MI, Oct 2-Nov 6 - Keeping the Love You Find: A Relationship Class for Gay, Lesbian and Straight Singles, Royal Oak
CO - Oct 5-7 - Father's & Son's Retreat, Boulder
Oct 5-7 - New Warrior Training Adventure - North TX, STL, WI, Upstate NY
NC - Oct 5-7, Power, Passion, Purpose & Presence: How to Become an Irresistible Man, Asheville
CA Oct 9-14 - Clearing the Air Between Women & Men, Camp Augusta near Nevada City
MI, Oct 12-14 - Michigan Men's Spirit Camp & Soul Retreat, Clare
Oct 12-14 - New Warrior Training Adventure - AZ, Australia-Sydney, Houston, KY, Memphis, Metro NY
MA, Oct 12-14, Power, Passion, Purpose & Presence: How to Become an Irresistible Man, Lenox
Oct 12-14 - Maine Coast Men's Gathering, Linconville
Oct 19-21 - New Warrior Training Adventure - IN, MKPR France
MI, Oct 19-21 - Getting the Love You Want: For Gay & Lesbian Couples, Royal Oak
Oct 26-28 - New Warrior Training Adventure - Australia-Perth, GA, MN, German Speaking
October is Adopt-a-Shelter Dog; Alternate History; Auto Battery Safety; Campaign for Healthier Babies; Celiac Sprue Awareness; Child Health; Computer Learning; Diversity Awareness; Dryer Vent Safety Awareness; Energy Management is a Family Affair-Improve Your Home; Family History; Family Sexuality Education, Fantasy; Gay and Lesbian History; Health Literacy; International Fired Up; Listen to Your Inner Critic; Lupus Awareness; National AIDS Awareness; National Animal Safety and Protection; *National Breast Cancer Awareness; National Car Care; National Crime Prevention; National Depression Education and Awareness; *National Disability Employment Awareness; *National Domestic Violence Awareness; National Family Health, National Family Sexuality Education; National "Gain the Inside Advantage"; National Home Inspection; National Orthodontic Health; National Pharmacy; National Physical Therapy; National Pizza; National Popcorn Poppin'; National Roller Skating; National Skin Care Awareness; National Spinal Health; National Toilet Tank Repair; Pediatric Cancer Awareness; Rett Syndrome Awareness; Sarcastics Awareness; Substance Abuse Prevention; Talk About Prescriptions; Unmasking Halloween Dangers; Vegetarian Awareness Month.
These dates are from 2006 and may change in 2007: 9/15-10/15: Hispanic Heritage Month. 10/1-7: Mental Illness Awareness; *Minority Enterprise Development; National Health Care Food Oct 8-14: *Fire Prevention; Home Based Business; National Adult Immunization Awareness; *National School Lunch, National Walk to School Week. 10/9-13: Pet Peeve, Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Week. 10/10-16: Wildlife Week. 10/14-20: Ally, Pharmacy Week. 10/15-21: Getting the World to Beat a Path to Your Door; *National Character Counts; Teen Read Week. 10/16-22: National Health Education Week. 10/22-28: National Massage Therapy Awareness, National Save Yur Back Week. 10/23-31: Red Ribbon 10/25-31: Peace, Friendship & Goodwill Week. 10/1: World Vegetarian Day. 10/2: World Habitat Day, 10/3: Techies Day. 10/4: Toot Your Flute Day. 10/8 Global Learn Day; National Children's Day. 10/9: Indigenous Persons Day; *Leif Erikson Day, Yom Kippur, Canadian Thanksgiving Day. 10/11: Coming Out; Teddy Bear to Work Day; 10/12: Oktoberfest. 10/13: Blame Someone Else; Scream, Train Your Brain Day, Friday the 13th. 10/14: Sukkot. Be Bald and Be Free Day. 10/15: National Grouch; *White Cane Safety Day. 10/16: Dictionary; Boss' Day, Intl. Librarians World Food Day. 10/17: Black Poetry, International Eradication of Poverty Day. 10/18: Canadian Persons; Boost your Brain Day. 10/19: Evaluate Your Life Day 10/21: Sweetest Day. 10/22: Mother-In-Law; National Scientific Literacy Day. 10/23: National Mole Day. 10/24: United Nations Day. Black Thursday. 10/25: Cartoonists Against Crime Day. 10/26: Horseless Carriage; Mule, Intersex Awareness Day 10/27: Frankenstein Friday, Navy Day, Ugly Pickup Contest. 10/28: Make a Difference; Wild Foods Day; Day of Meditation. 10/29: Daylight Savings Times Ends. 10/31: Halloween; National Magic; *National Unicef Day. 11/2 is Election Day. Vote Absentee Ballot.
* Means a Presidential Proclamation has been made.
Domestic Violence Prevention Month - See Issues. Also, see books on anger, violence-general, violence-domestic, violence-rape, violence-sexual, women's violence, sexual harassment plus Q&A Slide Guide on Gangs and Safe Dating in Merchandise and Alternatives to Violence programs. - resources for male and female perpetrators and male and female victims. Got some information to add, send it to mailto:violence@menstuff.org
The annual Fulani cattle-crossing ceremony is highlighted by the dramatic fording of the River Niger and its tributaries by thousands of cattle, forced into the fast-flowing water and made to swim. On the far side are the rich grasslands and vast swampy plains of the Niger's interior delta. The young herders live in isolation, separated from their families, through the dry season. They then return with the herds, alive and healthy, to assure the survival of the Fulani. Herders' parents often give their sons gifts of silver finger-rings in appreciation for bringing the cattle home successfully. Mali. Men of the African Ark calendar, Pomegranate
State codes appear to the far left of the first line of each listing. If there is an event in the state this month, a click on the state code will bring up the first one. You will have to scroll down from there to see if there are other events in your state during the month. Using our internal search engine in the left sidebar will bring up everything with the state code, including events and even your state representatives. Click on where it says "Men's Events - (the month). When it brings up the month, click on the state code. If you would like more information about an event, click on the title and it will provide what we have. See Men's Councils and Other Organizations that have regular monthly meetings. All events presumed Men Only unless noted with a W&M. +R&B = + room & meals. +B = + meals.
Calendar lists mens events around the world through the next 12 months and beyond? Are you doing anything in this world involved with a positive change in male roles and relationships? Let people know here. It's all free. Click on Feedback for the appropriate form. Do you have a website or email? Well also hyperlink your event to appropriate websites and emails for free.
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