Menstuff® has compiled the following information on abusive
Abusive Behaviors
Behaviors - some research
Related Issues: Talking With
Kids About Tough Issues, Abuse,
Children, Circumcision,
Gangs, Hazing,
Incest/Molestation, Malstreatment,
Ritual Abuse, Sexual
Abuse, Sexual Harassment,
Violence, Domestic
Violence, Women's Violence and
Books - Abuse -
Boys, Abuse -
Children, Abuse -
MPD, Abuse -
Ritual, Abuse-Sexual,
Violence, Sexual
Violence, Sexual
Harassment, and Women's
Resources Abuse/Recovery,
& Periodicals - on Child, Elder, Emotional,
Religious, and Sexual Abuse and Trauma
Sticker - Make the World Safe for Children
Men who get involved with abusive women are typically those who had abusive childhood home environments. This kind of upbringing tends to normalize abusive behavior in all relationships. What this means is that men from this kind of a background are not as keen to the subtleties of abuse the way healthy men are.
On a positive note, there is a silver lining hereall behavior can be relearned, including the ability to recognize early signs of abuse as unacceptable behaviors in a relationship. Once this is learned, a man will be able to break free from unhealthy relationships with women who are not good for him.
You might review this list to see if you might be in an abusive relationship. This is a list of common abusive behaviors to watch for:
In order to recognize early abusive signs, a man must stop
rationalizing abusive behaviors as normal. If
he sees ONE abusive behavior, regardless of how small, he needs to
remind himself that it IS abuse. Period! With this new skill, he will
soon be dating women who treat him with dignity and respectthe
way all men deserve to be treated.
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