. Just go to the web site and click on "forum" in the toolbar. Also, during the week, schools serving grades five through eight across the nation will be asked to take part in a week of education activities aimed at stopping name-calling and verbal bullying of all kinds. Former NFL player and activist Esera Tuaolo has been tapped to be the official spokesperson for this weeklong event. The week seeks to focus national attention on the problem of name-calling in schools and to provide students and educators with the tools and inspiration to launch an on-going dialogue about ways to eliminate name-calling in their communities. A resource guide with lesson plans, a video for classroom use and other promotional materials will be available for educators to assist in facilitating the weeks activities. Although the project is targeted at grades five through eight years when the problem of name-calling is particularly acute the concept can be easily adapted by students and educators at other grades. Want ideas of things you can do? There's 10 pages worth of ideas at For more information on this weeklong event, visit Check them out here: Want more ideas on how to plan No Name-Calling Week in your school? Go here for some tips: Want to read letters from students to author James Howe about their own experiences of being bullied or being a bully? Click here to read: Check out the 2006 contest entries by 8-18 year-old students at (3/1-5/04, 1/24-28/05) (1/23-27/06) (1/22-26/07)
Non-Violence Awareness Week, School and community dialogues sponsored by the Traprock Peace Center. Attend Bright Spots 2000, Valley Film Festival for Video Shorts for Nonvillence. Deerfield, MA, (5/1-7/00) Call 413.773.7427 to schedule a visit to your school.
NOW Founded (6/30/66). Founded by people attending the Third National Conference on the Commission on the Status of Women. NOW's purpose is to "take action to take women into full partnership in the mainstream of American society, exercising all privileges and responsibilities in equal partnership with men."
People's Campaign for Nonviolence. People from every religion, class and way of life will gather to call for an end to our culture of violence and injustive and for the ceration of a culture of nonviolence and justice. A number of peace and justice groups from around the country have pledged to bring one hundred people to spend one day or more in prayerful vigil and peaveful protest. Over the forty days thousands of people will make their voices for peave and justice heard. We will hold a daily presence and nonviolent direct action at the White House, Congress, and the Pentagon, calling for ddisarmament and justice. Each day a ifferent group will maintain this call, and eavh evening we will gather for prayer and reflection led by a guest speaker. Throughout this campagin we will sustain a public, faith-based demand for justice and disarmament and a recommitment to Martin Luther King Jr's vision of the Beloved Community. W&M Washington, DC. Kirkridge. 610.588.1793 (7/12-8/9/00)
Pride Ride 2000, Celebration of Vision. The ultimate in adventure, activism, love and being powerful in life. It is about making a difference, a celebration of spirit, truth and community. And, it is the ultimate celebration of the vision of The Experience "By the year 2000 it will be absolutely OK to be lesbian or gay, and diversity will be valued and celebrated. Starting in Los Angeles, the day of the Millennium March in DC, Pride Ride 2000 will bicycle across the US delivering the message. Covering a distance of 3,300 miles in 65 days, the Pride Ride 2000 will travel to Phoenix, Santa Fe, Dallas, Atlanta, and small communities in between, connecting the people while sharing our enthusiasm and pride. Arriving at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC on the Fourth of July, we will stand before the statue of the great man who dreamed of a nation undivided and untainted by fear and hatred. Celebrating the diversity and strength of our nation and the vision of The Experience, we will honor our heritage and our future as LGBT and allied people together. US (4/30-7/4/00) W&M 800.966.3896
Protest Against Circumcision: 8th Annual.... also know as MGM male genital mutilation......will take place on the steps of the US Capitol from March 26th and will end with a protest march from the White House on April 1st (the beginning of Child Abuse Awareness Month, National Abuse Awareness Month and Sexual Assault Awareness Month) gathering at 8:00 am and marching around 12 noon. We will then gather on the east steps of the US Capitol. On March 1st 1999 The American Academy of Pedestrians stated that they would no longer recommend to parents that newborn males be circumcised...but they failed to put a stop to this horror of mutilating our young men at birth. or
Rally for Warren Farrell for Governor. As many of you may already know, mens movement leader Warren Farrell has announced his candidacy for the governorship of California. Farrell is, of course, Americas leading spokesman for mens and fathers rights, and the author of such groundbreaking works as The Myth of Male Power, Father and Child Reunion, and Why Men Are the Way They Are.
This marks the first time in history that a major leader of the mens movement has announced his candidacy for a statewide office. Regardless of the outcome of the election, this is an historic opportunity to educate the media and the voting public about mens and fathers issues.
The Los Angeles chapter of the National Coalition of Free Men and a variety of other mens organizations are helping Warren kick off his campaign by staging a rally in front of the Los Angeles County Courthouse.
If we can get the appropriate permits, then any group that would like to will be invited to set up an informational table at the event. Our plan is to have a podium where whoever wants to speak to the crowd can do so during the first two hours of the rally. Then, at 10:30, Warren will address the gathering and talk about his candidacy.
In order to demonstrate that Warrens campaign is serious and that the issues hes addressing have popular support, we would like to have as large a showing as possible at this kickoff rally. The California gubernatorial race is being watched closely by the national news outlets, so this is a tremendous opportunity to educate the news media, not just in California, but across the nation.
Wont you or other members of your organization consider joining us? If youre interested in attending, please contact the Los Angeles chapter of the National Coalition of Free Men at 818-907-9383 or send us an email at or We hope to see you there! Los Angeles County Courthouse at 600 S. Commonwealth Avenue in Los Angeles Call 818.907.9383, (8/26/03, 9a-12m)
Sexual Mutilations: Securing Human Rights in the 21st Century Sixth International Symposium. Legal experts, health-care professionals, medical researchers and scholars from Australia, Brazil, Egypt, Korean, New Zealand, and North American will address the medical, legal and human rights aspects of male and female sexual mutilations. All presentations will be in English. The symposium will be interpreted into Australian Sign Language. University of Sydney, Australia, (12/7-9/00) 415.488.9883 or or
Stop Infant Circumcision: This is no laughing matter. March on the U. S. Capitol. This is the first day of Child Abuse Prevention Month so join us at the US Capitol to educate and help put an end to MGM (male genital mutilation). We will gather in Lafayette Park (across from the White House) and will march down Constitution Avenue to the east center steps of the US Capitol. We can provide each of you with all the information you will need to learn that this act of sexually mutilating our young newborns has to stop. (Week before 4/1) Washington, DC. 321.783.6383 or
Stop Domestic Violence Festival (National), for all survivors of DomesticViolence. South Florida and Ulster County. (7/22-23/00) Sponsored by Angels On Earth Inc. a nonprofit agency. We want to make this year a year that we make a difference with the way victims and abusers are treated and put an end to this Violence once and for all. For more information and to be part of this event please contact us at or
Strengthening the Bond: Progressive Values, Gay Rights & the Faith Community, Robert N Minor, Ph.D., Paul Rogat Loeb. A national skill-building, weekend networking and training conference for progressives from all walks of life who wish to work out of real progressive values to take back the national debate, with plenary and breakout workshops in a variety of crucial areas led by seasoned activists. On Saturday evening finalist entries for a Grassroots Activism Short Film Competition will be showcased with attendees choosing their favorites. Unity on the Plaza; Broadway Church, Kansas City, MO. Fri: 7:30; Sat: 8-4:40; Sun 10am. $89 adv / $99 door. Contact Jamie Rich, 816.531.9062 or or (10/21-23/05)
International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day is the one day a year when people affected by suicide loss gather around the world at events in their local communities to find comfort and gain understanding as they share stories of healing and hope. In 2016, there were over 350 Survivor Day events in 18 countries.
Saturday, November 18 marks an occasion for people affected by suicide loss to gather together for healing and support. The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) will host gatherings in communities around the world to mark the observance. All gatherings will include screenings of The Journey: A Story of Healing and Hope, an AFSP-produced documentary about the suicide loss experience. They will also include screenings of the new follow-up featurette, The Journey Revisited, in which six of the original participants reflect on how their grief and healing journey has evolved three years later. For more information and to find a Survivor Day event near you, click here.
This year, all gatherings will include a screening of The Journey: A Story of Healing and Hope, a compelling AFSP-produced documentary about the suicide loss experience, as well the new follow-up featurette, The Journey Revisited, in which six of the original Journey participants gather three years later to reflect on how their grief and healing journey is evolving. Watch the trailer. Our 2014 and 2015, and 2016 Survivor Day Live programs are available for viewing. (11/18/17)
Take Your Daughter(s) To Work Day. Sponsored by MS magazine, and sponsored by 3 out of 10 corporations in the U.S. and more than 19 million participants in 1999, this is a day to take your daughter to work to experience what you do and to look at options for herself. We support this program and encourage you to participate. There are other options, not alternatives, but options. (4th Thu in April) Read about Daughters and Sons and Kids programs.
Take Your Kids to Work Week (International) Always the week after Father's Day, it's a time to share with your children what you do in the world and what keeps you away from home so much. Leaving the house each day with a brief case or tool box or lunch box isn't enough. (Any day this week Hopefully you do this with your kids more than once a year!)
Turn Beauty Inside Out Campaign. Girls love movies and the movie industry loves girls buying power. Is there anything you can do when your daughter seems blind to the sexism and is swept up in celebrity and media messages? Mind on the Media ( says yes! MOTM sponsors the Turn Beauty Inside Out campaign ( every year to engage thousands of people in this grassroots work. Part of the campaign is the 2005 TBIO Leadership Conference, April 13-15, 2005 Los Angeles, CA, for girls ages 8-16 and their parents/mentors. The conference is open to all girls ages 8-16 and includes a variety of active learning workshops and dialogue with media & entertainment industry professionals. Those in the Los Angeles area can learn more and support MOTM at a House Party Fundraiser, hosted by Jessica Weiner & Audrey Brashich, on Tuesday evening, December 7, 2004 in Los Angeles, CA. For details email (4/13-15/05)
The Twin Cities Men's Center Open House. Special Guest: Co-Host Ross Allan Sveback, the Lifestyle Expert from Channel 9's Morning Show. You will also meet our invaluable frontline volunteers who make the Twin Cities Men's Center a space to learn and grow within the community through support groups, workshops and educational programs. TCMC celebrated its' 40th Anniversary last year, and we have new initiatives underway this year! The Twin Cities Men's Center has been known as the secret jewel in the community and we'd like to share that secret publicly.
We want to learn about what you would like to see and/or help create at TCMC - two-minute surveys will be provided for you to fill out and leave with us. We'll also have a list of areas where we are seeking help. If you have been to the Twin Cities Mens Center in a while, this is a great reason to stop by and see all of the changes!
TCMC is showcasing our success as the only social services agency serving all men for the past 4 decades and into the future, as well as connecting with the larger community.
Check out our revampted web site here. Do you want to RSVP on our Evite? Click HERE. Or contact Chris Durant for more info. 3249 Hennepin Ave S Ste 55. (We are in the lower level of the Uptown Office Park) 612-822-5892, 1:00 - 4:00pm (4/22/17)
Vets Welcome Home: A welcome home with honor. We Invite You to Attend the First Ever. The Vets Journey Home is a unique weekend program created and run by veterans, supportive women and other civilian volunteers. Many New Warrior brothers from around the network will be involved. All of these caring people create a strong and safe space to support veterans in coming homeall the way home! The Vets Journey Home has a number of workshop and ritual processes for helping vets. Key elements of the workshop are:
Be Heard and Understood: When combat zone veterans come home, they have important stories to tell, of adventures and pain, of fear and courage. Often, friends and family dont want to listen or are uncomfortable asking about the war, so closure never happens and the deeper story remains untold; the deep pain remains unprocessed. And the rest of us never get the gift of hearing what they have to share. Its time for veterans stories to be heard. The Vets Journey Home offers a safe place were veterans and civilians want to hear you.
An Honorable Homecoming Returning vets may experience a less than grateful nation. Some civilians will be upset from seeing the ugliness of warfare on television, especially those who strongly disagree with a given war. We live in a culture often divided over warfare and the use of military force. Even our government leaders are divided over supporting our fighting forces. We have seen this division before....The Korean Conflict, The Vietnam War, The Marine Barracks Attack in Lebanon, The Somalian Food Mission, and now Iraqi Freedomall are examples of military engagements that have stirred controversy and divided the country.
When veterans return home from a combat zones, they do not always receive the honor and grateful homecoming they deserve, causing some vets to feel like an unwelcome stranger in their own land. In a way, it's as if these vets never fully return home from the war. Now it's time for all combat zone vets to return home with honor and a feeling of closure. I invite all combat zone veterans to come all the way home and find out that they are not alone. There are many people who care about thempeople who are willing to walk point, be at their side and cover their back.
Weekend Leaders: Gene McMahon: Co-founder, Vets Journey Home; former Bamboo Bridge* Regional Director; Vietnam veteran (US Navy); Member of the Executive Committee for the International ManKind Project, Inc. Jeff Duvall: Co-founder, Vets Journey Home; champion of the first Bamboo Bridge in DC and first DC Bamboo Bridge Regional Director; Vietnam veteran (US Army); former ManKind Project, -(Washington, DC Chapter) Administrative Director. Other Staff: Other trained facilitators and volunteer men and women from the local community and elsewhere will staff the event. Many members on staff are veterans.
Appropriate Candidates All combat zone veterans are urged to attend. Also, military personnel who experienced acts of international terror (bombings, sniper fire, other acts of violence) qualify for this event. Non combat zone veterans who feel they have a compelling need to attend may apply. Veterans in this situation are asked to include an outline of why they want to attend on a separate sheet. This training is offered to men and women veterans. In special cases, firemen, rescue workers and police officers may attend as well.
Who Qualifies as a Combat Zone Vet? A combat zone vet is a member of any branch of the military who served in any capacity while in a combat zone. A combat zone vet does not necessarily mean a combatant or someone with a fighting MOS (i.e. infantry, artillery). In addition, military personnel who may have experienced terrorist bombings, sniper fire, or other acts of violence qualify for this event. Police and firefighters may qualify in some cases. Limited to10 participants. Gaia Healing Center, Mt. Airy, MD (about 1 hour from Washington, DC) 703.521.2829 or or or VJH, 1300 Arlington Ridge Rd. Unit 206, Arlington, VA 22202 (4/29-5/1/05)
The World Behind the World: Living at the Ends of Time, Michael Meade. Mythologist and storyteller Michael Meade will share stories from his latest book The World Behind the World; Living at the Ends of Time at the Watershed School's Boulder Expedition fundraiser. A delicious buffet dinner and carefully selected silent and live auction items will be featured. The event is adults only. Meade, a colleague and collaborator of poet Robert Bly, psychologist James Hillman, and Rumi translator Coleman Barks, will weave mythic tales and commentary to provide clarity in these times of uncertainty. In the end, Meade says, it won\'t be a big idea that saves our planet but a renewed and transformed collective vision of the world and humanity. Meade leads the Mosaic Voices Foundation which seeks to create cross-cultural alliances, mentoring relationships and social connections to help bridge unhealthy divisions in contemporary communities. Starts at 6-10 pm at Rembrandt Yard in downtown Boulder. CO $35. Contact Jill Grano at 303-440-7520 or (5/6/08)
World Men's Day. November 19th is World Mens Day, a day designed to make us more aware of the issues and concerns around mens health. This day was initiated in 1999 following overwhelming response and support from mens groups in the USA, Europe, Africa, Asia and the Caribbean. The objective of World Mens Day is about celebrating manhood and the positive and valuable contributions men and boys make to our society. It also gives us an opportunity to reflect on the still poor state of mens and boys health and wellbeing in Australia. See International Men's Day
* * *
We're all spokes in the wheel, going to the point, getting the ball
rolling. Have you ever seen a wheel with one spoke? It's
not a wheel. You got to come from different directions to get to the
same point. And roll. - Ice Cube
This Calendar lists mens events around the world through the next 12 months and beyond? Are you doing anything in this world involved with a positive change in male roles and relationships? Let people know here. It's all free. Click on Feedback for the appropriate form. Do you have a website or email? Well also hyperlink your event to appropriate websites and emails for free.
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